Did you know this about Adlandpro affiliate program?


Adland Digest  #902 Jun 26, 2013 | View online
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What's New at Adlandpro

  • James Gandolfini the actor who played TV’s iconic mob kingpin Tony Soprano has passed away via Branka Babic

  • Have you ever wondered why self talk is crucial? via Lawrence Bergfeld

  • Let’s Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social has so many great topics and I agree..lets be social via Jim Allen

  • Get involved with the Blogging club via Lesly Federici

  • Taking care of your health means everything from healthy living to healthy recipes via Luella May

  • Have you ever wanted to know how to add a blog button? via Lisa Simpkins (G+ Adlandpro Community)

  • Have you found a simple and rewarding way to keep answers and information in front of people who are seeing solutions to their problems? via Chuck Bartok

  • Laughter is the Best Medicine! via Hafiz


  • You Matter – You Are A Genius and The World Needs Your Contributions
    Richard Mathiason

  • I invite you to read this good friend’s forum Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life and make him your friend

  • Over on Google Plus we now have two different things going one, one of them is the business page and also the official Adlandpro community. Some of you have been wondering why would we doing this especially as we are doing so much on the wall and site itself. The answer really is simple – the more we are seen everywhere, the more people will be interested in who Adlandpro is and what we do, both as a viable community and also to show off the classified section of this business. On the business page you will see different ads from real people, with real products. We are a free classified site that is in the business of giving value to people and on the business page, showing off the different products is a wonderful way to showcase what people are doing and it will bring traffic back to the site. Maybe after reading this Friday review, head over to this page/community, like and share with your friends and neighbors. Lets show the world that Adlandpro is an awesome place to be!!

  • Click here to join the Adlandpro G+ community and join in the conversations.

  • Sam is back with a new SAMIPLUS FUN QUIZ 12 (Image Identity). I have to admit that the only down side to doing this Adllandpro Friday review is that he always lets everyone know who the mystery person is on the day that I publish this post lol….oh well head over and find out who it was this week !


  • This month credit contest winner is clearly visible

    The cash prize is $200
    Read here about the contest

    Next month we will have 3 top prizes. To be announced.

    Do you know about the credit builder? There are attractive tangible items like tablets, camcorders in addition to Traffic Exchange credits, Impression credits and direct contact credits. Check it out here for more details.


This week at Adlandpro community and blogs

» Hosting - Site Design Part 4

Once you have designed your website, you need a quality web host. This can be your ISP or a specialized web presence provider. Here are some things to consider when choosing an ISP.

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» Your sales letter

By now, you have a website with a script that captures the email addresses of your subscribers or you just used http://www.surveymonkey.com to analyze your market.

In any instance, you have collected some contacts and determined if there is a need for your products.

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» Headline and powerful testimonial

According to study by Nielsen/NetRatings, a well-written headline can produce a 1,900% increase in your income. Therefore, the most crucial part of your sales page is the heading. This is because you only have several seconds to grab the attention of visitors to your site. A Headline should stress the biggest benefit of your product or service, possibly not found anywhere else. Your headline should create curiosity to compel one to keep reading information on your site (sales letter).

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Adlandpro Affiliate Program – Lesson 6

The most powerful revenue stream that you can create provides you with recurring income, month after month.

AdlandPro Gold Membership is all about giving you the tools and resaleable services (along with a powerful advertising medium) to generate an expandable monthly income that grows
with your skills and the resources you develop.

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» Advertising Quotes – David Ogilvy

Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?When you think of a person who defines what advertising is who would it be? Some people think of Seth Godin as the defining force of advertising, but actually it is David Ogilvy. Some awesome quotes and a short story to share with you this Thursday.

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» Traffic Exchanges – Do They Work Any More?

Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?

There are two useful methods for getting traffic to your site that will likely never die, though they’ve been evolving steadily. One is traffic exchanges and the other is…

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» Social Media Etiquette: how to connect with people

Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?

How are you connecting with people on Adlandpro or other social networks? Are you using good social media etiquette?

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» Traffic exchanges and Affiliate marketing

Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?
Many people feel that traffic exchanges are a waste of time, but I feel that people need to understand the nature of traffic exchanges to make them work for you.

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» Ask for the Referral!

Who is Your Target Audience?
How do you multiply your sales and make your success rate go WAY up? Always ask for the referral!

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» Does Affiliate marketing work?

Some people may say that affiliate marketing is dead, but I say affiliate marketing is alive and well, we just need to learn from our mistakes.

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» The Concept of Referral Traffic

Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?Understanding the concept behind referral traffic


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» How to Get Referral Traffic

Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?
Lets talk about referral traffic and tips on how to get this valuable traffic to your site.


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» Digging in the Dirt of Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Tweeting after death – A New Digital Legacy?
So many people wonder just how much effort they should expect to put in before they begin to see success from their affiliate marketing strategies. My answer is, “Just enough.” Just enough, that is, to make the first sale. Then just enough more to make the next sale. Then just enough more to begin to make some real money. Then just enough more to hit their income goals. If you keep on doing just what it takes, it will be just enough to get you to the next level. That’s all you have to do.
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» My social media tip about Marketing and Branding

A short and sweet social media tip about marketing and branding

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» Social media tool JustRetweet

As this cartoon with show you being the horse is much better than being the pink panther! When it comes to social media tool, the JustRetweet tool will help you share your content and create more traffic to your site.

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»  Knowing Your Market

You need to know your market. If you don’t, it’s like trying to pour water through a funnel backwards. Some of it MIGHT hit the target, but most will miss, and all you’ll have is a frustrating mess.


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If you want to drill down into some alternative thinking ideas, check my personal blog here, which I've started several months ago. To give you an idea about the topics, here are couple of recent articles.

 The Human Energy Field - Part 1

 Does this three year old know something we don't?

Placebo - unrealized human potential


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