A Free subscribed Discussion List
of  25,726 subscribers
on web marketing and promotion
supported by AdlandPro World's Classifieds
Bogdan Fiedur,  Publisher
Vol. 1 issue #282  Mar, 21, 2002


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Topics in this issue:

Sponsor Message
Word from Publisher

C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n s (5)

1.How to make E-book?
~Pauline Phillips

2.What is the Most Effective Advertising Tool You have Used?
~Bruce C Vann

3.Pro's and Con's of Buying Leads?

4.Hosting Company
~Marian Spark

5.To E-book or not, that is the question.
~Debbie Mayo-Smith
~Marianne Payton

N e w     P o s t s  (2)

~What do you think?

2.J J Sweeney
~I'm very confused

Site Review Requests   (1)

1.Gilberto Cintron

Site Review Responses   (2)

1.Bob Cortez

2.Elizabeth Sinclair

G u e s t   A r t i c l e    (1)
1.Sharpen Your Email Skills!
By  A.T.Rendon

Joke of the Day

================== Word from publisher ====================

Greetings All

Welcome  260 new subscribers who joined list since last mailing.


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===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (1.1)=============
From:Pauline Phillips
Subject:How to make E-book?

Roxie Rose wrote,

>I can't seem to find an understandable simple instruction for publishing
>e-books. Your Digest had info for covers, but nowhere do I ever find how to
>actually make the e-book. Can anyone out there help me?

Roxie Rose


I make my eBooks in my Windows Word word processor. I save them in Rich Text
Format (RTF). For eBooks intended for reading I use 10-point Times New Roman
type. eBooks to be use at an organ console I use 12-point text. Titles and
subtitles, and some other text is put into Bold type. I italicize words to be

I make title, copyright and Contents pages, then chapters. Save your work at
least as often as every page, as you write. You can revise them at any time.
Merge Text is supposed to put chapters together. But I simply block, copy and
past whole chapters where I want them chapter after chapter. If your work is
technical or based on research, use chapter endnotes.

If you want or other places to sell your eBooks, you'll have to have a
book # for each one. At last know they cost around $400 each. As much research
has to be done worldwide to make sure the #s aren't duplicated. I offer my
eBooks at my website . So I don't need any book
#s. If you check out some of my eBooks, you can see how I deal with them there
and how I sell them via PayPal or Honor System.

Pauline Phillips


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.1)=============
From:Bruce C Vann
Subject:What is the Most Effective Advertising Tool You have Used?

Hi Bogdan,

I keep reading about people wanting effective and cost-effective advertising. I
have found an excellent one and wanted to pass it on to all.
This programme has a once only cost, that is very cheap and what it does is turn
ALL your emails into adverts for whatever you are doing!

It is called Email-It Worldwide and you can find it at
You design your email, with help from the consultants and then whenever you send
an email to anyone anywhere, you are advertising all the time. It is basically a
'set & forget' format. When you spread your initial cost, very low, across 10 -
20 years of use it does make it one of, if not THE, cheapest paid advertising
I have found the quality extremely high and the designs terrific.
You could use it for your newsletters too, Bogdan.
Check it out guys.


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (3.1)=============
Subject:Pro's and Con's of Buying Leads?

Hi Bogdan, Hi Adlanders,

I just wanted to say that I highly appreciated Bob Sharpe contribution in
the Adland Digest issue #280. On the subject of generating and using leads,
I wanted to call the attention of adlanders on a special offer from
InfogeneratorPro  :

For month of March only, you can save $75 off of their full year price and
receive  an ADDED BONUS of 225 Leads FREE to get your marketing campaign
off to a great start!

Another special offer is for FRESH QUALITY "Business Opportunity Seeker"
LEADS FOR LESS Than .40 Cents Each! You get the following
information:  Full Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number, Email Address.

InfogeneratorPro services include:
* UNLIMITED Autoresponders!
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===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (4.1)=============
From:Marian Spark
Subject:Hosting Company

Hello Bogdan and all Adlanders,

In reply to John Olson re Hosting Company (Issue #279 28/2/02
OK so I'm behind with my reading) I am really pleased
to hear of someone else besides myself who loves Trellix.

