A Free subscribed Discussion List
                               of 7048 subscribers
                      on web marketing and promotion
                 supported by Adland World's Classifieds
                         Bogdan Fiedur,  Publisher
                          Vol. 1, #100,  May 27, 1999


=======================A D L A N D    T I P==========================

                N E W     A D L A N D     A S S O C I A T I O N


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Topics in this issue:

         Sponsor Message
         Word from Publisher

C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n s (5)

1.) Online Marketing Techniques and FFA links
     ~ Doug Williams
     ~ Predator
     ~ Fiona Heares
     ~ Robert Knechtel
     ~ Amber Jalink

Sponsor Message

N e w     P o s t s   (0)

Site Review Responses (1)
1.) Peter G. Browne

Site Review Requests (0)

Joke of the Day

[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_  S p o n s o r   M e s s a g e[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[

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[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_Please Support Our Sponsor[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[

=========================== Word from publisher ========================

Greetings All

Welcome  (35)  new subscribers who joined list since last mailing.
It seems like we hit controversial issue regarding FFA and
postings in classifieds sites. Today's issue concentrates
mostly on that. We will continue with other topics once this is
a bit down.


==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (1.1)=============

From: Doug Williams <>
Subject: Online Marketing Techniques and FFA links

Steve Angove wrote:
>Second, please don't waste your time with FFA pages.<

Hi Bogdan,

I've been trying to ignore this thread, but enough is enough.

Most of the negative drivel about FFA sites and Classified Sites 'not
working' is pure poppy-cock.  Grant you, some perform poorly, but as a rule,
failure of performance is often the individual person's lack of skill using
these tools.  These are sensitive and precision tools that must be used
properly. How your Headline reads, what is the offer, etc.
Offering something no one wants is a guaranteed way for no results.

Let me give Adland Digest Subscribers some personal background and an
outline of who SHOULD be using Proper FFA submissions and Classified sites.

* In the last 90 days I have personally sponsored 1100+ front line people in
about 10 programs.

* In the last 15 months, I've been able to develop a TEAM that now has over
40,000 downline in these same programs.

* I offer a FREE Marketing Course, " Mastering the Art of Duplication!" that
runs for 30 Days, Monday to Friday.  It heavily delves into the proper use
of FFA and Classified submissions.
Anyone may join FREE. Our next course starts on Monday, June 7th, 99.  To
subscribe directly, send a blank email to;
Tell your friends and business partners to SUBSCRIBE HERE;

* I've developed a FREE URL Promotion Center that offers many useful links
to FFA submissions and Classified sites and also includes major Search
Engine submission links
At the moment there are well over 20,000 links you can submit to for FREE.
I'm in the process of moving these pages from one site to another, so don't
allow the URL addresses to throw you off.

* My main FFA submission site is free, but I use their one year Partner
Plan. AutoLink Pro places 10 URLs - 3 times a week, and I manually submit
another 10 PER DAY to their auto submission option. Try our FREE Trial

* Three of the sites that are submitted regularly to this FFA service are;

* Now the results of FFA submissions on these 3 URL addresses can be found
by visiting the Adlands Stats site at:
These are two URLs where you can see Adland Affiliate ranked by their
overall credits, Click on the these links for stats corresponding to this
Overall ranking for my 3 sites is # 5,  #25,  #77 respectively.
and affiliate ranked by their credits for current month.
So far for the month of May, my 3 sites rank at #4, #12, and #41,
In addition to these results, over a dozen of the top 90 Adlands Affiliate
sites are people in my downline and many of those have/are taking the FREE
Marketing Course, "Mastering the Art of Duplication!"

YES! Proper use of FFA and Classified sites ARE PRODUCTIVE!

* WHAT IS PROPER USE of FFA & Classifieds?

To start with you need to take a chapter the Big Online organizations have
Yahoo, Netscape, Microsoft, just to name a few, have all started to
advertise FREEBIES at their sites.
WHY? Because it works!

No matter what you really want people to buy at your site, you must get them
there.  Omitting the sex related search words, one of the top words
submitted to search engines is the word FREE. 

