A Free subscribed Discussion List
                                of 11,041 subscribers
                     on web marketing and promotion
                supported by AdlandPro World's Classifieds
                         Bogdan Fiedur,  Publisher
                         Vol. 1, #130,  Sep 29, 1999


=======================P O W E R   T  I  P==========================

                         --Newsletter owners --

Are you buying ads from other newsletters, trying to increase your
subscriber base? Are you doing ad swaps with other newsletters, trying to
gain more subscribers?

-------------->> YOU ARE LOSING MONEY!!

  Ad swaps cost you because you have to give up your ad space to run the ad
for the other list. There are no guarantees that you will get subscribers,
either. While it is not out of pocket money, it is money that will never
get INTO your pocket, so it does cost. Buying ads out right in another
newsletter or a website is even worse. You again have no guarantee that you
will get subscribers. And this is out of pocket.
  I have a friend who just paid 450.00 for the top ad in a popular
newsletter. The results? 300 new subscribers. That is over 1.00 per new
address! OUCH!!

<a href=" "> List World </a>

List World offers you an alternative to ad swaps and buying ads in newsletters.
Guaranteed subscribers. No waiting to get your names (You get them the instant
they are confirmed. List World will either add them to your list directly, or
them to you for you to add manually). State of the art cold fusion programming.
Quite simply there is no other site like List World. Take a look.

<a href=" "> List World </a>

Topics in this issue:

         Sponsor Message
         Word from Publisher

C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n s (2)

   ~ Rajesh Kakkad
   ~ Eve Paludan

2.) Target tip.
    ~ Linda Caroll
    ~ Jerry Garner

N e w     P o s t s   (5)

1.)Don Wetmore
  ~ Easing e-mail

2.) Fiona
~ Useful Sites

3.) Joseph Trina Glasgow Stover
~ Having any success in posting free ads

4.) Melanie
~When is it *enough* traffic


Site Review Responses (0)

Site Review Requests (2)

G u e s t   A r t i c l e (1)
5 Reasons Why Your Online Marketing Fails
by: Rafael Aguilo

Joke of the Day

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please Support Our Sponsor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    Digest sponsorship info

=========================== Word from publisher ========================

Greetings All

Welcome  78   new subscribers who joined list since last mailing.


I invite everybody to use new forum to make our discussion more
effective and more easily available.
I started web based discussion forum which can be accessed here

Currently there are four  discussion forums and Bulletin Board
1. Promotion techniques
2. Site Reviews
3.Search Engine Placement
4. Other
5.Bulletin board

New forum is getting moderate interest and you might want to come and
try some  threads which were started recently.

1.FFAs can work!
2.Ranking on Hot bot, MSN, Snap ...
3.What's Working for Me
4. FFAs are GREAT for increasing traffic!

There are  also requests for site review.

Once you there post your free ad to section  "Bulletin Board".
When asked for user id and password for the first time, just
enter your favorite ones.


Now opportunity for  G R A P H I C   D E S I G N E R S

I'm announcing contest on designing of logo for "Success Story of the Year"
which will be used to link to winner of Adland Digest contest. Info below.
If your logo is chosen, link to your site will be  placed under logo
indicating Designer Site.
If you are interested, please go here to find out about details
I will invite all Adland's Digest subscribers to choose the logo.
See here currently designed logos.


If you think,  you have an interesting success story to tell, please send
it to digest as usual and indicate as such.
At the end of 1999  I will create web page and will invite everybody
to vote for the "Success Story Of The Year"
Best voted story will receive one FREE year of advertising
in the form of  small button at the bottom of each AdlandPro page.
AdlandPro  receives  450,000 page viewings , 75,000 unique
visitors  and grows on average 20% each month.

To be eligible for the prize, this story has to be from your own

See existing success stories here and click (Success Stories)


==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (1.1)=============
From: Rajesh Kakkad <>
Subject: Autoresponders : Correct use


I read the horror story of Elizabeth K. Scott about
Autoresponders. (AdlandPro Digest #129). It is
certainly horrible experience for her, but she could
have avoided it, if she knew about those
autoresponders going to perpetual Lock !

For the benefit of AdlandPro readers, let me explain
how to totally eleminate such situation.

