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Adland Digest  #891 Mar 16, 2013 | View online
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Blog Training : Make An Income With A Simple Blog :
Get Traffic If you have a desire to earn an income online than we can show you how to earn an income online using a simple blog. If you can turn on your computer or send an email than you can do this. Need Traffic? We can help you today!!

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What's New at AdlandproAdlandpro Facebook likes are going up

  • On Facebook our page is becoming popular and the likes to the page has been showing a steady increase..let keep it going. Click on the image to the right to visit our page and like it.


  • There have been some very good forums being created by the membership, which to be honest has amazed me. The people creating these forums have been putting up quality content that is both interesting as well as fun. To list every single one of them here,would make this post very lengthy, so I have decided to list 3 of the forums today and will introduce new ones every week.

    Samiplus Express  by Sam Sunday

    GREAT ART OF THE WORLD  by Luis Miguel Goitizolo

    It’s a Musical World by Michael Caron


  • The Adlandpro Credit builder is now in action. To remind you, it is a new function of the Adlandpro social community and was created to help all members earn “credits” with the end goal of being rewarded at the end of the month, just by doing what they do everyday, coming to the community, sharing quality topics, having good conversations and other tasks that we all do when visiting any social network. These below is current ranking for month of March. You can see it live here http://community.adlandpro.com/CreditReport.aspx

Luis Miguel Goitizolo
Bogdan Fiedur
Diane Bjorling

Alain Deguire
Branka Babic
Mark Dewey

How can one earn credits and why should anyone do this?  Listed below are the many ways you can earn credits and the reason is simple for fun, to win prizes and to help people learn how to use social networking so that fun habits will become life time habits!

One time credits

- having profile picture (one time) 50 points
- having location (one time) 50 points
- having about me (one time) 50 points
- full name entered (one time) 50 points
- interests picked (one time) 50 points
- subscribed to digest (one time) 50 points

Action credits

- logging once a day 20 points
- accepting friends 10 points
- accepting invitation to event 10 points
- being followed by someone 10 points
- joining forum 10 points
- joining group 10 points
- getting likes 10 points
- getting referrals 10 points
- getting replies to your thread 10 points
- reading personal message 10 points

This week at Adlandpro community and blogs


» Adlandpro Website Success Course Part 4 Website Design

Beautiful rays of sun coming through trees Photo by Bogdan FiedurAre you ready for Part 4 ?

This is where we will show you:

A) What design software is available.
B) The 3 most important rules for website design.
C) Other design considerations.



» E-Business Success Blueprint Workshop - Part 3- Your business ideas

If you had properly done assignment from previous lesson you had the chance to find out some new things about yourself of which you will take advantage from now on.


» Social Networking the Kris Kringle Way

Social Networking the Kris Kringle WaySome people might be wondering at the title of this post “social networking the kris Kringle way” lol and I have to admit that I had thoughts on whether I should use a Christmas analogy on this piece ( its not Christmas), but the more I thought about it the more it made perfect sense as that is really what it is all about..giving, sharing and helping people solve problems.


» Who is Your Target Audience?

Who is Your Target Audience?I have noticed that whether it is social media, AdlandPro or other places where people  are marketing online, many people are having difficulty understanding their target audience and so they cast a wide net, hoping against hope they can catch that next lead or sale.



» Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?

Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?I’m tweeting but I’m dead! is a new form of creating a digital legacy that I read about this morning that had me going huh? An Ad agency in London is working to create a way for people to tweet after they have died and my first thought was this was an April fools joke ( but it cant be) or that I had entered the world of science fiction!



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