The Cyber Frontier is just that, a FRONTIER!  People are being bombarded by
press, television, consumer groups and even most of the top Online Ezines,
to be wary of purchasing Online.  This is also complicated by the economics
of companies spending millions on promotions, do you think they like you
earning online with little or no investment?

* WHO looks through an FFA page?

I only know of one person for sure, ME!  When did I pick up this habit?
When I was a NEWBIE!  NEWBIES love FFA and Classified sites, they love the
ease of use and all the great places to link to with one click.

Both FFA's and Classifieds are a lot like the print in newspapers and
magazines.  Statistics show most people need to see your ad 6 - 8 times
before they click on it.  AND they will only notice it when you've taken the
time to cover two critical points:
1) Find out what the majority want and supply it to them - FREE!
2) Write your header/oneliner to Catch the surfer's attention, would it
REALLY stop you if you were scanning the titles?  Odds are very good if in
all honesty, your own titles don't excite or perk your interest, why should
the catch anyone else's attention.

* 90% of the people coming online are pushing their budgets to pay for their
computer and ISP service.  They are not really motivated to spend money
because you think they should.  Sometimes they don't even spend money when
they, themselves, think that they should.

To earn income from working online, you MUST;
- Get the Surfer to your site,
- Offer something to keep them coming back,
- Followup to develop trust and credibility.
- This adds up to a "Comfort Zone"

* One last thing that will help you achieve top results for your efforts is
to KNOW when the Internet Traffic Flow is running at it's peak performance.
Know what it is you are offering and promote in these time frames.  YES, FFA
listings on the best sites will only last for a few hours, so post your ads
on the BEST HOURS!

Subscribe to The Andover Update
Worth visiting and subscribing.

Now I strongly recommend you subscribe from a web Based Email address, I
receive mine at, that way it arrives as a HTML web page.

It arrives every week day and part way down the page is a graph showing Web
Traffic for the last 24 hours and a separate chart showing the last 7 days.
Since the chart is loaded from Andover, you can revisit this chat several
times through out the day and the chart is accurate to the time of each
visit.  It Definitely shows the best times to place FFA ads.

There are always news headlines, free fonts, free cartoons, free gifs, free
downloads, and lots of other FREE, ( did you catch that? FREE ), things of
interest in the 'Andover News'. Subscribe - TODAY!

** Here's the best TIP this WEEK!

Online success comes much faster and easier if you;
"Listen to the people telling you it can be done, instead of listening to
people trying to convince you it can't happen."

Thanx for allowing me to bend your ear.

See you in CyberSpace,

Doug Williams


[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_  S p o n s o r   M e s s a g e[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[

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[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_Please Support Our Sponsor[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (1.2)=============
From: "Predator" <>
Subject: Online Marketing Techniques and FFA links


In issue #100, Bryan Marsden wrote:

"Click-thru - Hits2U networks, OK if you go on the surfing rounds and build
up credits your site meter goes up, but to what value, many of the visitors
just come to the site click the icon and go, quite often they would not even be
able to recant what was on the page ten seconds after they left, because they
didn't look at anything but the icon they had to click on to get to the next site.

Banner Exchange another waste, banner exchange only builds traffic for your
site after you have been out and brought in your traffic from somewhere else,
only then do you start to get your banner promoted."

I agree with what Bryan is sayin here, by themselves they may be of little
value, but if we put them together we increase their effectiveness.

Simply put, by earnin the click-thru credits, we get more people coming to
our site which in turn increases our more targeted banner impressions.

We may not get the response on the Click-thrus', but we will get more
exposure of our banners.

Also by placin the Click-thru icon at the bottom of the page, the person
has to scroll down the page to get to it. Now if there's somethin on yer
page that gets their attention on the way down, like a low res. graphic
that kinda stands out from the rest of the page with a catchy headline, you
might stand a better chance of catchin that visitors attention as well.

That's how I use these two freebies on my site.

Live Long and Prosper!

Learn to Earn - Futures MegaMoneyMakingMethod for the Cash Short!
FREE Daily E-mail Trades Trial. FREE Market Predator Online Newsletter.

