A Free subscribed Discussion List
                           of  25,000 subscribers
                     on web marketing and promotion
               supported by AdlandPro World's Classifieds
                        Bogdan Fiedur,  Publisher
                                      contact at
                      Vol. 1 issue #345  May, 18, 2003

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Topics in this issue:

Sponsor Message
Word from Publisher

C o n t i n u i n g   D i s c u s s i o n s (5)

1.Chat spam and abuse
~Pete Carr

2.Where I should "throw my money"?
~Andy Sparks
~Amalia Sotiriadou
~Jerry Combs
~Cathy Wagner

3.Opt In Emails
~Peter Green

4.StormPay Discussion
~Katheryn Labosky

5.No hype, just honest advice
~Holly Klaus

N e w     P o s t s  (4)

1.Walter Lyons
~Email voiding?

2.Peter Fry
~Online payment systems

3.Rick Flowers
~Internet marketing

4.Dale C Phillips
~Website advertising and promotion

Site Review Requests   (0)

Site Review Responses   (1)

1.Lynn Dorman

G u e s t   A r t i c l e    (1)
1.Words Sell
By Bob Osgoodby

Joke of the Day

================== Word from publisher ====================

Greetings All

Welcome  580 new subscribers who joined list since last mailing.







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===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (1.1)=============
From:Pete Carr
Subject:Chat spam and abuse

Yahoo Chat has been bad for a lot longer than a year with spam bots. For
the most part, the bots advertise a handful of sites, and so far Yahoo has
not done anything to stop it. Yahoo is an unmoderated chat system, with no
Server Admins or IRCop type operators.  Their basic business model was to
create a free chat area, gain users, and then push advertising in the chat
applet/chat page.  Other major chat areas, such as Dalnet and Undernet,
have banned spambots, k-lining them as they are found.

I think Yahoo is missing an opportunity to go after the spammers and send
them invoices for advertising. The sites are easy to track down to the
owners, and, if they are advertising within Yahoo Chat, they should pay
just as any other advertiser.

It is very difficult to keep a chat network secure from spambots/abusive
users, and Yahoo does not have the resources to do so.  Only a handful of
privately operated chat networks are able to accomplish this, at
considerable time and effort by the Server Admins and IRCops.

The best thing to do is find a chat network or channel of interest,
operated by caring Operators, and enjoy yourself.  Also, there are some
good opportunities for advertising within the chat networks, the main
thing to remember is to target your market by matching your
product/service to the chat room theme.

Pete Carr

The Interactive Guide to Chat


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.1)=============
From:Andy Sparks
Subject:Where I should "throw my money"?


It might not be your advertising.  I looked at your site and never went
past the first page.  The use of I or We doesn't matter because they are
both wrong.  Unless you are showing off a hobby or another subject where
you have no interest in making sales, your web site should not be written
in the first person.

You should identify a want or need and then explain how the want or need
can be filled by sending you some money.

A stranger that arrives at your web site doesn't care what I or We say or
want.  They want to know what this web site can do for them and you have
less than 30 seconds to answer that question.

In my opinion, search engines are the best.  Don't spend a bunch of money.
Go here and take some free training.
There is no obligation and the free training will be very helpful.

Andy Sparks

Another part of my real estate community is almost ready.
Auotresponder service, free or paid.


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.2)=============
From:Amalia Sotiriadou
Subject:Where I should "throw my money"?

Hi Gladys!

A very good question, and one I have written a whole course about : "How
to Make Your Site KNOWN!". If you are interested, and you will receive some very
interesting facts about the various forms of advertising on the net. There
are so many option for free and paid advertising that it's getting harder
and harder to sort out the "effective" from the "duds".
Theoretically, what you are looking for is hits. The thinking goes that
the more people that see your offer, the more final customers you will
get. This is true, to some extent. On the other hand, media such as start
page exchanges, banner rotators, safelists, etc. have been "taken over" by
businesspeople who are more interested in SELLING their own stuff than
buying yours.
One way to break out of this vicious circle is to TARGET your advertising
to groups that are not necessarily sellers themselves and that may be
interested in your product. Targetting costs, so be prepared to throw some
money that way.
Another way is to build your own mailing list and offer them QUALITY
products (not TOO often). A mailing list of 100 loyal customers that you
have taken the trouble to build a good relationsip with may be worth more
than 1 million "cold" visitors to your site.

