A Free subscribed Discussion List
                           of  24,711 subscribers
                     on web marketing and promotion
               supported by AdlandPro World's Classifieds
                        Bogdan Fiedur,  Publisher
                      Vol. 1 issue #238  Apr, 26, 2001

=======================POWER TIP=======================

Hello Digest Readers,

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We are selling our excess advertising inventory at wholesale rates
to AdLand Digest readers.  This is a complete advertising package
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Topics in this issue:

Sponsor Message
Word from Publisher

C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n s (4)

1.Gateway pages

~Edward "Mister Ed" Mayo

~Rina Chen

4.More hits?
~Mike Hills

N e w     P o s t s  (2)

1.Brian Hartman
~Mass Marketing

~Hidden Costs

Site Review Requests   (1)


Site Review Responses   (0)

G u e s t   A r t i c l e    (1)
1."The Perfect Online Ad"
By A.T.Rendon

Joke of the Day

================== Word from publisher ====================

Greetings All

Welcome  480 new subscribers who joined list since last mailing.


I hope everybody had a nice break from Adland Digest and now we
can get back to business as usual.

There was  a lot happening on my end and this was the first time
since I started my own business,  that Adland Digest was interrupted
for about three weeks.

I've moved to a new location (in fact I'm still surrounded with packages)
and I've implemented major upgrade to AdlandPro Classifieds.

The many implemented  changes will benefit affiliates directly.
I've also eliminated automatic submission to Adlandpro
which will contribute to better quality of listings and advertising
will be seen by people not  auto-submission programs.

Some new services were added
where you can start promotion of your ads from $5 per month and
prices of  banner/text advertising were decreased by 50%.

If you haven't joined Adlandpro affiliate program this is
the best time to do this. Check it out here.

You will get paid commissions and get free advertising.


=================SPAMMING and SPAMMERS=====================
From:Peter G. Browne

Hello Bogdan and Fellow Adlander's,
Well it has been a while since I have submitted anything, as a
matter of fact, I think the last time sent in a submission it was
during the heated debate on SPAMMING and SPAMMERS.
In light of what Adlands and Bogdan is currently going through
I was just curious as to what Bogdan's take would be on
this issue. It appears that Spamming and Spammers have
cost Bogdan and Adlands.

Do people still think that there is not a need to take a firmer
stance in regards to this issue. It has cost Bogdan bandwidth.
It has resulted in affecting his business.

Was this fair to him? In my opinion, no it wasn't. But, in the opinion
of those that prefer to do nothing other than hit the delete key when
they receive a piece of Spam e-mail you might now understand that
this issue is about more than just junk e-mail. It is about your
rights and the rights of others.

I am sure that everyone would be interested in peoples view points
now. You have witnessed first hand the cost that comes with
just turning a blind eye and not making and effort to deal with the
issue. You could very easily be next and then what would you do?

In one of my past submissions I had included technical information
that Bogdan felt was not needed to show people what I was referring
to in regards to how these people hide behind other peoples
sites and IP's . I felt it was much needed to show a point I was
trying to make and was more than dis-appointed that it was edited
out. Perhaps now Bogden you might agree that the information I had
included would have shown people how they are affected by this.

Fighting SPAM and SPAMMERS is a war and it takes time to win.
Doing nothing gets you results, doing something also gets you
results. What are the results that you would like to see? I am not
an anti-spam vigilante, I am a business man. If you had a store that
sold lets say, Music CDs, and on one day a person came in and
bought one copy of everything you sold. Then a few days later that
same person set up a small table just outside your door and was
selling copies that they burned with their CD burners, copies of
everything that they bought from you, but they were 50% cheaper.
Would you just say "Oh Well what happens happens, I can't do
much about it".

I don't think so, I know that you would take so firm a stance that you
would do everything legally in your power to stop that person, even if it
meant they went to jail. After all it was affecting the flow of traffic into
your store and as a result it affected your sales.