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (3.1)=============
From: Fiona Heares <>
Subject: Online Marketing Techniques and FFA links

Dear Bogdan,
may I put my 2 cents worth in here re the paid classified advertising.
We have dappled in this a wee bit.
First rule I think is to do a bit of experimentation with freebie
classifieds and check your stats.. see which ones give you the hits, if you
can try a variety of categories in them. We work the yahoos very hard and
get a number of hits from them.

Equally as important is to find ones that really hit your target market!
Our craft site classifieds are good for us as are some Mall advertising but
not all Malls are created equal:)

If you do your homework first I think they can be a good cheap form of
Ka kite,
Fiona :)

10% OFF Baby Hands & Pet Paws this month only!
Quick check out

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (4.1)=============
From: Robert Knechtel <>
Subject: Online Marketing Techniques and FFA links

Hi Folks:

Like Teresa and Bryan Marsden, I'm a newcomer to the web and clawing may way
up the learning curve.  I have a video retail store, know the video
business, and decided to try out a website using affiliations to see how it
all works.

So far, so good, I suppose.  Early on I was getting about 75-100 hits daily
due to good placement, I believe, on Altavista.  Little did I know that
monkeying with my title, meta tag description, would knock me from
the perch.  Now I read Jim Wilson's Search Engine Forum at avidly and have learned a lot.  Obviously, I got
penalized by Altavista by resubmitting and changing things.  This was a good

Now I have a good ranking on Excite and Webcrawler under a couple of
combinations of search terms and my hits are increasing daily.  I'm
convinced that search engine savvy is essential.

However, I also believe that paying for SE ranking is the wave of the
future.  Now that internet stocks are the Wall Street rage, they're going to
have to begin generating more revenue.  This will knock us teenie merchants
out of the internet loop which you can bet is exactly what Wall Street will
demand.  SE Ranking on books, for instance, will be dominated by Amazon, B &
N, Borders, etc., all bought and paid for, and you can see where it'll go
from there with other commodities and services.  The long purse will win and
the original premise of giving the little guy or gal a level playing field
will be looked on as some nonsense indulged in when the net was an infant.

I haven't done an analysis of my traffic and know I should.  Has anyone had
experience with Websitegarage or any services which offer to do this for

I appreciate the advice about FFAs, however, Jim Wilson at virtualpromote
swears by them as traffic builders, so I do submit daily to his list.  Once
I've analyzed my traffic, I'll decide whether to continue.

In designing my site, I received some excellent advice from folks at the
virtualpromote site review forum.  However, any further input from you folks
to help the old learning curve would be very much appreciated.

Thanks all for putting up with these ruminations.

Bob Knechtel


==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (5.1)=============
From: "Amber Jalink" <>
Subject: Online Marketing Techniques and FFA links


From: Steve Angove <>
Subject: Online Marketing Techniques and FFA links
I recommend click-though banner ads on popular Yahoo,
Ebay...anywhere that is popular. Personaly I dont like paying for
impressions,I prefer click-throughs
From: Bryan Marsden
Subject: Online Marketing Techniques and FFA links
Banner Exchange another waste, banner exchange only builds traffic for your
after you have been out and brought in your traffic from somewhere else,
then do you start to get your banner promoted.
Regarding the above two statements, I think for the most part Steve said it
best - "I prefer click thrus".  People, if you want to pay for banner
you MUST MUST MUST make sure you're paying for CLICK THRUS not
just "showings" or "impressions".  Do you HAVE to pay?  NO.

Some of you may know of Link Exchange (who won't like me after this :-).
They are just one example of "You show our banner two times and we'll show
yours once".  They really don't work well.  People think banners pull people
away from their site.  Let me tell you:  if they like your site, they'll
surf around
before they leave, OR, if they click on a banner and leave the site, they'll
the back button if they really want to get back to it.