Good luck!


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===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.3)=============
Subject:Where I should "throw my money"?

Hey Gladys,

I visited your website after reading your plight.  I know
the purpose of your website is sales.  But BEFORE you
can sell your products - you have to sell yourself.

I teach this often in my ezine and through personal
consultations.  People can purchase products anywhere!
What commits them to buy from YOU  is YOU!

A famous example I use, (no offense to any car salesmen
out there), is two car salesmen.  You go to one dealer
to buy a Jeep for example.  You WANT they Jeep.  There's
no denying that.  You're going to buy a Jeep.  There's no
getting out of that.  You go to one dealer, and the salesman
comes up to you, and is a pushy salesman.  He's a jerk.  He's
not out to really help YOU - that is, help you get the features,
color, price, make and model, and so forth that you want -
instead he's out to SELL you EVERYTHING to make top
dollar for himself.

What do you do?  You walk away and don't buy the Jeep.
Why did you do that??  You wanted the Jeep.  You did it
because you didn't like, nor trust that this salesman cared
anything about you.  He was only concerned for making
money for himself.

You go to another dealer, and find a wonderful salesman,
that is not pushing you to buy this or that, and instead is
inquiring about what YOU want and/or need.  You see
that he is doing all that he can to accommodate your needs,
while staying within in your budget.

What do you do?  You buy the Jeep.

Why did you buy it from this guy?  He cared about you.
You in turn, want to reward him with the sale.

So, on your initial page - don't jump to the sale!  That comes
across as pushy salesman, and people leave your page.

Instead use your homepage to sell you.  Introduce yourself.
Who are you, what are you into, what are your goals, and
what can you do for the visitor???  Then have links to your
sales page.

Sell yourself on the home page, then visitors will stick
around and visit the links to see your products.  Don't push
any sales of your products on the home page.  Put your selling
links on the left hand side where your blue border is.

Visit my home page:
On that home page, I lead you to buy NOTHING.  Everything
I lead you to is FREE.  All my links to my sells are on the
left.  But seriously BEFORE you buy for me, I am concerned
for you.  I am there to help you, and that's why I put all those
free resources, there for you.  Why?  Don't I want the sales?

No.  I need the sales. What I WANT to do is help others.  So,
I do what I want to do FIRST.  That's highest priority.  Second
priority, just falls into place afterwards.  And this has led me to
the success of working for myself.

Now, on to your marketing.  Ezine marketing is your best
way to go.  There is ample free ezine marketing available
to you, and well as paid advertising.  Paid advertising gets
you better positions, and ( in coops more readers), and is
the most effective.  For ample repetitive advertising free is a
good way to go with your paid advertising, and it works.  It's
how I got started and is often how I introduce  something new
I'm doing.

I have a free training page, that teaches you how to
Advertise Effectively online:
It teaches you what works, how it works, and how to do
it, and then lists resources to go and do it.

Hope this helps you, Gladys!  To your success, God bless!

In His Joy,
Seqkat >^..^<

Welcome to Village of Tidbits, Where the Cats
Work at Home and Can Show You How!  >^..^<


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.4)=============
From:Jerry Combs
Subject:Where I should "throw my money"?

Hi Gladys,
    If you are looking for people surfing the web for something then you
need to see where you are in the search engines and try different things
to get your listing up in the search engines. I concentrated on one area
and got my site listed near or at the top of all the major search engines.
My search was lawn mower repair, and my site is at least on the first page
of the major search engines.
     Also you might want to move your picture down into the middle of you
letter so people don't wait for it to load before starting to look at the
site. Large, Bold type across the top stating the name of the site. Also I
would loose the extra baggage on the first page. Fast loading and simple
is the key. Most people will not even stay long enough to let the page
load if it is slow.

