A Free subscribed Discussion List
                               of 7909 subscribers
                      on web marketing and promotion
                 supported by Adland World's Classifieds
                         Bogdan Fiedur,  Publisher
                          Vol. 1, #109,  Jun 24, 1999


=======================A D L A N D    T I P==========================

                N E W     A D L A N D     A S S O C I A T I O N


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Topics in this issue:

         Sponsor Message
         Word from Publisher
         Success Story
         Sponsor Message

C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n s (5)

1.) Safe Lists
    ~ Russ Swan

2.) Learn who your customers are
     ~ Allan Gardyne

3.) Spam
     ~ Hugh Hadley Birdwell
     ~ Greta Kupka

4.) To buy.. or not to buy.. that is the question!
     ~ UK Jerry

5.)Based data base systems that are available
     ~ Steve Pilkington

N e w     P o s t s   (0)

Site Review Responses (1)
1.) Laurie Delk

Site Review Requests (1)

G u e s t   A r t i c l e (1)

By John Colanzi

Joke of the Day

================= S p o n s o r   M e s s a g e==================

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FREE Lifetime Subscription.  Simple strategies you can follow to success.
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=================Please Support Our Sponsor==================

    Digest sponsorship info

=========================== Word from publisher ========================

Greetings All

Welcome  (92)  new subscribers who joined list since last mailing.
When reading last issue of GLOBAL INTERNET MARKETING NEWS
published by Joseph Jobst , I found an interesting article
written by Ryan Adams regarding Alladventage. I'm sure that
most readers of Adland's Digest will find it very interesting.

please send blank email to:
< >

And here is Ryan's message:

<<<  Update: More on  >>>

I just received word that AllAdvantage has recruited an
incredible 1.4 million members... Not familiar with them?
Check out my initial thoughts on their 'affiliate program' a
few months back at:

So, 1.4 million, huh? If this isn't the nail in the coffin
that proves that AllAdvantage will never fly, I don't know
what is. If you take this 1.4 million members, assume half
use it the service, and assume on average they are each
online 20 hours per month, you can calculate that they will
have to make payouts equal to $8.4 million per month to
affiliates, assuming a rate of $0.60 per hour (probably low
since most members were referred, and at all 6 levels, it
should be $0.80 per hour according to AllAdvantage's

This works out to $100.8 million per year. Then, assume they
want a 50% margin (standard for many ad networks), and you
can see they would need to sell $201.6 million in
advertising per year. Now, if you look at Yahoo!, they had
net revenues of $203 million last year. This is for
advertising and all of their other lines of business
including e-commerce, merchandising, their credit card
business, their co-branded ISP service, and all of the huge
tie-ups you hear of (where someone pays for exclusive rights
to sponsor the Yahoo site).

I would hope with this simple analysis, more people can see
why AllAdvantage will NOT be able to pay out as promised.
More than likely, if they ever even release their browser
(which is now weeks late), they will lower the maximum
monthly hours paid from 40 a month, to perhaps 1-2 per
month, if that.
Why? Their Terms and Conditions clearly state they have the
right to do this, and only need to pay based on the actual
advertising they sell. Their numbers simply do not add up,
and there is no way they will be able to sell the kind of
ad inventory they would need to even pay their affiliates
as promised...

[Source: The ClickQuick Files (c) 1999 Ryan Adams.]

To subscribe send a blank e-mail to: < >
<a href=""></a>

If you missed today's  top sponsor message and you are looking for info
about affiliate programs , what they are , what's good and what's not,
how they work,  you should visit this link
This might save you  months of  searching and help with your business.

Now opportunity for graphic designers.

I'm announcing contest on designing of logo for "Success Story of the Year"
which will be used to link to winner of Adland Digest contest. Info below.
If your logo is chosen, link to your site will be  placed under logo
indicating Designer Site.
If you are interested, please email me for details.

I will invite all Adland's Digest subscribers to choose the logo.

If you think,  you have an interesting success story to tell, please send
it to digest as usual and indicate as such.
At the end of 1999  I will create web page and will invite everybody
to vote for the "Success Story Of The Year"
Best voted story will receive one FREE year of advertising
in the form of  small button at the bottom of each Adland page.
Adland  receives  390,000 page viewings , 60,000 unique
visitors  and grows on average 20% each month.