The key here is if they promise showings or impressions (same thing), it's
probably a waste of time. I do know of a resource (finally after a lot of
reseach) that guarantees one click thru for every banner you show on your
site, and there is no limit to the number of pages you can put it on.  (Link
exchange makes you put specific code on specific pages - what happens
if you change or move a page?).  This one gives the same code and its
free to join - the more pages you put it on, the more click thrus you get.
They do have a resource where you can pay, but I like the free aspect like
most people. You are guaranteed a one to one ratio - one click thru for
every one showing of someone elses.  They're on 70,000 websites from
what I've heard.  If anyone is interested in a free resource of TRUE click
thrus, you can go to:

Amber Jalink
Subscribe to the Biz Opp Ezine!

==============S i t e  R e v i e w  R e s p o n s e (1)================
From: "Peter G. Browne" <>

Hello Bogdan & Adland Readers,

This is in response to the Site Review Requests from
Adland Digest #98.

We had a total of three requests from :
Now while it is sometimes difficult to pick one site
most of the time, in viewing these three sites I would
like to make comments on all three.

Site 1)

This site has a pleasing layout for the background except that
it repeats itself halfway down the page and distracts from the
The main focus seems to be on some sort of nutrition product..

It ended up leaving a bad taste in my mouth much like a famous
brand of Cough Syrup does. The site is rampant with spelling
errors. One of the first things that turned me off was the
following two statements :
"Referral Marketing is better than Network Marketing."
"No wonder some of the richest, happiest people 
in American business are leaders in Referral Marketing."

These statements alone contained the biggest errors of the site.
Now I am not saying that the statements are in error, but when
you follow the link that is provided it takes you to a website
that claims to be a.....

"Major Network Marketing Breakthrough" NOT a "Referral
Marketing Breakthrough"...

My advise... go redo the site, correct the spelling errors,
fix the main page background and decide which is actually
better "Referral or Network Marketing".

One final note, you might want to fix this also :
File Not Found
The requested URL /peports_1.html was not found on this server.

Well with out spouting off and using this as a platform
for my own personal feelings in regard to unsolicited e-mail.
When I went to this site I sat for a moment and wondered why
it was so familiar looking. Then it hit me, I had recently
received a piece of e-mail that had directed me to this site.
This was not, shall we say, e-mail I had requested. Now I notice
that the owner offers some sort of affiliate program and the
e-mail in question could have come from one of the affiliates,
but, needless to say I had received the e-mail. That was when
I actually left the site. Fair? Perhaps not, but then neither
was receiving the aforementioned e-mail....

Now this site has some potential. I feel that with a little
tweaking,  it could be a pretty good site.
The main page is plain and not full of flash, it could use
some jazzing up.
When you actually go into the site and start to view the
products available I felt that there was again something
missing. I think if the images contained a transparent
background, instead of the many varying colors of background,
it would create a much more appealing look.
One thing I did is look at the images in full view. The file
sizes are huge. I went to the Net Mechanic website and
played a bit with the large image of the dragon. With the
image compressed by the gifbot I was able to reduce it over
70% with little or no loss of detail. I would suggest that
this be preformed on all the images, the file sizes would be
reduced dramatically and the load time would be reduced
considerably. This was of course for the full size image
and not the thumbnails.
One other minor detail was the Jesus Video, you actually gave
the dimensions of the tape where you could have stated it was
a VHS tape. Not really a big deal but more a detail thing.

Some of the information on the main page could easily be moved
to the "About Us" page, or for that matter just repeated with
some more details.

All in all this site was refreshing, not full of affiliate
links, just someone trying to make a living. The idea of the
catalog being available on most of the pages is a good thing
although it was missing from the April page. One last thing, I
am not a big fan of counters, so, I would recommend dropping it,
they serve no functional purpose. If you need to see what type
of traffic you are receiving use a stats program or check your
orders, they will tell you more than any counter ever will.

In closing, please remember these are my opinions and should be
looked at as such. No offense is meant to any of the site owners,
I try to be as honest, factual and helpful as I humanly can be.

Regards and bet of luck to all,
Peter G. Browne
Saskatoon Website Design /

======================Joke of the Day=====================
Joke provided by
Laurie Delk <>


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