Jerry Combs



===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (2.5)=============
From:Cathy Wagner
Subject:Where I should "throw my money"?

Hi Gladys,

I noticed you asked 2 questions last week; I will answer them both here since I
think they are related. You asked "Where I should "throw my money"?" and, with a
subject of Opt In Emails, "How do you go about purchasing email addresses, and

First, I looked at your site and I couldn't help but feel that your main page
space would be much better used to display some of your best selling or most
interesting gifts.

Yes, it is nice to put a face to the merchant and feel like you are buying from
a real person, but I do not think it should be the first thing we see. First,
buyers need to be interested in buying before they really care about who is

Do not start throwing money at your pc and expect to automatically get better re
sults. This is the way to frustration and loss.

Think about your target market, who would buy from your site? My guess is just
about anybody who has someone to buy gifts for. Did you know that the majority
of internet users and internet business owners are women? Many of us can't
resist a good gifts site, but we are usually drawn in by the outstanding gifts
that would be perfect for so-and-so rather than because the owner looks nice.

I clicked to look at the catalog and then had to click, yet again, before I
could see any photos. You are expecting far too much interest on the part of
your visitor. You have got to grab your prospects in the first 30 seconds that
you have their attention. You have to make them want to look at your offer and
you will do that by displaying your best products that people want.

Anyone with a passing interest (even if they are advertising their own product
at the moment) will pause if they see something they want or need (even if it is
totally unrelated to their task at hand.)You should be able to generate interest
with free advertising, which statistically is used by many, many people of all
walks of life.

Search engine optimization may help, but there are millions of gift sites online
and optimization can be very expensive with no guarantee (usually) on how long
you will have a good position. If you can put together a site like yours, you
can probably do a lot of search engine optimization yourself anyway.

Next: It is impossible to purchase opt in email addresses. The only way to get
them is from people who have specifically said "please send me your

There are many sources online that will sell you email addresses, but remember
that those addresses never asked to get your information. Most list sellers now
recommend that you send mail to the lists they provide from a free email account
and do not include your web site URL, but a free autoresponder address where
people can email for more information instead.

Sort of takes the punch out of email advertising doesn't it? My advice is, save
your money. Rework your site or try sending people to other pages that display
photos of your gifts. If those pages take too long to load, create new pages
that highlight your single best item in different categories.

You can add email capturing elements to your site to build your own mailing
list. There are several ways to do this: you could offer to let people know when
other similar items become available, ask what other kinds of gifts they would
like to see, even run contests! Email addresses that you gather in this way will
be far more responsive and less likely to cry SPAM.

Stick with free advertising until you can generate some sales. Use free
advertising and web site statistics to get a very clear picture of what your
visitors are doing at your site (do they look around or just go away, which
pages do they visit?) and where they are coming from. Try some of the
advertising methods that you think do not work with a different page and see
what the results are, you may be surprised.

I strongly suggest you read my article at It will explain, step by
step, how to analyze your sales process and help you to discover where changes
need to be made.

Remember to do and learn as much as you can for free.

Have a Profitable Day,

Cathy Wagner

ONE STOP Internet Business Services
Your ONE STOP for high quality marketing
information, tips and recommendations.


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===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (3.1)=============
From:Peter Green
Subject:Opt In Emails

Hello Gladys,

To purchase opt~in email addresses is easy, there are hundreds of places
on the internet.

There are a number of things you need to keep in mind.

1. You have the choice of either making a one off purchase or joining a
program to purchase leads on a monthly basis. I belong to a program and
purchase my leads monthly. In this way I am able to promote the leads
program to the leads too. Most "Leads" Companies will add an extra 5% of
leads due to the odd bad email address. There are always 1 or 2 per
hundred who will opt out each mailing so you will need a continual supply.

2. You can purchase many different types of leads.

Type A: There are Leads Companies who deal with Real Estate or Home Loans
and many other specialized leads even by country. i.e. if you are
promoting Health products, you can purchase leads who are interested in
Health products. This is great if you have a specialized online Business.
These are targeted Leads. Do a Google search for  "Health Leads" etc

Type B: You can purchase telephone leads, that is that they have been
contacted by telephone and are interested in receiving more information.
Some leads will have filled in a full online questionnaire.