If you examine detailed mail headers, you will find
that there are two email addresses coming from email
sender 'From :' and 'Reply to :'

For example, your Digest posting have the following :
Reply-to: "Bogdan Fiedur(AdlandPro)"
From: "Bogdan Fiedur(AdlandPro)"

When setting an auto-responder, be sure to set
"Reply-to:" address going to your another
Non-Autoresponder account. There are different ways to
set this address for different email handling

(For yahoo!, go to "options", then "mail preferences"
and right there is "Reply-to :" option to be set-up.
When I use Pegasus, that can be set-up by following
"Tools", "Options", "Sending mail" and there is "reply
to" .. find out about your email program/provider.)

Now, imagine this : Nobody reading your mail should
reply to your automatic vacation reply. Only replies
generated would be from those auto-responders at the
other end. Their mails replying to this should be
trashed, and that is exactly what other "reply-to"
account setup by us would do - to trash all emails
coming to it, and it will NOT send any reply, so
the story would end there.

For demo, send any mail to <>
and it will automatically send you a mail. But when
you look at that mail, it will be from
<>. If you again reply to that,
this account will NOT reply
your mail, but it would only 'trash' your mail, right
there on the server. Take a test ride by sending a
mail to <>.

Ok, Elizabeth didn't knew about it, but guys running
E-zine, should have setup -their- autoresponders this
way. They should be more technically prepared when
are coming out with an e-zine. Sad that they weren't.

Liz, I am sure next time you will be really able to
enjoy your vacation, and you will NOT have to
unsubscribe to even a single ezine/newsletter :)

Rajesh Kakkad
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please Support Our Sponsor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (1.2)=============
From: Eve Paludan <>
Subject: Re: Why I Don't Use Autoresponders

Elizabeth Scott's bad experience with autoresponders is not unique.
Autoresponders taking down a host happens all over the web, every day,
to people who do not think ahead. I have seen it happen numerous times,
including to a newbie who used an autoresponder to set up an interactive
subscription ezine, with disasterous results. His system flooded every
subscribers email box with hundreds of autoresponder messages from every
post that users contributed. No one could even unsubscribe. His server
went down. He lost hundreds of customers and his life was even
threatened by people who did not understand that he was just
incompetent, not malicious!

Imagine a Star Trek replicator gone wild, except what it is making is
email messages, thousands of them that go out to other replicators,
which also respond with email messages. And the beat goes on.
Autoresponders  keep talking to each other until the entire network is
destroyed by the very product it was designed to produce. The emergency
way to disable the autoresponder is to use an FTP program or TELNET to
go into your UNIX server's cgi-bin directory which is assigned to your
account and just rename the perl program that makes it work. You must
know which program runs the autoresponder before attempting this.
Experience with perl and FTP or TELNET is highly recommended before
attempting this.(This rename instruction is not for Microsoft Front Page
sites, which are incredibly complicated when you want to shut something

If you go on vacation and cannot access the internet from an internet
cafe in a foreign country, just put a message on your web site that says
you will be out of the office on these dates and email will be answered
when you get back.

If you are vacationing in the US, before you leave, set up a FREE Yahoo
mail account. Configure your Yahoo email account so that it can receive
all your email, even your dialup email, which requires you know your
smtp setup. (Usually your smtp is named something like ) It takes less than 5 minutes to set this up with
Yahoo. Then, on vacation, just go into any public library set up for
free internet access and go get all your email from your Yahoo account.
It's simple! And it is FREE!

Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean you can leave your
customers hanging. if you do they will go somewhere else. An internet
business is expected to be 24/7, even if you have to hire a live person
to watch things while you are away.

Here's my personal list of why I don't use autoresponders:

I have never yet found an autoresponder program that can distinguish
between an email from a live person and a message from another

Autoresponders cause numerous complaints about spam from people who
receive them, even if the message is in response to a subscription.
(Instead I use confirmation pages at my sites, such as THANKS FOR YOUR

I never read autoresponder messages, such as the type that arrive in my
email box after submitting my site to search engines. Hundreds of them
will arrive en masse, and I delete them without reading them. I am sure
other people do the same!

I hate telephone answering machines and autoresponders are the web
version of these infernal machines. A personal email will get you a lot
further than something that looks like junk email.

The only reason I can think of that one MUST use autoresponders is to
immediately supply a lost password to a registered user or member of a

Bogdan, thanks for an informative newsletter and keep up the good work!