To be eligible for the prize, this story has to be from your own

See existing success stories here and click (Success Stories)


===============S u c c e s s    S t o r y ============================
From: Laurie Delk <>

Well, I have been thinking about writing this for awhile-and finally got
the nerve up! LOL
I am the representative for Columbia, TN Community website I have been doing this for about 8
months. I now have over 5000 hits to my page! Some of you may not think
this is very successful-BUT my site mainly only caters to people in and
around Columbia, TN-and this is a pretty small town (about 1000
businesses). So if anyone else comes to my site, it's just to visit! We
feature Local weather, a local map, A postcard of Columbia, TN you can
email a friend, Headline News, Current events for our area, a classified
section-that is only $.10/word/month, and a business section. We design
webpages for all non-profits and churches FREE, and we only ask $100/yr
including design for local businesses to place their webpages in our
directory. I have a little over 60 businesses listed as of now. I am
moving VERY slowly as this is mainly a site spread about through word of
mouth. I cannot get "out" much and go "selling" my site door to door,
and I do not have alot of extra money to advertise with. Although we
have advertised ALOT-in all the local papers and on the radio a little,
almost every ad/business I have gotten, came from word of mouth as a
referral. So this is the way I have chose to work it for awhile. We also
have "Super Saver" Cards, which are discount cards that the business
pays for their spot on the cards-and the schools sell them for a
fundraiser. We do not make ANY profit off these cards-but it does also
put our site's information in the hands fo 5000 people in Columbia, TN.
This was our first year-and I feel we have been quite successful at the


Laurie Delk

PO Box 251  Columbia, TN 38402-0251

[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_  S p o n s o r   M e s s a g e[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[_[

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==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (1.1)=============

From: Russ Swan <>
Subject: Safe Lists


Regarding what Bruce Ian Coy said

>As to your question about why I would want to be on a safe
>list, I think that the same question was asked by Lori
>Giuffre in Adland #96.  Why join the list, if it's just a
>bunch of people sending "all the old stuff" to each other,
>over and over.  We're all just going to hit the "delete"
>button a thousand times, right?  So what makes us think we
>won't be deleted ourselves?

When I joined my first safe-list I felt a kind of
'obligation' to read the posts. Funny I know, but there it
is :)  After a while it palled a bit and I started sending
them straight to the trash.  Over time, and with
experimentation, I have come to realise that there ARE
people actually reading the ads, but it depends on the

I have also come to realise that an astute online operator
SHOULD at least scan through the ads, even if they HAVE
gone into the trash bin in the first instance via a

Class-ads are a good source of ideas and inspiration. And
they can keep you up to date with breaking trends.
The headline is, I reckon, the most important thing about
any classified ad.   If it doesn't beckon, it doesn't
get opened.  A quick look over of the doomed ads is
worthwhile if only to see which headlines (if any) really
catch the eye, and find out why.

As with all advertising sources, some work and some don't.
I'm on a free opt-in list that hasn't pulled a single hit
let alone a sale, whereas the same ad in a different list
has scored well.  It's a case of 'shop around' and test one
list against another until you find the most 'responsive'


Russ Swan

Home Business Builder
Editor: HomeBizBuildr Monthly Ezine.  To subscribe:
Discover the Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (2.1)=============
From: Allan Gardyne <>
Subject: Learn who your customers are

Enzo G Delucchi <> said:

>I would like to hear from other people on this issue, and see exactly how, as
>Affiliate to a program, I should be entitled to have the possibility of see
>and contact whoever visited my site.

If you mean you want the name and e-mail address of *every*
visitor, I can't help you. But if you want the name and e-mail
address of people who bought a product or service from a
merchant running a revenue sharing program which is
advertised on your site, I can.

A while ago I wrote an article "Companies which reveal
customers' details" for my newsletter:

Lots of companies running two-tier revenue sharing programs
are willing to tell you who signed up under you and who
bought something.

Since I compiled the list, another very good program has come
along - Ken Evoy's

>From Ken's site, at a click of a button, you'll be able to e-mail
your sub-associates to encourage them and send helpful
marketing hints. Ken's program isn't officially launched yet, so
I'm not sure if you'll have a list of customers they way you do
with Declan Dunn's and Thomas Harpointner's programs.

Hope that helps.

