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 Adland Digest Edition #481
  Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Advice, Information, and Useful Tips on Sales, Marketing, and Internet Business

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Internet and Profit Newbies
Site Design and SEO
Network Marketing Publications & Tutorials
Sales and Sales Strategy


Happy Halloween Digest Readers!

Ghouls, ghosts, spooks, spectres, witches, zombies, and all manner of creatures from the night come out and play this weekend.  With Halloween Night just around the corner, I hope you all got Halloween costumes ready and enough candies to satisfy the little tykes that come to your door dressed to scare.  You might find that if you don't, you'll be an unsuspecting lunch for a werewolf or vampire. 

Michael Dela Cruz,

Adland Digest Editor

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Internet and Profit Newbies

If you're new to making money on the internet, get to know the Do's and Don'ts of taking the step into the world of generating income online. 

[Linda Caroll's photo]
Linda Caroll
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Whatever you are, be a good one
Abraham Lincoln [1809-1865]

There's a thread that runs through successful people. If you look at it very closely, you'll see that it's knowledge, belief and determination braided together and wrapped tightly with emotion.

In the late nineties, Pierre's girlfriend complained that she couldn't find Pez collectors online. So, he built a site where collectors could meet to buy and sell their goods. Today, the growth of Pierre's site, at ebay.com, is nothing short of incredible.

In 1998, Ellen Cagnassola decided to put the little glycerin soaps that she and her daughter made online for sale. It allowed her to stay home and be a full time Mom instead of working outside of the house. Today, her products are sold through Marriott Hotels, Johnson and Johnson and are shipped worldwide.

When Ruth got online, she realized that it was a lot of work trying to find ezine owners that accepted articles or advertising. She started making a list. Her Directory of Ezines grew into a huge business that she later sold for a very nice profit.

And Rosalind Gardner, a single professional that hated the bar scene, discovered that online dating sites were confusing. The offerings changed from site to site, so she started writing reviews and overviews of each one. Each review was followed by her affiliate link. Today, she earns hundreds of thousands a year.

And then there's Adam Katz, a dog trainer that wanted to help other dog owners teach their dogs to behave better. He felt the Internet would be a perfect place to reach people no matter where they lived. Today his site is a thriving business that has succeeded beyond most people's dreams.

What these people sell is not the issue. There are people succeeding selling their own products... people succeeding reselling products and yet others selling or reselling services.

And now here is my secret; a very simple secret;
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.
What is essential is invisible to the eye
Antoine de Saint Exupery [1900-1944]

Would you like to see if you're on the right track? Take a piece of paper and divide it into three portions.

In the first section, write "My Interests."
Write down all the things that interest you. Some may be things that are part of your everyday life. Others may be interests that you don't have any experience in yet. Interest is the only criteria here.

In the second section, write "My Skills, Hobbies & Talents."
Write down everything you have experience doing, and your natural talents. This list will be huge. It includes everything you've ever done for a living, as part of your personal life, as a volunteer, as a hobby or that you have a natural talent for. Do you have a flair for making people laugh? Do you have a green thumb? Child care? Book keeping? Don't leave anything out. If you have done it, or can do it, write it down. Ability and experience are the keys here.

In the third section, write "What I Sell"
In this section, write down everything you are currently trying to sell, including affiliate programs you've signed up for. Now look at these choices.

Are the things you're selling totally unrelated to the rest of the sheet? Compare section two and three. Are you trying to sell things that you have no knowledge or experience with?

People buy based on emotion and justify with logic. Touch their heart, and the head will follow. How can you touch anyone's heart, and be the best you can be, when you lack the knowledge and skill needed, and your own heart and head isn't in what you sell?

: )

P.S. If you try this, and suspect that you're selling all the wrong things, post here and maybe I can help you find a simple solution to get you on the right track.

Come see what I do;
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Site Design and Search Engine Optimization

Get nuts and bolts tips on how to plan, build, and optimize your web site for maximum online impact.

[Peter Browne's photo]
Peter Browne

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Today I am going to start the journey on reading stats and what they mean to you.

I am going to start out with some commons terms and then based upon your feedback we will go into some of the other aspescts of how to read and understand your webstats.

Hits: Hits are the number of file requests made on the server. They mean very little to someone evaluating real traffic. This is a number you most likely want to skip right over.

Unique Visitor: This is an actual individual spending time in your site. The number of unique visitors provides you some very valuable information regarding site traffic.