Eve Paludan


==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (2.1)=============
From: Linda Caroll <>
Subject: Target tip.

In Adland Digest  #129,  Robert Olson writes:

>Subject: Helpful Tip For Adland Subscribers!

>You can create a new window with your webpage remaining in the back ground
>with this simple html code. Let us say that the banner, button or text
link has the
>url of: <a href=""> By adding target="_blank" within the
>code, you can open up a new window and keep your visitors at your site
>The new html code should look like this:
>`<a href=""target="_blank">

Hello Bogdan & Adland Subscribers!

I wanted to write in and offer another html tip that visitors to your site
will like
better than the "target="_blank" tip.  As a website designer/host, I assure
that a lot of people don't like when a site keeps opening more & more browser
windows.  This is what happens when you use the  target="_blank" or
target="new" code.  It's a good way to turn people off your site.

A preferable option is to use the code target="showcase" inserted into
the url of your links.  What the showcase tag does is open ONE other
'showcase' window.  Once there is a 'showcase' window open, it
will load each subsequent ad/link/url that contains the showcase tag
in the showcase window instead of opening first a second browser, then
a third browser, fourth browser, etc.

If the viewer closes, the showcase window, only then does another
browser open.  This effectively keeps only two browsers open at any
given time... the primary one for your site, and the second 'showcase'
window.  Yes, it's browser compatable & works in both Netscape & IE.

Linda Caroll

Website design that will blow your mind, not your budget
Publishing Giants join Forces.
It's Not Magic.... It Just Works Like It

==========C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n (2.2)=============
From: Jerry Garner  <>
Subject: Target tip.

Robert Olson wrote :
>You can create a new window with your webpage remaining in the back ground
>with this simple html code. Let us say that the banner, button or text link has
>the url of: <a href=""> By adding
>target="_blank" within the url code, you can open up a new window and keep
>your visitors at your site longer. The new html code should look like this:
><a href=""target="_blank">

This is a good idea, and one that I have always used on links that point
away from my site. However, one must really be careful not to go overboard
with this. I have seen some peoples sites that needlessly use this method on
every link their site contains. This results in dozens of browser windows
opening up when someone is trying to surf your site, which could easily
discourage them from visiting again in the future.

Also, if you do plan to use this method alot, here's another helpful hint.
Instead of using target="_blank", try using target="_new". The effect is the
same, and if you are someone who is using this, for example, on a large
links page, those 2 saved keystrokes on each link will eventually add up to
a significant amount of extra space that you have saved. Although a links
page on your site is one of the better uses of this tag, I would suggest
only using it once to get the links page opened in a new window and then let
the links take them away all they want. After all, your page will still be
up and they can always click on links again if they need to.

I hope this makes sense to someone. If I have only confused the subject I
will be more than happy to try to reword it.

Jerry Garner

CasinoNow! Gaming Resource Center
Stop by today to get your free cd

======================N e w    P o s t i n g (1)========================
From: "Don Wetmore" <>
Subject: Easing e-mail

E-mail was to make life easier but, for many, it adds more stress
to our over-burdened days. E-mail is a useful tool and can and
should be managed effectively to enhance our productivity.

I wrote a short article entitled, "Easing E-mail", with tips to
better control your e-mail that you may find useful. It's free.
To get yours, e-mail your request for "easing" to:

Don Wetmore-Professional Speaker

Productivity Institute-Time Management Seminars
60 Huntington St. P.O. Box 2126 Shelton, CT 06484
(203) 929-9902

======================N e w    P o s t i n g (2)========================
From: Fiona  <>
Subject: Useful Sites

Kia ora Bogdan :)
I have been surfing round and found a couple of sites that I thought you and
your readers may benefit from.
These are ezine announcement  sites.
They allow you to submit your ezines for consideration and if accepted will
publish/announce your ezine in their directory.
If accepted you will receive some staggering results. We can all benefit
from more subscribers I am sure:)

Good luck,
ka kite ano
Fiona & Joan:)

Give Yourself Time to ENJOY CHRISTMAS this year.
Need support, help or want some information?