Allan Gardyne

Over 1,200 revenue sharing programs . . . and here's
the best one: <>

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (3.1)=============
From: Hugh Hadley Birdwell <>
Subject: Spam

I really dislike SPAM. I have found that thousands come from web-based
email services. What I do is filter out these web-based email addresses.
When I get a spam from a real persons ISP, I ask to be removed, if I am
not removed, then I call the persons ISP and request a removal of their
customer. This seems to help.

                                              Warm regards,
                          Hugh Hadley Birdwell

Have you Sprayed your vitamins today?
NO? Visit us On-Line @ or

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (3.2)=============
Subject: Spamthing

   Okay okay...I apologize to the digest for trying to find some
HUMOR in the Spam issue.  Sheesh!  Talk about taking me
seriously!  I got several emails thanking me for the laugh (which
was the INTENT).

I promise not to subject the digest to any more of my humor. :}}}

I do find that the light-hearted approach makes people more
comfortable however.....hmmmm.  Okay-so no one ever did answer
How Spam got named Spam?  ANyone know?

Is it the most hated food substance on the planet? :}

Okay-I'll be quiet now.


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==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (3.3)=============
From: Greta Kupka <>
Subject:The Spam Thread-Devils Advocate

Hello Dale!
You wrote:
>The problem with me was I emailed a prospect(suspect) after he had
>requested information on my company. He either forgot or he
>lost his way somehow :)

Like a Media-Professor meant to me: "The Internet-Users attention to
something is at the same level like a fly buzzing around" (I hope I
got it translated well to understand). So how could he remember, where
he clicked yesterday and whatfor? ;-)

So, with that knowledge, you need to put on Top even of your
Newsletter (!) the phrase: "You are getting this mail, because you
WANTED this newsletter" (applied for an award, this Info, a.s.o.).

Even though I state in my case, that there only will be this one
letter and why they get this letter and the e-mail-adresses will be
removed at once, I get plenty of "Remove me, Remove me" Mails.

State it as clear as possible, why you actually dare to
answer a letter, that was originally written to you ;-)). And still
expect, whatever you do to avoid misunderstandings - you still will
get those friendly Mails...

Regards from Germany
Greta Kupka

Team-Management Bolz
Online-Shops, Affiliates Progs, Submit-Service 6000+,
Net-Detective and much more!

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (4.1)=============

From: UK Jerry <>
Subject: re: To buy.. or not to buy.. that is the question!

Hi Joshua & adlanders

I'm afraid to a greater extent I agree with Bogdan.

$25 as a one off ad budget is not worth the effort of
even contemplating. Advertising HAS to be a continual
drip drip effort MINIMUM or basicaly forget it.

After visiting your url,
What I would suggest is this.

1. Get rid of 1/2 the banners.
especially the ones right at the top of your page.
They work AGAINST you in search engines.
they also would give someone an exit from your page as
soon as they arrived.

2. get rid of the hit counter.
you are selling a "how to make it on the web course"
& I was visitor #40........ :(

Get yourself a decent tracker that can be made invisible.

3. Use Doug Williams's FREE promoting & marketing course
details at

4. optimise your keywords & phrases.

5. take a quick visit to:
theres plenty there to get you going.

6. join some of the free or cheapy programs at my site.
like the $1 plan, clickthru, hits2u etc
Make another page with say 6 programs on it &
link it to your course page.
Promote them both.

7. Have a look at my own reseller program.
that earns you either 50% commissions or
50% ezine advertising discounts

8, When you have a bit more of an advertising budget
Join Ezine advertising network.

Thats just a small list of what you can do to
increase traffic & potentially sales.

be Lucky

AGDC: Heard of us???? you will do soon.
Downlines, Frontlines & Business building made easy.

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (5.1)=============
From: Steve Pilkington <>
Subject: Based data base systems that are available

Fiona & Joan
You can find lots of the kinds of programs you are looking for at one
of two places:
Mostly free!

Steve Pilkington

Ezine ads as low as $6.00 to over 3000 subscribers in the All
Marketing Ezine. Download your Free Marketing Course at:

===========S i t e   R e v i e w   R e s p o n s e   (1)===============
From: Laurie Delk <>

Paersonally I would put your Link Exchange link either at the very
top-or under your article about yourself/company.
Also whatever info you could get from that phone call-if it could be put
on the site-as another link may be better-more of a chnace for people to
look at it. I also personally like a horizontal line after you info and
before all the extra links. Like <hr size="5" color=blue or

Looks good very well laid out!