Visitor Session: A visitor session is the actual time a user spends in your site. For instance if you visit google.com and read the news for five minutes, you have just added one "visitor session" to their statistics.

Returning Visitor: This is a unique visitor that has spent time in your site two or more times. A high number of returning visitors is a good sign that your web site is attracting return visits

Search Engine Referrals: This is the number of times users performed searches in the search engines, found your site in the results and clicked through. Tracking this on a regular basis provides you with some good insight as to whether or not the ranking you have in the search engines is working for you. To take this tracking to the next level, it is also important to track your conversion rate.

If your referral rate is high, but your conversion rate is very low, this is a good indicator that while you may have good ranking, you may not have it for the right key words.

Conversion Rate: The conversion rate is the number of people that come to your site and do more than just take your free information. In other words, they "do" something. Depending on your site and its purpose, that could be filling out a sales lead form, it could be making a purchase or simply sending an e-mail.

Referring Site: Any site that provides your site with visitors is a "referring site." Many trade associations and organizations provide links to their members. These may be among your top referring sites. Obviously any directory listings or banner advertisements you place would fall into this category as well. In fact it is fairly simple to track each user from a given banner ad to get an exact measurement of your ROI.

Algorithms: The calculations made by search engine software that determine how a web site is ranked within a search result list. Each search engine will use a different set of algorithms (which are closely guarded secrets) and factors such as a web site's title, body copy, meta-tags and link popularity may be important in achieving a high search engine ranking.

Crawlers: The term used for the tools that search engines automatically send out to find web sites, record them and index them within their databases. Also known as robots (bots) or spiders. Some crawlers (also known as "spiders") will only visit the home page of a web site while others may 'deep crawl' and index many sub-pages, depending on the structure of the site.


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Network Marketing Publications & Tutorials

Network Marketing Electronic Publication and Distribution

[Beverly Armstrong's photo]
Beverly Armstrong

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K.I.S.S. TIPS To Make Money By!

Mark Joyner expressed it perfectly when he asked:

�Have you ever put two bones in front of a dog? What does it do?
Well, if you've done this before you'll know that the dog goes crazy. He sniffs back and forth between the two bones in utter confusion.

If you give a dog one bone what does he do?
He plays with it and then he buries it.
Humans are just like dogs. If you give them too many bones to play with, they won't play with ANY of them. �


If your website presents too many options, too many opportunities, too many places
to click you will lose your prospect!

On the other hand, K.I.S.S. websites are winners:

The object of the site is clear to see. The opening dialogue makes the point clearly
and any succeeding information acts to reinforce that point.

Creating a clear path is what most websites fail to accomplish. In stead they create multiple paths to multiple destinations.

What many people are trying to do is create �something for everyone�, but in doing so they are creating failure! If a surfer cannot identify the purpose of the website and what you want them to understand within a click or two they are GONE!

Simplicity is the King Of Signups!

The more you simplify, the faster the surfer gets your point. The faster your point is made the easier his/her decision is going to be! Make it EASY to join you, buy your product, use your service!


PS Another important MISSING, but very KISSABLE TIP is this:

The only difference between you and the next guy trying to get their attention is your willingness to apply the �Personal Touch�.

Call your new enrollee briefly, and welcome them. Say a few words and invite them to work with you. Explain that emailing information is easier and a more efficient way of handling their questions and concerns and to augment training.

Explain that this way they will have a �written record� to refer to. Then KEEP that personal connection by regular brief phone calls, and encouraging emails etc.

Do you know that I have signed up in TWELVE programs here and there in the community to see what kind of sponsors people were, and NO ONE HAS EVER CALLED ME AFTER A SIGNUP AT THIS COMMUNITY!


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Sales and Sales Strategy

Words To Get You On Your Feet

[Jim Martin's photo]
Jim Martin

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LESSON #7 - Triggers That May Cause Email Filters To Delete
Your Email

"Print This Page - Makes For Easier Reading"

Hi Friends,


Even though you may have the perfect marketing plan, along
with the perfect email sales letter, you still have to
overcome the obstacle of the dreaded spam filters. Spam
filters are automatic and unrelenting, and what they do is
irreversible. When your message is snatched up before it
reaches your prospect's inbox, it's gone for good.

What an unfortunate fate for of all that beautiful sales
copy! To keep from having your messages go down the drain,
you need to know the words, phrases, and characters that
will cause your email to be treated like it has The
Plague -- isolated and left to die alone.

