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Adland Digest  #930 Jul 13, 2014 | View online
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Is your website making any money? If not here is how to change it.-->>>Click here

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A Gallery of Nostalgic
Big news! I've started an online jewelry boutique called A Gallery of Nostalgic. Each week you'll see my hand selected collection of fabulous, hard to find, styles at up to 60% off. For exclusive access, click below. Happy shopping!

Click here.


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Friday News from Adlandpro

The Friday News is full entertaining and business news with the unique view from Adlandpro members




Niche Selection: How to find the best niche for you?
Read more at http://blogs.adlandpro.com/#4fLRJSpFDU4zz29H.99

What is content marketing?

Niche selection is the basic starting point of starting a business online. How many times have you heard an entrepreneur complain they have “too many opportunities!” or “which industry should I tackle?
Read more at http://blogs.adlandpro.com/#4fLRJSpFDU4zz29H.99

What is content marketing & what does it mean for you when it comes to any form of online marketing? Maybe this explanation will give you food for thought.





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Have you seen system that can turn $18 into half million?
You got to check this out... Amazing!!Have everybody you know watch this!!Level6Club.com (place in browser)Then Sign Up ASAP and Share this with at least 5-10 friends that NEEDS MORE MONEY WEEKLY!! SIGN UP AT WEBSITE

Click here.

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Success Isn’t Everything

Achieving your goal is great, but you can’t hold onto that moment when you finally reach your goal. If you want to really enjoy your life, you need to enjoy the time in between setting a goal and reaching it.



Niche Selection: How to find the best niche for you?
Read more at http://blogs.adlandpro.com/#4fLRJSpFDU4zz29H.99

Three Email Tracking Services for Marketers

Niche selection is the basic starting point of starting a business online. How many times have you heard an entrepreneur complain they have “too many opportunities!” or “which industry should I tackle?
Read more at http://blogs.adlandpro.com/#4fLRJSpFDU4zz29H.99

Email tracking has been around for a long time, but there are a lot of people who might be new to email tracking and what it is about. Here are three such services with a fourth thrown in for good measure




Friday News|Sharing Adlandpro

read all about it…..our weekly edition of the Friday News from Adlandpro


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Make $1000 Per Day From the Comfort of Your Home
Most people are really bad at sales. What if I told you that there's a way for you to make $1000 per day online even though you might be bad at sales? It's being done every day by people like you an me....Start making $1000 per day by clicking the link.

Click here.


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QZZR and the marketing Quiz

Check out this marketing quiz done on the new tool Qzzr. Creating quizzes are a great way to educate and find out what people are interested in


Guaranteed Signups

Over the years, people have asked me about guaranteed signups. Here are some of the questions and my short answers, followed by perhaps some eye-opening information..