In essence you would try to shut them down. Is that only because
you saw it with your own eyes? What about what you can't see and
when suddenly your host or ISP says sorry I have received complaints
that are directed at your site or e-mail address and until we investigate
you are off line. You are now faced with defending yourself for something
that you had nothing to do with. Just like Bogden.

Remember these words" As some of you might already know,
we had problems with bandwidth recently due to spammer and
consequences of ISP action" ,they were the start of issue #237.

Your thoughts and ideas are, as always, more than welcome.

Peter G. Browne

Website Hosting With More Than Just Bells & Whistles
Visit Us On-Line at >


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===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (1.1)=============
Subject:Gateway pages

Debra Glinsey asks in Issue #236:
"Is there anywhere that you can learn how to write gateway pages?
I would like to know what to put in the title, I know the key words I
would use but what kind of subject (title) should be used.  Should
you just make a title that contain your keys word or what, or do you
use a title at all on the gateway pages?"

I don't like gateway pages in the traditional sense of creating one
page as a gateway for each search engine/directory.

Which sounds better to you...
-- Creating individual gateways for each search engine permutation?
-- Creating targeted pages that will do well in many search engines/
directories, AND with your customers.

Personally, I find the second targeted approach to be much easier
to start with and saves a lot of time.  If you have tons of time to learn
about search engine algorithms and other concepts needed for true
gateway pages, that's great, but my guess is most AdLanders are
small operations that are already overworked.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1.  Don't think "gateway" -- think "targeted" instead.
The idea is to keep every single aspect of that page focused tightly
on one idea or concept.  Don't try to convey everything your site has
to offer on this page, that's not what it's for.

2.  The TITLE and DESCRIPTION tags are the most important.
A strong title and description supported by the text of the page is key.
Definitely use a title.  Repeat the title and use either Bold or a Heading
tag at the top of your HTML.  Repeat the description in your HTML too,
as a abstract of the page, or work it into your introduction.

3.  Pull out KEYWORDS from the actual text.
If it isn't in the text, it doesn't belong in your keywords.  Think about
that "targeted" concept again.  Pick a few words/phrases that you are
trying to convey with this SINGLE page, not your site, that one page.
These words will probably be in your title and description too.  If not,
work them in to the title or at least the description.

4.  Include LINKS.
Link out to your homepage and at least one other page.  Link in to
this page from no more than one level deep on your site - either from
your homepage OR from a sitemap (that is linked on your homepage).
Stand alone pages do not do as well.  Search engines/directories
love links in and links out.  Do not be afraid to link to related sites,
especially if they are quality -- you can use that later to try to get a
reciprocal link from them which will also help your ranking in many

How it has worked for me:
My homebiz website was approached by Inc.Magazine for a link and
listed as a "Site of Interest" in return.  Why? Because I rank well for
several related terms and have several targeted pages they liked,7467,,00.html
I'm also a home business resource at About Entrepreneurs:
and other places like Idea Cafe

So, don't worry so much about gateways as you do about targeting.
There is always time to create gateway pages after you get the
simple targeted pages created.


Melody Treece - Owner
Resources, tips and solutions for working at home and
small businesses.


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.1)=============
From:Edward "Mister Ed" Mayo

Howdy All,

I step away for a few days, came back and read the last issue or two and
found a couple people defending free hosting services as if they had
stock in the companies.  Well, sorry to those folks for upsetting them,
but I will say that there are exceptions to the rule and I believe that
they may be in that category.

Free hosting is a good way to start out.  In fact I offer free sites for
this purpose as well as to folks that use free hosting that need more
capabilities.  Since Tammy Sechler was saying that she designed over 120
sites, well, I have provided over 6,000 and average about 10-20 new
sites a week during the slow times.  (Tammy,
didn't come up for me on several tries, but I'd like to talk to you).
But that is beside the point.  I don't remember everything I wrote, but
I still maintain that free sites have a startout or low confidence
quality to them. 99% of them are amateurish and will hardly see the light
of day.  I have seen very, very  few acceptable sites on free hosting
systems.  If you are doing well and getting tons of compliments, then I
think it is great and I have no problem with it at all.  But remember, I
was commenting on the other 2 million crappy sites on free systems out
there that are not worth visiting and have nothing but banners, popup
pages, and look like grade school art experiments.