As a teach-yourself web creation person, I downloaded a free
version of Trellix and found it SO easy to use, not knowing
anything about HTML

In the last 15 months I have created 4 web sites with Trellix,
using their templates.  I have never had any problem with
hosting companies, but I had to purchase the 'Publish Anywhere'
version of Trellix.  I have my sites with three different web
hosts and cannot understand why you should have to pay
an extra $3 per month to host a web site made with Trellix.

My latest web host is  It costs me
£4.99 per month for 100mb and you can host more than
one domain in the same web space.  I have two domains
within my 100mb space.  There is an even cheaper
hosting package for the same 100mb but you have to
put up with an ad on your site.  I think £4.99 per month
for ad free hosting is very good.

Hope you get sorted out John

Marian Spark



===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (5.1)=============
From:Debbie Mayo-Smith
Subject:To E-book or not, that is the question.

That is what I and my publishers Penguin Books just went through. I just
published Successful Email Marketing Your Complete How-To Guide
( . It seemed natural that this should be produced
in an online version too. I'm completely immersed in email and online marketing
and have been for the past 5 years so if anyone would be a fan of delivering
content online - it's me.

But we sat down and thought about it. Having a real honest look at people's
behaviour with books, with online reading, of TRUE demand for printed books vs.
being available as an E-Book. We looked at the reality of the safety of your
work from plagiarism - it's a fallacy to think your E-Books as a PDF are 100%
safe from copying. And in the end I decided not to bother.

Instead I created a companion website for the book, marketed that, put the table
of contents and a free chapter online. And you know what? The book has been out
only one and a half weeks, but through my online newsletter I had sold 300
copies around the world. I know that seems like little bickies, but considering
that my mailing list is a wee little 3400 - that's almost a 10% pick up rate.
Pretty good, isn't it?

By the way I'd be delighted to offer a free subscription to this monthly
marketing tip newsletter to all Adland digest readers. Just click on

Debbie Mayo-Smith



===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (5.2)=============
From:Marianne Payton
Subject:To E-book or not, that is the question.

Hi Bogdan and all Adlanders:

It's been some time since I have posted, but due to health problems and a bad
computer crash, I lost track of everything for awhile.   All of my back issues
are gone, but thanks to your Archives I can go back and refer to them as needed.
Meanwhile, I will just start a new current Archive set on my hard drive again
:o) I can't believe how useful they are and Bogdan, you are really to be
congratulated for such an outstanding job.  I absorb every word.

I wanted to answer Marleen Roberts on her questions about Ebook covers.

I know what you are saying Marleen, but the Ebook cover generator has just been
upgraded and improved due to these very issues.  Granted your option to use the
free ebook cover trial for 30 days is good if that is what you want to do.  I
have purchased the Ecover Generator and have received the upgrade and the
difference is great, so do take another look before condemning the product.

Also, since I do not have all of my back copies of this digest, I do remember
someone asking about creating their own Ebook and I have created one thus far,
which was not as polished as I wanted it to be but was the first one from the
Ebook Generator.  This also has been greatly improved since it's inception so to
the person(s) interested in a simple way to create your own Ebook, you might try

Armand, the creator called me on the telephone and walked me through the Ebook
creation from the original Word 97 document saved as HTML because I needed help
in inserting the graphics.  This was unnecessary on his part, but being as
dedicated as he is to making his customers happy, he spent quite a bit of time
with me. Outside of an extra space between the lines, here and there, I am right
proud of it and if you are interested in taking a look at it, you may download
it from . This is a true story that
can be read even if you are not an astrologer.  Just ignore the astrology lingo
and read the story.  But, take a look at how nicely this Ebook was put together,
barring the extra spacing between some sentences.  The new and improved version
will be better on my next one. . .but, it was done using the first version of
the Ebook Generator.  Now, there are three versions to chose from, so you can be
conservative or elaborate <grin> the decision is yours if you are truly
interested in producing Ebooks the easiest way I have found.  Believe me, if I
can do it, you can too!

