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6/2/2008 11:55:13 PM
Welcome to any new friends to this forum. We can discuss the latest mystery or find out the best way to describe a character; how to place punctuation (my personal problem) or even which publisher is the best to approach with our "newest best-seller" - we hope! We can learn from each other and enjoy each others positive feedback here. I am hoping this will be a safe place for all avid readers and writers alike. Enjoy! NOTE: We are aiming for the sharing of book related topics, not just advertising. So I am asking that we keep the advertising to a minimum... maybe just a line at the very end of the message would work. Thanks!
Darrell & Carol
Re: Welcome!
6/15/2008 1:59:06 PM

I am new to the community here. My name is lucy (a nickname, actually), and I have been known to write on occasion. I really prefer to be an editor, though. My husband is also a writer--plays, screenplays (one in discussion mode), and a novel we decided to sell as an e-book to generate interest in the series, WHEN CLONES GO MISSING.

Although I would be thrilled to sell the book to any of you here, I am mainly writing this to get acquainted with other writers and those interested in books.

I write poetry mostly, and some short fiction. Anyway, it seems like such a great community.

More later...

Everything has a small beginning. Cicero
Re: Welcome!
6/15/2008 9:57:31 PM

Welcome Lucy!

I am trying to write a book myself - actually I have started a couple. Hopefully we can learn some tips from each other and others as well.  Please keep an eye on this forum for helpful hints and connections with others.

Darrell & Carol