By the way, HTML is a big programming language, but the basics to build
a nice site are easy to pickup.  Can't learn everything about it, but you
can design a very nice site with a few basic commands.  AND HTML is an
independent processing language: in other words, commands don't know
what the other commands are doing ... hence the reason for cookies to
track what's going on with visitors and their preferences, other
processes, etc. ( that was fer Seqkat regarding his defensive post ).
This was not a contradiction, just a misunderstanding due to not
expounding the subject.

So in a nutshell, try a free site or two.  Try to find ones that aren't
going to steal your visitors with banners and popup screens.  Look at
the tools to create the site ... are they slow? (such as the ones at
homestead or whatever they are called).   But also remember that
bandwidth is like gold ... you get what you pay for ...  the more sites
on a server, the slower the system resources will be.  (and load times
will be slower for visitors than for yourself due to browser caching).

Edward "Mister Ed" Mayo

K-Factor Technologies, Inc


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (3.1)=============
From:Rina Chen


In response to Serina's post, I would like to let you know that I wrote an
article for my subscribers 2 to 3 weeks back revealing some search engine tips.
I hope you benefit from this article...


If you are having trouble getting in top ten search engine rankings, try paying
for placement! That's what many netrepeneurs do, besides swapping links and
bartering for paid advertisement spots.

Some pay-per-click search engines now charges a minimum of US$0.05 per bided
keyword, a monthly US$20.00 per month or a combination of these two plus a 500%
increase in the most popularly-searched words. This is partly because they are
placing advertising deals with other partners to drive traffic to the search
directories. As a webmaster or a web-owner, you need cheaper alternatives.

Instead of trying to buy the most popular terms which are expensive, pay for
dozens - or even hundreds of keywords for significant traffic and for less
money. Use the not-so-popular or often mis-spelled keywords. For example,
"keyword" can be "key-word".
Try to use plurals instead. For example, instead of using "advertisement", why
not use "advertisements"; and abbreviations like "ads". Use a bit of your
imagination to start receiving web visitors who type in likely and "unlikely"
search words to find your website.

At GoClick < >, you can start bidding
for keywords at US$0.01/keyword and only a US$50.00 deposit is required. You
would only need to top-up your pay-per-click funds account when GoClick sends
you visitors through the keywords you have bided. For your convenience, there
6 ways to place your deposit. Another pay-per-click search directory is
Click For Pennies <;PageID=7803&amp;Type=0&amp;
ULID=270 >

Want to know where the other pay-per-click search engines are? They're here:-

This site < > has
a valuable resource that will show you 70 other search engines, portals, and
websites that offer paid search listings just like but a lot better.

If you need professional help in choosing your keywords, that is a different
story to it but you may want to investigate into such services as well (since I
am talking about search engine placements for keywords in this article), I'll
include the web link below. These professionals claim that they would then
cloak your top-ranking pages so that your competition won't steal your spot.
I would advise that you do some research to make sure that cloaked pages
are spider-friendly and would not jeopardise your monthly search rankings.
Check out one of these professionals' website <;PID=244550&amp
;URL=http%3A// >

I truly believe in spending zero to low-cost website promotion campaigns,
especially if you are starting on a small budget.  Turn to expensive advertising
solutions only when your bank account allows it without burning a hole in your
pocket. And always test your ads! Go slow and you won't get hurt economically
or live to regret a poor investment.

Read reviewed web resources, submit free
monthly ezine ads, contests/sweepstakes, free 14k
gold penadant, Just send a blank email to to start your free
subscription.  Telling us to get lost is as easy!


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (4.1)=============
From:Mike Hills
Subject:More hits?

Hi Charles. I have a free site called it doesn't have
everything, but what it does have sure works.