======================N e w    P o s t i n g (3)========================
From: "Joseph Trina Glasgow Stover" <>
Subject: Having any success in posting free ads

Hello there everyone;
I just signed up for this service.  What I was wondering is...if any of you are
having any "luck" posting your ads and getting your site seen.  We do have our
own business, so we are not interested in investing more money for anything
else. At least not at this time. I have been posting ads for days now, and
regret to inform that absolutely no one has stopped by my site.  What is it that
you are doing to get the hits? I'm eager to do this, but do not know how.  If
anyone in this group has some information, (hopefully we are nearly
broke now) It would be greatly appreciated information. This is my posting to
you. I am terrified of getting caught in the "spam" circle, as I am against
spam. I'm just wondering if anyone out there is having any success in posting
free ads, as we are not.
List Member,

Trina Glasgow

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======================N e w    P o s t i n g (4)========================
From: "Melanie" <>
Subject: When is it *enough* traffic

   Hi Adlander's :]

I am happy to have this question to ask (finally!) At least I think I  am.

My site is now receiving this amount of traffic (stats from  yesterday)

  Average per Day 209
  Average length per Visit 3.3
  Last Hour 17
  Today 128
  This Week 1,776

I think it's pretty *okay* - My question is this:

Is it enough traffic that someone would consider paying for me to
host a banner?  If not, how much traffic IS needed for a business to
find it worthwhile...yes, I know that is maybe in the eye of the
beholder...but there must be some sort of consensus.

I'm coming up on 2000 hits a week....gaining slowly but steady
over time.  I'm listed to #12 on 3 search engines for a month now
with certain key words....and I'm working on getting higher in more
(soon as I figure out why some are working and some are not-MAN
they are all different!)

So...I would love to hear your thoughts on this.  Thank you-


Investigative Resources
Find Anyone-Right Now

Note from Editor.

This is the kind of question I can talk and talk.
About year and a half ago I had similar dilemma like you.
I joined some ad networks and after three months of advertising their ads, I
made $30. This wasn't too encouraging, but once I had some ads showing on my
site I started getting inquiries if I accept advertising. Of course I said and
quoted at that time large sum in comparison to what  I made from  value click
network. I believe this was about   $10 for 5000 impressions. And things started
rolling. As traffic to my site grew, I was perfecting ad serving software and I
was getting more inquires. I added credit card processing and  tracking for ads
so advertisers could see how their ads are pooling and  how effective their
campaign is. In meantime I've also built my own advertising network which today
pays more than valuclick or any other big advertising agency for traffic

Here below is the scenario which can be achieved by  site receiving between 200-
500 visitors per day. This example might seem not quite clear before you read
how  affiliation  with AdlandPro works which you might have a look  first here.

Sending each day to me  100 visitors will give you 500 impressions
(value of $3.50) let say that 5 of them join AdlandPro affiliate program,
this is  250 impressions for your ad.

In addition  500 impressions from you and 500 impressions from first level
will give you about   $3 per day in traffic bonuses.

You can earn about  $100 in sales commissions per month  from
referring clients to us.

Adding  all dollars from 100 visitors per day you will earn  $340 per month.
At the same time you will get  22,500 free impressions per month
which can bring you about  400-500 visitors to your site in addition to
your existing traffic.
If you count each visitor as $.50 this is additional  $200.
In total you get  $540 a month sending to me each day  100 visitors.

Multiply it by 2 or 3 or even 4  and you can see for yourself.
This scenario is very realistic and is already happening to many top affiliates.
In fact there is group of them making well above.
See this two links for one of the affiliates impression stats.

In addition if you display banners for any of the big networks, most of them are
meant for branding not for visits, which as a result will not cause hits from

B. F.

======================N e w    P o s t i n g (5)========================
From: "Kisio" <>

Hi Subscribers,

Anybody know what PRSI INC and INTERNET WAVE 3 is all about. How different is it
from t
he WWW and how is it going to affect the Internet as we know it?

Looking forward to your comments.



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===============Site Review Request (1) ====================
From: "Mike Lemmon<>

Hi Bogdan:
Well, we feel it is time for a site review!
We have built up our content over the last couple of months, we have tested
our pages and links, we have tested our concept and received very positive
feedback, so we now feel it is time for a site review.
If the readers of your newsletter could please review our site at we would appreciate it.
As always, thanks for such a great newsletter!

Talk to you soon!