3.  You need FRESH leads not ones that have filled in a form requesting
information 2 or 3 weeks ago. They may have forgotten all about the form
and will request to be removed from your list on your first mailing.

4.  You will need the follow up emails pre written for sending to your
leads or Prospects.

5.  Many Leads Companies or Programs also have Auto-Responders in which to
send out those follow up emails. This can save you the added hassle of
moving leads and putting them into the correct format required by your
Auto-Responder. You can learn more by viewing "Mailing purchased emails"
in The Adland Digest issue #334

6. Generally if you purchase bulk (1000's) leads they will more than
likely not be fresh leads. There are cheap packages but the response rate
will be poor. These leads will more than likely be sold more than once.
This is not a good policy as the leads will be bombarded with emails from
many people who have purchased the same lead.

7.  You need to be supplied with the first name, surname, email address,
their IP signature and hopefully the date they opted~in to receive more
information. I have had a case of a lead crying Spam but as I had the full
details of the lead, even their phone number and address the
Auto-Responder owner said thank you and have a nice day. But I also know
that a friend of mine lost his ISP and had to pay a $500.00 fine for a
Spam complaint he received. He was innocent but couldn't prove that
someone had used his email address. The Governments in New Zealand where
I'm from, Australia and America are all in the process of putting in place
some very tough laws regarding Spam. So BEWARE don't send Spam, you will
get caught.

I could almost write an eBook on Opt~in email so I had better cool it for

If you wish to receive more Information on Opt~in emailing and Leads. I
would suggest a visit to my leads source. You will find it has all the
above requirements and more. This Leads Program rated in the 20 most
searched for site on the internet last month. I am turning a profit,
promoting to the leads and also by sponsoring people into the leads
program. You are supplied with 3 top rate Auto-Responders. The leads are
will have generated in the previous 3 days, That's Fresh.
A win win system.

For your other post I suggest that you might be interested in The Team
approach. We can save you money! There is power in numbers.


New Zealand

The Opt~in Team approach:
Top Quality Opt~in Leads:


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (3.2)=============
Subject:Opt In Emails

Hello again, Gladys,

You'll find email leads that you have generated much
more responsive than purchased email leads.

This is why spam is NOT successful.  It irritates the
recipient, so even if they want the product that you're
offering, they're not going to get it from you.  They'll
go get it from someone who did not impose upon them.

If you generated the lead at your site, then they WANT
to hear from you, and will be more responsive to
purchase from you.

I receive the majority of my sales from my own list and
then outsiders often list one of my subscribers as a referrer
to what they bought.

The best way to generate your own leads is to start
your own ezine.  Don't freak if you're not a writer.  You
could do something simple, such as keeping your customers
updated for new products that you obtain, or special offers
for your products.

How do you start an ezine, and how to you obtain subscribers
for it, and keep those subscribers?  Don't sweat it - I've
conquered that too with my free ezine training course, that
ranks #1 with Yahoo and Google:

Again, to your success, God bless!

In His Joy,
Seqkat >^..^<

Welcome to Village of Tidbits, Where the Cats
Work at Home and Can Show You How!  >^..^<


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (4.1)=============
From:Katheryn Labosky
Subject:StormPay Discussion

Hello again, Robert.  Well, if saying that "a lie lives forever" is not
combative, then I guess I don't know the meaning of the word, "combative"
  If you've interpreted what I said as "a lie" then I will incorporate
that knowledge into my daily activities and be more rigorous in my
writings and postings, as that was never my intention.  I felt that I was
"helping" the original poster, and will now "circumvent that desire" and
fight the "urge to assist" whenever it overcomes me.  It's always a "good
thing" to hear from others about an unfettered view of one's self that may
not have occurred otherwise.