It is split into categories such as, Free Advertising, Paid Advertising, eZines,
ffa sites and more.
have a look it may help.


Mike Hills



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==============N e w P o s t i n g  (1)=============
From:Brian Hartman
Subject:Mass Marketing

Dear Bogdan:
I recently discovered  a company on the net that is called  Mass
Marketing  Program and is located  in Garden City, New York.
They promise 37,500 visitors to your website plus 75,000 banner
ads for only a one-time set up fee of $100.00 plus $75.00 for each
time you receive 37,500 visitors to your site. They estimate they can
generate this amount of traffic in about one month's time . This offer
sounds too good to be true so I am wondering if any of your
readers or yourself might shed any light on the subject.


Brian Hartman


==============N e w P o s t i n g  (2)=============
Subject:Hidden Costs

I keep running in to more costs.
A monthly web site fee.
A merchant account fee.
A virtual terminal fee.
Transaction fees.
Minimum charge card fees.
Isn't there anybody that has everything put together in one package and
clearly explained?!?
I have a little "hobby" business and so far it's costing me hundred to
be "on the net" with minimal sales.
Any suggestions?


=====================Site Review Request  (1)===============


    I look forward to reading this digest every week and would like a site
review of . Currently it is receiving over 200 hits a day and
have 243 people on the email list. I would like to have some ideas on how to get
more people to my idea board and other places on my site. I admit it is "full of
affiliate programs" and have heard quite a bit of put down about them but they
do bring in over $3,000 a month, so they can't be that bad. Any ideas would be



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=====================G u e s t   A r t i c l e   (1)===============
"The Perfect Online Ad"

Most people attempting to do business online not only
send out a great deal of email, they also receive it.

In order for your email message to stand out from the
crowd, it must be different and unique.

And, in order to be the "Perfect Online Ad" it merely
needs two (2) "Key" elements:

1. A "Killer" Title.
2. An Email Link.

The Title.

The Title must be short, no more than 6 to 8 words.  Less
in this case would be more.

The very best Title I have ever seen in an email message
was just 3 short words long.  It captured my attention
and enticed me to click on the link to visit a web site.

Can you guess what those words might have been?

Your Title must be in the Subject area of your email message
and it is recommended that you make use of one or more
action words to capture your readers imagination.

If you would like a FREE list of about 50 Action Words:

An Email Link.

The other "Key" eleement of the "Perfect Online Ad"
is an email link in your message.

Yes, you could include a web site address, like the email
message with the 3 short words in the Title that got me
to pay them a visit.

But, placing an email contact for those interested to click
for further info will provide you with something a web
site might not;  a future email contact address.

And, what is the "Perfect Follow-up" to the "Perfect
Online Ad"?

Respond with a short email message that is no more
than 5 lines of text long and do include your web site
URL in this email message for people to pay you a visit.

If they just had your web site URL, they could easily visit
and you might very well never hear from them again.

But since you now have their email address, you can do
a follow-up email message to them in about 4 or 5 days
and keep yourself fresh on their minds.

Do not follow-up in just one day because many people
will set aside their email to read for another day.

Give them time to be impressed with your first message.

The "Perfect Online Ad" will bring you more response
and success than you can possibly imagine.

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer.
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=====================Thoughts of the Day   (1)===============

 Here's some advice Bill Gates recently dished out at a high school speech
 about 11 things they did not learn in school. He talks about how
 feel-good, politically-correct teaching has created a full generation of
 kids with no concept of reality and how this concept sets them up for
 failure in the real world.

 Life is not fair -- get used to it.

 The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to
 accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

 You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school.
 You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.

 If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't
 have tenure.

 Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a
 different word for burger flipping -- they called it opportunity.

 If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your
 mistakes, learn from them.

 Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now.
 They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and
 listening to you talk about how cool you are.
 So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's
 generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

 Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not.
  In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you
 many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the
 slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

 Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few
 employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own

 RULE 10
 Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave
 the coffee shop and go to jobs.

 RULE 11
 Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.