<I am NOT promoting a get rich quick scheme>
But he does state take his course-and then resell it at 50%. I am
sorry-but for anyone who has been on the net even a short time-I think
would need more information before signing up for this. Like WHY SHOULD
I get this diploma of yours?
As far as where you should promote-I agree with Bogdan...I do ALOT of
promoting for FREE-get ALOT of spam and junk mail that I delete-and I
also pay for *some* spots-

Scriptures-Everyday Natural Christian Products with Bible Verses on

===========S i t e R e v i e w R e q u e s t  (1)===============
From: Hugh Hadley Birdwell <>

I have been reading your list and it has been quite useful. I am
requesting a website review on my site.

                                Warm regards,
                          Hugh Hadley Birdwell

Have you Sprayed your vitamins today?
NO? Visit us On-Line @ or

===================G u e s t   A r t i c l e (1)=====================


By John Colanzi

Many internet marketers are slow to try advertising their business
off-line because they fear they have to spend a fortune? There are
many ways to advertise off-line and spend little or no money. I'll list
a few methods I use to save on:advertising, printing and postage.

Saving On Advertising

The first step you can take is to set up your own adsheet. Just
as internet marketers have caught on to the idea of having their
own newsletter, mail order dealers have been doing the same
thing for years using adsheets.

Even if the adsheet makes little in terms of paid advertising it
provides some powerful benefits.

* Paid in ads defer the costs of printing your own ads.

* Many adsheet publishers are eager to exchange ads.This
accomplishes two things. Not only do you increase the exposure of
your ad free, but you also reach an audience that you may not be
presently marketing to.

Another method I use to get free and low cost advertising is to use
publications which are co-publishable. Most co-publishable publications
pay 50%, which means for every ad I sell, I can either place another
ad with my commission or I can add another co-publishable publication.
I can do this to infinity.

Image the possibilities.

Saving On Printing

The main method I use for saving on printing is by using co-op printers.
Many mail order dealers are willing to print your ad for free if you agree
to mail their circular on the back.

It's a win-win situation. The printer gets free mailing and you get free

Saving On Postage

There are a variety of ways to save on postage. The simplest is to
ask  for a stamp or self-addressed envelope when sending free
information. In mail order publications readers are comfortable sending
the postage for any offers they're interested in.

A by product of asking for postage is to weed out curiosity seekers
who respond to anything that's free.

Another method to save on postage is to use post cards. A post
card costs 20 cents. A first class mailing costs 33 cents. 13 cents
may not sound like a lot, but if you're mailing to 1,000 or more
prospects it adds up fast.

My favorite method of cutting down on my postage costs is to use
exchange mailers. It's similar to an advertising exchange. You
agree to mail 50 - 100 copies of his 8 x 11 circular or adsheet in
exchange for having him mail yours.

It accomplishes the same objectives as exchanging advertising.
You get increased circulation, and exposure to an audience you may
never  reach otherwise. The only postage expense is sending your
circulars for exchange.

Be a little creative and you may even come up with methods I've never even
thought of.

Imagine getting your circular printed free by a co-op printer. Mailed
free by an exchange mailer and your own mailings paid for with the
stamps from individuals who responded to your free ad which was
placed as part of an exchange.

Still wonder why I love mail order?
John Colanzi is the publisher of the Free Mail Order Insider. You
can get a free copy emailed to you every week by subscribing at:
EZMAILER-subscriber@listbot, or visit his website at:

======================Joke of the Day=====================
Joke provided by
Laurie Delk <>


A married couple went to the hospital to have their baby  delivered.
Upon their arrival, the doctor said he had invented a  new machine that
would transfer a portion of the mother's labor  pain to the father. He
asked if they were willing to try it out.  They were both very much in
favor of it.

The doctor set the pain  transfer to 10% for starters, explaining
that even 10% was  probably more pain than the father had ever
experienced before.

But as the labor progressed, the husband felt  fine and asked the
doctor to go ahead and bump it up a notch.  The doctor then adjusted the
machine to 20% pain transfer. The  husband was still feeling fine. The
doctor  checked the husband's  blood pressure and was amazed at how well he
was doing.

Since the pain transfer  was obviously helping out the wife
considerably, the husband encouraged the doctor to transfer ALL the pain
to  him.  The wife delivered a healthy baby with virtually no  pain. She and
her  husband were ecstatic.

When they got  home, the mailman was dead on the  porch.


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