I will never be one of your subscribers either, Robert, as I can see that
you and I do have "fundamental differences in temperament" and do probably
approach the world in a slightly different fashion in all we do and all we
say.  It's probably better for the world at large this way.

As for my "forgetfulness", that actually made me smile, as you're probably
more correct there than anywhere in this discussion (in my opinion), as I
don't pay all that much attention actually (as you do) to posts on a
"discussion" forum that were made weeks previous.  This is, after all, "a
discussion".   I will concede that, while again, because of our
temperamental differences, you seem to "memorize" the discussions here
week after week.  My "forgetfulness" probably results from the fact that
I'm the "successfully single" mother of many children, the owner of my own
business, and the sole caretaker of my terminally-ill younger brother, who
also lives with me, so perhaps you might "indulge" me from time to time,
as I perhaps can't be (because of my time constraints) as "on top of
things" as you are.  This is why I call myself "The Reluctant
Entrepreneur", as this was not a life choice I made willingly, but because
of the above, was rather "forced into".

Again, I thank you for "refreshing" my memory as to where this all
started, and I honestly will continue to believe that you and I will never
"agree" on these issues, as your postings too, show that your beliefs are
totally oppositional to mine.

Your quote here, taken from your website (it was nice to see it all in one
place, and did help someone as busy as I am), is quite opposed to my view
on things.  The quote of yours to which I'm referring is below and is
referring to PayPal:

"They are owned by, also regulated, also issuing stock shares and
also regulated as any other business in America. Maybe even more since
they are one of the largest Internet companies" (Robert Lee's Website, May
12, 2003).

I don't know, Robert.  Enron and WorldCom immediately came to my mind when
you said that.  Didn't the entire world "assume" that because they were
large companies, they were more regulated and "above board" since they
were large? Didn't Enron experience one of the highest priced stock shares
to date at one point in time?  Was that an assurance that everything was
fine? Where did that "assumption" leave those that were "wiped out" (and
this is common knowledge) when these companies crashed?

I tend, personally, to be even more cautious when dealing with entities on
the "net", and I do encourage others to be so as well.

Are we to trust the government to enforce everything the way it should be
and protect our financial futures?  I don't think so, at least personally.
I believe no one cares about my money, or my finances, as much as I do,
and I probably will continue to feel this way.

I don't pretend to know everything, Robert, and I'm sure you can teach me
things about life and finances, that I don't know already.  Everyone out
there can learn from others, and I'll always be open to garnering new
facts and "learning" as I go along.

As for reading the "TOS" of PayPal, well, apparently, from the feedback
I've gotten from others, I am not alone in this.  Perhaps, since you are
better at this, you could break it all down for me, and post it, along
with the "simplified" version that you can provide.  It would be much
appreciated, I guarantee, and I, of course, would read it thoroughly, as
well as share it with my readers, as there are many questions I still
receive on this everyday and your "explanation" of this lengthy document
would be well received by many.  If you can shed any light on this TOS, in
a very readable fashion, I will publish it, and then forward the issue
that it appears in to you (this way you can see that I've kept my word,
without "subscribing" to my ezine). You will, of course, maintain full
rights to this, and all your contact info will be included in full.   I am
not beyond sharing both sides of an issue, and my readers would definitely
welcome a "broken down" version of that TOS.  I do try to provide what
they want, and they are always in contact with me, so just let me know if
this can be done.


Katheryn Labosky

"The Reluctant Entrepreneur"


===========C o n t i n u i n g D i s c u s s i o n (5.1)=============
From:Holly Klaus
Subject:No hype, just honest advice

Hi Peter,

My name is Holly, I personally love the Internet, so stick to your day job
for now but don't give up! You can be successful.