In today's "Sales Strategies that EMPOWER Your Success,"
lesson you're going to learn certain words and numeric
characters that activate spam filters. If your email or
subject line contains these "hot button" words, it's
good-bye consumer and hello trash bin.

Trigger Words & Characters That May Cause Email Filters To
Delete Your Email -or- How To Avoid Shooting Yourself in the
Foot on the Internet

Foolish, short-sighted marketers have created a "crisis" in
email in much the same way unscrupulous telemarketers gave
THAT business a bad name. (There's nothing wrong with
telemarketing, per se, just with shady telemarketers and the
ones who interrupt dinner!)

By sending millions upon millions of unsolicited messages,
"bulk marketers" have turned consumers into enemies and
their email boxes into barricaded fortresses with fortified
perimeters. Utter the wrong word -- one of the "dreaded"
TRIGGER WORDS that email filters know and hate -- and
you're wasting your time.

Your message will be deleted instantly and your carefully
crafted offer -- with all those brilliant headlines and
benefits, the terrific bonuses, the zero-risk guarantee, and
the irresistible post-script...none of it will ever be read!
What a waste.


The U.S. Congress has even gotten in on the act (pardon the
pun) of trying to cut down on the garbage truckloads of
unsolicited email that's flying through cyberspace.

In 2003, the CAN SPAM Act became official, with laws that
supersede state spam laws and fairly clearly spell out what
is and is not acceptable and required when it comes to
sending email.

So how can you ensure that your emails make "safe harbour" in
a cold, cruel, and unwelcoming cyber-world? Good question.

The best way to help your message reach the eyes that you
want to see them is to familiarize yourself with the TRIGGER
WORDS AND CHARACTERS that activate filters and get your
message a one-way ticket to the trash. Get to know them and
then never use them.

Here's the trick: JUNK AND ADULT CONTENT FILTERS work by
looking for specific KEYWORDS, key phrases, and key
characters (like the dollar symbol, for example). Filters
check the To and From addresses for these keywords. Then
they go hunting for those words in the subject line and the
body of the message, or in a combination of the two to see
what's being used and over-used.


"Over-used" is an important part of the trigger word
equation. A single use of the word "fr ee" (as an example),
probably won't "raise an eyebrow" on a common filter. But
use the word a dozen times and it's "Goodbye Charlie."

=> THE "Z" LIST (as opposed to the "A" list)

Here is a list of common "trigger" words and
combinations that when used - or overused - activate spam
filters. Use this information to wrap your messages in a
protective "force field" that even the most powerful filters
will pass right over.

Triggers That May Cause Email Filters To Delete Your Email Sales letter:

- First 8 characters of the From address are digits
- Subject contains "advertisement" or "adv"
- Body contains "money back"
- Body contains "cards accepted"
- Body contains "spam removal instructions"
- Body contains "extra income"
- Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "$"
- Subject contains "!" AND Subject contains "free"
- Body contains ",000" AND Body contains "!!" AND Body contains "$"
- Body contains "Dear friend"
- Body contains "for free?"
- Body contains "for free!"
- Body contains "Guarantee" AND Body contains "satisfaction" OR "absolute"
- Body contains "more info" AND Body contains "visit " AND Body contains "$"
- Body contains "SPECIAL PROMOTION"
- Body contains "one-time mail"
- Subject contains "$$"
- Body contains "$$$"
- Body contains "order today"
- Body contains "order now!"
- Body contains "money-back guarantee"
- Body contains "100% satisfied"
- To address contains "friend@"
- To address contains "public@"
- To address contains "success@"
- From address contains "sales@"
- From address contains "success."
- From address contains "success@"
- From address contains "mail@"
- From address contains "@public"
- From address contains "@savvy"
- From address contains "profits@"
- From address contains "hello@"
- Body address contains " mlm"
- Body address contains "@mlm"
- Body address contains "///////////////"
- Body contains "check or money order"
- Body contains "click here" or "click below" (try using "visit here" instead)


It`s going to take a little more creativity on your part to
write emails that won't be deleted by filters. You'll need
to replace trigger words with equally effective non-trigger
words. But don't worry -- that's why the Thesaurus was

Today, you've learned how to protect your messages from
being deleted by spam filters. Next time, we're going to
talk about how to make sure your messages are hitting the
right target audience to ensure a "bull's-eye" for selling.

Jim Martin

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