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  Monday, August 27, 2007

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The Top 10 Ways to Market Any Business to Thousands by Leading Teleclasses
Copyright 2007 by Bea Fields

As business owners, we all know that the key to fantastic sales is to let your customers have a personal experience of you. The difficulty, of course is that to give every customer that experience personally requires a tremendous time commitment of ourselves and our staff. So what do we do?

One solution is to leverage our time by doing the "wooing" once and then let that effort live on forever in a virtual format. It is about creating multiple products, programs, or streams of income from the core of our business that can sell and propagate without our direct intervention!

But how do we do that?

By using the up and coming medium of teleclasses!

By leading teleclasses (classes by telephone) you can leverage your classes in a way which will increase your productivity and the profitability of your business while becoming highly visible in your field or profession. You can become the expert in your field -- the "go to" person! This article will provide you with ten ways to leverage your teleclasses for maximum visibility and for driving thousands of customers to your door.

If you would like to know more about what a telelcass is and how it can support your business, download this audio What is a Teleclass? (http://www.blipstudios.com/bea/teleclass_audio/teleclass_streaming.rm)

(1) Create audio recordings of your teleclasses.

Using a digital recording device such as the DM-1 Recorder by Olympus or a recording service such as Maklitel.com, you can capture your teleclasses on audio, which can be leveraged in multiple ways. This recording can be used as:

  • A free download on your website (people love added value and a way to get to know you when they visit your site)
  • A fee-based download (The going rate for a one hour download is approximately $19.00)
  • A recording transferred to a CD and used as a business card (people love to have great content to listen to as they drive or walk)

(2) Combine several teleclasses, including recordings and written content, and create an online digital library.

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An online digital library is a wonderful way to allow people the opportunity to buy a lifetime, annual, or month to month membership to your teleclass programs. Many people are unable to attend the teleclasses due to time constraints, so an online library will allow people the ability to experience your teleclasses in a self-study format. I recommend that you develop 20 solid teleclasses, record each teleclass, and combine the recordings with written content converted to PDF form, before opening your library. From here you will want to continue adding new content to the library each month to keep people interested and jazzed enough about what you are offering that they re-subscribe from year to year or month to month.

(3) Turn your teleclasses into an article(s) for online and hard copy publications.

Teleclasses are a wonderful opportunity to build written content which you can share with your target audience in the form of an article or press release. By writing articles, you can take the content from your teleclasses and put it into a format which positions you as an expert in the media. This article you are reading is taken from a telelcass by the title of Leveraging Your Teleclasses for Long-Term Sustainability, and I am submitting this in multiple locations on the internet and to several hard copy magazines. The great thing about article writing is that your written word is then disseminated to thousands of people around the globe who are in the market for the products and services you are offering.

(4) Take the content from your teleclass, and develop a 7-10 week e-course.

Marketing studies show that it takes 7-10 touches with a client before he or she will buy from you. By writing a 7-10 week e-course (a weekly lesson delivered by e-mail) you can drop valuable tips which are related to your teleclasses into the inboxes of your target market. Make sure to include information on your upcoming teleclasses in your e-course, and create an active link in the course so that folks know how they can purchase a product or a program from you in the future.

(5) Develop and sell assessments based on the content from your teleclasses.

People LOVE assessments, because they provide valuable insight into their needs, wants, strengths and shortcomings. A well-designed assessment can give you an instant connection to your target market and can position you as an expert in the marketplace. I highly recommend Assessment Generator for a professional looking template that is user friendly and very attractive. To learn more, take the assessment Are You Ready to Lead Teleclasses by visiting this link: Are You Born to Lead Teleclassses? (http://www.fivestarleader.com/AreYouBornToLeadTeleclasses.htm)

(6) Use a teleclass as the basis of a workshop.

A well written teleclass can provide a great outline for a workshop, and with very little effort, you will have a live presentation you can market to your target audience. You can customize the teleclass to integrate the language and address the needs of your audience. The core of your teleclass will not change…just the way it is packaged.

(7) Use your teleclasses as a basis for a radio or television interview.

Many radio and television talk show hosts are always on the lookout for guest experts for their shows who can provide them with valuable content for their listening audience. A great way to proceed is to transfer your teleclass to a CD and send this to as many radio and television talk show hosts as possible.

(8) Create a strategic alliance/fusion marketing alliance.

The strategic alliance is one of the most economically feasible and effective ways to reach your target audience and to make a big impact with your teleclasses. By forming a strategic alliance with businesses who are working with your target audience, you will be able to disseminate your teleclasses to a wider audience at a much lower cost. This approach will increase your visibility and will make you appear stronger to your market. An example might be:

You align yourself with a group of attorneys who provide legal services to your target market. You ask them to give your teleclass information to others, and in return, you send them business when a client needs legal services. It is that simple.

(9) Use your teleclasses to create a voice mail "Tip of the Day".

Make the most of voice mail and answering machines by posting a message that says "WOW!" Take the information from your teleclasses, turn the content into quick tips, and add a "tip of the day" on your message tape. This approach can prove to be highly entertaining and educational to callers, as well as a credibility and rapport builder for you. Tie this message back into your teleclasses as a way to generate interest by announcing upcoming calls or offerings on your website.

(10) Combine your teleclasses with those of your clients, colleagues, and prospects.

Combined programs are usually much more robust and interesting than programs offered by a single individual. By collaborating with your clients, colleagues, and prospects, you have the opportunity to strengthen relationships with others and create something incredible that you can leverage later.