Adland Pro is never a waste of time or money, that I feel for sure. Of
course what your advertising and how you word it, what you offer can all
contribute to how well an ad will work. The best advertising builds
relationships. People are bombarded with hype and deals and businesses on
the net. So look for a way to build relationships first. Make sure your
primary business is a good one, honest and one you feel good about
yourself. That way once you build trust you have something trustworthy to

I personally do not care for safelists. They clog mailboxes and I don't
think the time, effort and money is worth it. However if you have no other
choice and lots of time to spend on the net, it could get you started.
Personally I think most send them straight to the trash. As I have
mentioned before in the Adland Digest, when I first started on the net,
coming from a background of 30 years of print advertising, I thought a
million emails for practically nothing or free had to be a whoppin' great
way to advertise, until I couldn't find my own email, found out everyone
is encouraged to keep a separate mailbox where they can trash the mail
easily... gee, how good a campaign can that be when they literally
encourage that? Similar to sending out a million print bulk mailings with
the words "Please put directly into the Trash, do not open" HA! Well, I
know some use it, and maybe even get some response, but I don't have the

I have used Rotators with some success but I wouldn't make that my main ad
budget. However they can be an extremely useful tool. For instance I set
up a Co-OP for my members where I use a Rotator. I run advertising, they
share the cost and the sites rotate around to each of my members. It makes
it less expensive for them to run some good Solo Ads and I am providing
them that extra personal service that makes us a working team.

Okay, now, if you were to ask me what to do?

One, I would start with foundational listbuilding. Build a list of your
own. Build relationships of your own. Here's where you can obtain a free
course you will really enjoy:

Next I would work with someone who can guide me to tested ad sources,
generally speaking usually the most productive ads are well placed Solo
Ads. But, there are hundreds of places to advertise and you can lose a lot
of money guessing. Also knowing what to say and what to offer can make the
difference between someone following thru or not.

Here is a place you can learn exactly where to advertise and more about
how to do so. Just fill out the form for more info and get a free ezine
that is a great guide to pros and cons of good business. It also
investigates businesses online and so on.

Last but not least, feel free to email me personally anytime with any
questions. I certainly do not pretend to know it all, but I do earn my
living online and love to share what has worked for me and help others
find their niche as well.

Kind Regards,
Holly Klaus




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==============N e w P o s t i n g  (1)=============
From:Walter Lyons
Subject:Email voiding?

The are a lot of places where one can go to find email spam and virus
filters but does anyone know of a vendor who has a reliable service that
eliminates all messages in a non POP mailbox (such as Netscape, hotmail,
yahoo, etc)?

I signed up for one called "Mailvoid", paid one year in advance, but have
finally decided that this guy is most likely running a scam. His service
is supposed to go to my web site as frequently as hourly and clear all
messages.  The stats show that he never visits the site at all.  Repeated
messages to him have gone unanswered.  It looks like he "took the money
and ran".
That's why I am looking for a "reliable" service!

I also know that there are mailbox services that do this also but I am not
really looking for another email address.

By the way, I came across a great email virus scanning program.  Not only
does it scan each incoming and outgoing email for virus (and certifies it
as virus free), but it also has a virus scan for your pc.  It does a virus
scan on boot up and also if you wish, on your drives as well.
And best of all, it's FR*EE!
I am not an affiliate for this company and get no credit if someone
downloads it.
If you are interested go to:

Walter Lyons

Advertise Directly to 362,797 Targeted Leads -- 100% FR*EE!



==============N e w P o s t i n g  (2)=============
From:Peter Fry
Subject:Online payment systems

I am creating a website for a charitable cause. Receiving online
payments.....who provides the best deal? I hate the thought part of
someone's donation going to a bank but....that's life. Can I get advice on
this matter please?

Peter Fry


==============N e w P o s t i n g  (3)=============
From:Rick Flowers
Subject:Internet marketing

Hi Group,
I'm new to this whole internet marketing game. I've read tons of material,
both solicited and unsolicited on driving traffic to my site. What I would
really like to know is, who's telling the truth. I've tried lots of things
and my counter is still stagnant. I've got a product I think is good as do
my reviewers. So what am I to do?