God Bless,
Marianne Payton

Proud Charter Member
With GOD all things are possible ~ Matt. 19:26



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==============N e w P o s t i n g  (1)=============
Subject:What do you think?

I would like to know from your readers if these free store fronts that offer
you a commission can actually bring a person any viable amount of income.

This is a new one I had never heard of unlike V-Store. I joined and have a
store set up that I would appreciate your readers looking at and let me know
if it is a waste of my time to pursue advertising it.

It does offer good prices and fast delivery but I would like to hear form
your readers because I have faith in them.

Thanks, April

P.S. I love your newsletter and it is the only one I continually read!!


==============N e w P o s t i n g  (2)=============
From:J J Sweeney
Subject:I'm very confused

Hello there,
I've got a couple of problems that you may be able to help me with. I have been
studying and learning about the internet for well over 6 months now.

I'm feeling very confused about what to do, I have joined up in a couple of
businesses that look great, and they say that they will guide you along the way.

Even through the one I'm with right now has the most helpful so far....
But I'm still having a lot of trouble learning about advertising the products,
there seems to be 1,000,000s of ways but I'm confused about the whole thing...
If you have advice i would appreciate it...


J J Sweeney



=====================Site Review Request  (1)===============
From:Gilberto Cintron

This is what I would like posted in the digest. Thanks

Hello digest members.

I am recreating my website can I please get some critique. You
input would help me a lot. Thank you very much.

Just go to :


Gilberto Cintron


=====================Site Review Response  (1)===============
From:Bob Cortez

In my previous life I was a real estate broker for 15 years, so my
perspective may be a little 'tainted'.

First of all, real estate by it's nature is very local and very
personal.  As a home buyer, why would I choose to visit your site to look
for a home?  What will I find there that I won't find by searching for
local real estate brokerage sites, Multiple Listing Service, or Realtor web
sites?  As a seller, why would I want to buy an ad on your site?  How much
traffic do you receive?  Why should I advertise with you rather than or ?  (two excellent sites
btw in my opinion)

This isn't to say that there isn't an opportunity, I just think you need to
focus on local information, and personalization.  Create a sub domain for a
state like .  Allow buyers to enter
their home preferences into a database and be informed by email when a
listing matches their criteria.  Provide information specific to the
location.  Invite area Real Estate professionals to submit
articles.  Feature local builders.  Create local directories of home owner
related products and services.  Partner with to provide
driving directions and locator maps.  Have a section for Open Houses.  I
guess what I'm saying is you need to have more reasons why buyers would
visit and use your site, so you have an audience for sellers to advertise to.

Hope this helps.  Best wishes for the success of your project.

Bob Cortez

Business and Affiliate Development Manager
ListChannel.Com - Tune Into Your Email



=====================Site Review Response  (2)===============
From:Elizabeth Sinclair

I am responding to Andy Sparks post about his website,
Andy...You have a nice design for your website and the
load time is not too bad. I think the prices for
listings are quite reasonable. You need to get
targeted traffic to your site. I would look for ezines
that specialize in real estate online. Subscribe to a
couple of them and then pay for an ad in those ezines.
You may also want to go to any search engine and type
in the words "real estate online". Take a look at the
most popular sites and then write to the owner and ask
to exchange links with them. And finally, open an
account at and bid on some key
words for your website.
Elizabeth Sinclair





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=====================G u e s t   A r t i c l e   (1)===============
Sharpen Your Email Skills!
By A.T.Rendon

The foundation of any business strategy online should
be done using email.

Email is the most effective and cost efficient manner
in which to communicate with potential customers on
and off the Internet.

And according to a recent report, released by the
Department of Commerce entitled,  "A Nation Online:
How Americans Are Expanding Their Use of the Internet" ,
84% of ALL Americans make use of email to communicate.

This report contains an invaluable WEALTH of information
regarding the numbers of American households connected
to the Internet, details how, where and why people surf the
Internet, provides demographic details on income, employment
status, age groups, gender, levels of education, urban or
rural locations, race and a great deal more.

For those of us doing and wishing to do business online
it is filled with nothing but encouraging good news.