Mike Lemmon

Celebrity How To
Let our Celebrity Experts show you How To Do It Yourself.
Go to to receive Informative, Fun
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===============Please Support Our Sponsor=====================

===================G u e s t   A r t i c l e (1)=====================
5 Reasons Why Your Online Marketing Fails
by: Rafael Aguilo

You have found what you think is a great
product, or thought about a new service
that "everybody" needs. Your mental wheels
start spinning and soon you find yourself
so involved and convinced of your future
riches, that you jump right in, thinking
that this is a "no brainer".  No way you
can fail.  Soon you'll be the next Millionaire.
You don't even bother to consult anyone.
"Full Steam Ahead!"

You make your Website, admire your work of
art, register it with the Search Engines
and sit back. That should do it! Right?

Soon, you begin to wonder how long it will
take for the money to begin rolling in. People
should be beating a path to your Website,
fighting for the privilege of buying from you.

What Happened? NO SALES! -you say?

Why Don't People Buy From Me? - you ask?

The reasons may lie in one or more of these
Bad Marketing "Sins".

1. Did you Identify your TARGET MARKET,
and Can they AFFORD what you have to Offer?

In other words: Make sure you offer the
RIGHT Product or Service at the RIGHT Price
to the RIGHT People.

Case One:  Lets assume that you produced a
video about  "How to improve your golfing
technique." It has valuable information,
and golfers are sure to benefit from it.
Your price is "X". You decide to put an ad
in a software programmers newsletter (they
have thousands of readers, and they should
play golf, right? ),or you pay for a mass
"Opt-In E-Mailing"

Most likely result? Very low sales, if any.
Why? The readership is TOO GENERAL.

Case Two: Same product, same price. You look
for the MOST likely people to be interested
in your product: GOLFERS. Can they AFFORD
your product? No Doubt. What would be the most
likely venue to deliver your sales message?
A GOLF related publication, newspaper,
newsletter, etc.

Most likely result? You'll make plenty of

But wait, you're not out of the woods yet.

2. Did you find out if the golfers WANTED to
buy that type of product? Did you do ANY kind
of RESEARCH first?

Let me explain. Lets say that the vast
majority of your prospects would rather buy
your product in a computer multimedia format
(a CD ROM). That way, they would have the
advantage of applying your techniques under
actual conditions. They would have the CD ROM
loaded in their Laptop, while practising in
the field. But you have made it available only
on video.

Bummer! You find yourself with a stock of
product that nobody wants.

3. Did you make sure that the benefit(s) you
promised is(are) actually delivered by your

Is the product NEW, Exciting, One-Of-A-Kind?
Or it's just of a "Me-Too?", boring, "nothing
new here" kind?

4. Let's say that you have done all of the
above the right way, and still, results SUCK,
BIG TIME!  What kind of sales message have
you delivered? Have you made your prospects
WANT to buy?  Do they understand how your
product will HELP THEM?

Remember that people buy what they WANT, and
not what they NEED! How many times have you
seen that? A deluxe pair of sneakers, a
luxury car, first class travel, pay-per-view
programming. All bought by people who WANT
the "benefits", real or imagined that these
items give them. It makes no difference there
are other alternatives that can fill their
"needs" nicely.

5.  Last, but not least: Have you made it
easy for people to BUY from you?

Do they have to jump through hoops to order
and pay for the product? How many steps they
have to go through?  The harder you make it
for them to ORDER and Pay, the LESS SALES
you'll have. Do you take Credit Cards,
Checks, etc?

Remember: They are doing YOU a FAVOR when
they buy from you; not the other way around!

Make sure you don't commit these Bad Marketing
Sins, and you should enjoy good sales of your
product or service.


This article may be re-distributed , provided
this resource box is included.
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The #1 Internet Marketing Site Of CHOICE for Beginners.

======================Joke of the Day=====================
Joke created by bob <>

After I've sent confirmation message to Bob (New AdlandPro Affiliate)
that I couldn't  approve his page as AdlandPro Custom Site due to

Hi Bogdan,

How are you?
That file not found error is because I mistyped the name "adlandpro" when
I created the file on my website. It's up and running now with the right name.
Also I was just wondering are you involved with any online business?
if so what is it. Check out the one below if you like. I really enjoy working
business. Even though it's early days yet I can see myself working from home
very soon and earning my income over the internet.

Secrets 2 Success
Checkout The Information That Will Unlock Your Doors
To Success, Money And Free Time. IT IS FREE!
Send A Blank Email to:

Bob agreed on publishing joke about him, provided his signature file is
included. :)


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