Rick Flowers


==============N e w P o s t i n g  (4)=============
From:Dale C Phillips
Subject:Website advertising and promotion

 am a new member to this list.I am a author/ghostwritter.I want to drive
more traffic to my website that targets science/spirituality.what is the
best program for me?what will it cost? I am very busy,do I need to do much
work on this program?will I get any results?
please contact me soon
p.s. if you want to view my website and see if it is good enough for
advertising,please give your ideas and opinions.I am just starting to
build it.I may need to get someone to design a new one for me.go to
thank you



=====================Site Review Response  (1)===============
From:Lynn Dorman

Hi Kelvin:

Your site, which is titled "Your Cash Chest," takes the reader directly to
what seems to be an affiliate designed page about skin care.  There is no
further reference to a cash chest.

A lead in or pre-selling page telling us about you and your web site would
be a helpful first page and it could start the building of a relationship
between you and your readers. That way we get to know you and can then
click on links to the products you are selling.

Hope this helps..

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.


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=====================G u e s t   A r t i c l e   (1)===============
Words Sell
ByBob Osgoodby

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. While this
may be true if the picture is a schematic of a complicated gizmo
you're trying to put together, it is hardly the case when it
comes to your ads.

An image should be used as an attention getter. It should draw
people in to read the words used in the ad. Words sell - not
pictures. Each word used in the ad should lead the person to the
desired outcome. In the case of a classified ad, the desired
outcome should be to have them request more information.

Sales are seldom made from the first ad someone sees describing
your product, service or opportunity. If you can get someone to
ask for more information, your ad has done the first part of the

Anyone involved in Internet Sales without a web page is simply
spinning their wheels. Many of the web pages however are
disaster areas. People get so creative in their design, they
forget their primary purpose. Once you have gotten someone to
this point, it is now time to close the sale, and this is where
many people "miss the boat".

Think about it - your ad had to have been effective as it got
them to your web site. They are looking for additional
information. Some people want the presentation in the quickest
possible fashion, while others are willing to spend the time
researching your offer. To be effective you should try to
accommodate both groups.

An effective presentation will provide a synopsis of what you
want to cover. It should also have a "link" where a person can
be sent for in depth information. This is definitely a case
where more is better. But you should not use words simply to
fill space - they should all be carefully crafted to bring the
person to your order page.

Studies have shown that one large web page with internal links to
additional information will usually do better. Think of these
internal links as bookmarks within your page, which will quickly
advance someone to the desired spot.

An image will make your page more attractive, but don't include
one unless it has a purpose, and will help close the sale. A
large image that takes a long time to load will many times have
the reverse effect of what is desired. If the visitor simply
"clicks away" from your web page because the image loads slowly,
it is defeating its purpose.

Some guru's recommend power words like "free" or "earn without
work", but these terms have been overused. While power words may
still have a place in your "teaser" ads, you should use down to
earth language at your web site. The words must be vibrant and
alive, driving the person toward the desired outcome.

You must learn how to write persuasive words targeted
specifically to your targeted customer. If your target market is
professionals, write your message geared to them. Remember
however that the vocabulary of many potential customers may be
limited, so don't use words that will not be understood by the
average person. Avoid the use of terms that will not be known by
your prospects.

Your text should be written in a black, legible font with a light
background, preferably white. While yellow text on a black
background is "cute" you should avoid using fancy fonts or
backgrounds that are difficult to read - people will simply
"click away".

Remember - every word you use should have one specific purpose,
and that is to lead your prospect to buy what you are selling.
When writing sales copy, use words like "you" and "your" - write
as if you are speaking with just one person -- one on one.

Finally, be aware that many Internet users are apprehensive about
making a purchase on the Internet. You must put your potential
customers mind at ease by displaying your full name, company name
and contact information. This will put their mind at ease by
building their confidence in you and your product. While a
picture may be worth a thousand words, it is the words that will


Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the
"Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web
Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday.
Instructions on how to place your ad are in the Newsletter.
Subscribe at:


=====================Joke of the Day   (1)===============

Showing his friend around his home, Fred started to point
out all of the collectibles he and his wife had acquired over
their long years of marriage.

"The day before I die, I'd like to sell every piece we've got
just to see how much it's all worth."

"But you couldn't possibly know the day before you were
going to die, so how could you sell it."

"Simple: If I sell it, my wife would kill me!"

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