This article was co-authored by Bea Fields and Roger DeWitt, who can both be contacted through TeleclassLeader.com

About The Author

Bea Fields - http://www.fivestarleader.com

Bea Fields is an Executive Coach and the President of Five Star Leader Coaching and Training. She is a Consultant, Trainer, Public Speaker and author of the Five Star Leader e-course. Along with Mitch Meyerson, Founder of Guerrilla Marketing Coach, she is the co-leader of the Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification program (http://www.gmarketingcoach.com/coach_training.htm). She is the co-author of the Marathon Marketing E-Course for Coaches and Business Owners. For more information on the Marathon Marketing Course, visit: The 90 Day Marketing Marathon (http://90daymarketingmarathon.com/).


Attracting Good Affiliates
Copyright 2007 by Jerry Lunsford

Good affiliates can be hard to get. There could be any number of reasons for this, but I am going to focus on what I believe is the one major problem that prevents someone from attracting good affiliates. But first lets look at what the make up of a good affiliate may be. A good affiliate is:

  • Hard Working
  • Persistent
  • Motivated to work their business
  • Does not need constant reassurance
  • Makes and implements goals
  • Overcomes obstacles
  • Recognizes and takes good advice
  • And Never, Never, Never quits!

The question some may ask is, "Where are these people at?" I'll tell you. Most of these people are already successful with their own affiliate program. And they are successful for the very reasons listed above. Also, they did not fall prey to the very problem that many searching for good affiliates are causing themselves. And that is advertising hype. They overlooked that and went into the marketing program with a desire to succeed, understanding that it is going to require work and time to be successful. Unfortunately though many are for the first time looking for a home business and don't know what internet marketing is all about. They are vulnerable to all the hype infested ads out there.

Now. If a person signs up for an affiliate program with none of the traits listed above for a good affiliate can they indeed be a good affiliate? Yes! But it will be an uphill battle helping them to develop some of the above traits. Even though it would be hard it is still worth it to work with them in hopes they will become the perfect affiliate. Who knows. They may become your best affiliate yet! But I want to focus on getting the good affiliates from the start. Why?

My logic is this. I would rather have one good affiliate that is a real go-getter then ten thousand that do nothing or very little at all. That way you have more time to focus on your own business then spending alot of time babysitting someone who will probably eventually give up. The best route to go is to get affiliates who are already conditioned. Well just how do we do that? There is only one way to do that and that is how your opportunity is presented to prospects.

Most all advertising someone does is loaded with hype. Whether it is their search engine description, classified ads, or email. This is what prevents marketers from getting good affiliates. If possible you must remove all the hype from your advertising and sales letter. Now I know that some of us work an affiliate program owned by someone else. And you may be required to use the advertising and sales letter that they give you. But if possible use the ones that have the least amount of hype. What do I mean by hype!

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Hype is where you describe something to the greatest, allowable, extreme possibility. Such as but not limited to the following:

  • Make a MILLI$N D$LLARS every time you breathe by just posting a website!!!!!
  • Earn $15,000 a day by reading emails!!!
  • Buy my ebook, "125,000 Ways To Get Rich Marketing Salt!"

Now I know these are exaggerations but the point is that while on paper you may be able to prove your claims, most do see these types of ads as exaggerations of the truth. Besides that these ads will not get you those good affiliates your are seeking. What these type of ads will get you are:

  • Curiosity seekers
  • Gullible People
  • Get Rich Quick Hopefuls

If you portray your business as a get rich quick scheme, then that is what you will get. People looking to get rich quick. Not exactly my idea of a good affiliate. Why? Because each person who fits into any of the above groups has their own reason for signing up none of which is to run a business. Most individuals like this sign up and do little if anything. When they realize that they're not going to get a free lunch most will opt out in a day or two. Those who remain will just ignore your emails. By the way. How would you like to go to a job interview and be told you will make $20.00 an hour. You work for 2 weeks only to find out that you have to work for the company 10 years before receiving that amount per hour. You would probably walk out the door feeling you were deceived. That is exactly what happens to people who answer ads loaded with hype. They feel as though they were deceived.

Not only that but it can be costly to run an ad campaign that uses hype. Think of Pay Per Click campaigns. Your are spending money on the clicks of those who are not interested in running a business. I would rather get one hit to my website a day from someone who will do what it takes to succeed then a million hits from people who want to get rich by the end of the day.

Rather have an ad campaign that focuses on what the average person can expect. Most people are in this category. An average person. So target your advertising as if everyone who reads it already understands the ins and outs of internet marketing. Portray your opportunity as one that will take years to reach it's full potential. Be honest and up front. Then you will get people signing up who are ready to build a business up over time. Remember. Get Rid Of The Hype. If the average person won't make $15,000 dollars a month then don't say they will. If the average person will probably make $1,000 a month then say that. What's wrong with making a $1,000 more a month then they had before. If you have been able to quit your job because of your affiliate program, prove it. If you can't offer up some type of proof, (copies of checks, real testimonials, etc...) then just keep it to yourself.

The point being made is this. Most people are already aware of the saying, "If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is." There are exceptions to this rule but for the most part it is a true statement. Now if you follow the advice given above you will probably see a significant drop in your website traffic. And also a drop in the amount of affiliates you are getting. But like I and so many others say. "It's not the quantity of the affiliates you are getting but the quality of the affiliates you get.

Leave the hype to those who want to brag about the amount of website traffic and affiliate sign ups they are getting. I'll take a big fat check over hype any time.

About The Author

Article by Jerry Lunsford. Go to my website http://www.quityourcrummyjob.com to find this and other articles to help with your success as an affiliate, and with the success of those affiliates under you. Use these articles on your website, ezine, or wherever they can be helpful. Copyright (c) 2004


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