You may access details for receiving a FREE copy of
the report, via auto-responder, at:

Here are a few strategies to sharpen your skills and your
ability to succeed with your online business:

1.  Learn Before or Burn.

BEFORE you attempt to send out anything, make certain
you know HOW to properly use your email program.

Whether you use a web-based email service like Microsoft's
Hotmail, or your own mail program
like Window's Outlook Express, Eudora, Pegasus, Netscape,
etc., and test, test, test it out by sending yourself a message.

In my eight years of being online, I am personally aware of several
popular newsletters that lost virtually all of their hard earned
subscribers when they accidentally sent out their newsletter with
the entire subscription list exposed after switching to a new email

2.  NEVER Ever SPAM!

NEVER ever use a mailing list that you receive by email as
doing so will constitute SPAM. You again risk losing valuable
momentum if all your previous efforts are erased when you lose
your email account.

3. BUILD Your Own Opt-In Mailing List.

It takes time, but it is well worth the effort to build a 100%
safe email list. If you have a web site, add a "Subscribe"
feature that will bring you a steady flow of new email
addresses to which you can safely email.

Creating and managing your own list is difficult but possible.

If you want to save some time, subscribe yourself to one of the many
FREE mailing list services like Yahoo,
They handle everything for you. And they are not the only FREE
list host available.

For a FREE copy of our "FREE Mailing List Host Providers",

4. USE A Clear and Distinct Subject Line.

If the person you are sending your message just reads the
Subject line and finds it wanting, you will probably get deleted
BEFORE you get read. Try to make your Subject line a complete
and interesting idea.

5. KEEP Your First Message Short.

If someone is responding to an online ad or posting in a
discussion group, give them just enough to inform and excite.

Too much info sent out in your first communication might also
make them delete before reading your message in its entirety.

If they are truly interested, they WILL request more information.
Once they request a follow-up, you can send them a more detailed
email. Therefore, do use: Short paragraphs, Lines under sixty-five
characters and Email under twenty-five lines total.

6. TARGET Your Response and Keep In Focus.

Nobody likes an email that starts in one direction and
then loses the point mid-email.

7. CREATE A File To Your Most FAQ.

Have email responses to your most frequently asked questions,
FAQ.  For example, if you run an ad featuring your business
Opportunity, you will need to customize those response emails to
that particular situation. Then keep them handy, like in your
email inbox, so you can "Cut and Paste" your responses.

You should have on file a short, first response email, a longer,
more detailed follow-up as well as a third short reminder message.
The reminder is used about a week or two after sending the detailed
response to keep your message fresh in the mind of your prospect.

It does pay to follow-up.

8. ALWAYS Use A Signature File.

Your signature is very much like an electronic business card
for the Internet. Keep it short, about 4 or 5 lines is considered

Again, it is always wise to send yourself an email to SEE how it
will look to those to which you email. More on Signatures at:

9. TEST Your Messages.

Send out two or three versions of the same basic message so
That you can evaluate which gives you a better response rate.


Keep those on your list well informed by updating any changes,
notices of specials, limited time offers, etc.

Invest some time when you first start your email campaign and
it will save you countless hours down the road when you need it
the most to answer those responses and fill those orders.

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer.
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=====================Joke of the Day   (1)===============


Two Irishmen were adrift in a lifeboat following a dramatic escape from a
burning freighter. While rummaging through the boat's provisions, one of
the men stumbled across an old lamp. Secretly hoping that a genie would
appear, he rubbed the lamp vigorously. To the amazement of the castaways, a
genie came forth. This particular genie, however, stated that he could only
deliver one wish, not the standard three.

Without giving much thought to the matter the man blurted out, "Make the
entire ocean into beer!" The genie clapped his hands with a deafening
crash, and immediately the entire sea turned into the finest brew ever
sampled by mortals.

Simultaneously, the genie vanished. Only the gentle lapping of beer on the
hull broke the stillness as the men considered their circumstances. One man
looked disgustedly at the other whose wish had been granted. After a long,
tension filled moment, he spoke: "Nice going idiot! Now we're going to have
to piss in the boat!"

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