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Ray Combs

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Oil Apocalypse By 2012
6/10/2008 6:46:17 AM

Oil Apocalypse By 2012

I watched a special on the History Channel yesterday about how close we are to the tipping point where oil productions starts to drop off dramatically. It's a fact that oil producers simply can't produce enough oil to meet world demand any longer. 

Very shortly we will be in a real painful mess, possibly facing a world wide depression and even WWIII. A situation that can very well lead to famine and pestilences as bible prophecy states.

There may be plenty of oil out there, but a lot of it like oil sand and oil shale is hard to refine and/or hard to reach.  Middle East Oil is running out, it's as simple as that.  Production has already peaked.  And at least in America politicians won't open up oil rich reserves (idiots). 

According to many experts, that mull through this stuff daily, we are on the verge of being too late to stop the oil crisis from turning into a world wide depression. 

It's not a matter of polution, it's a matter of hanging on till we can invent a new source of energy to replace oil. So far our governments haven't done their jobs, instead waiting until there is a crisis to start doing something!
I was really shocked to see what the special "Oil Apocalypse" presented.  Many of the options I thought might be real solutions had serious problems. However in time there will be solutions. We are out of time.

The people that work on these issues daily laid out a set of terrifying scenarios that bring home just how dangerous this oil issue is.  

We live in a world of idiots. Politicians that can't make a rational decision and dictators that want to cause WWIII and see the world destroyed for religous goals.

We can't deny any longer that the laws of supply and demand have peaked with the oil issue and we are fast approaching the breaking point. 

If we (all of us!) don't work fast and hard this serious oil shortage (happening now) could very well destabilize the economies of every country in the world.

This is a very serious issue that affects each and every person in every nation.  Watch this special "Oil Apocalypse" if at all possible. You can check the Internet for a show time.  Watch while the experts lay out a worst-case scenario, as this film shows how there could very well be a worldwide depression and soon, that could easily lead to WWIII.

Open your eyes, it is almost too late already.

I started this forum in hopes that getting better MPG would catch on. But it's sad that most people don't seem to care.

I send out 175,000 ads a month and only get a few people that respond.  People must not realize just how serious this situation is.  People should be very frightened! It is going to get very bad and soon, if we all don't do something ourselves.  Because governments, oil companies and scientist aren't going fix anything any time soon.

There is a way you can fight back and save your money, use less oil and gas/diesel.

Plan #1: This is a simple hydrogen on demand system you can build yourself. It is safe, no HHO (hydrogen) is stored, it is used as it is made.  You can buy a kit, and even have it installed if you like.  There are installation centers poping up all over because this is a popular soluton to conserve gas/diesel. All this info is provided when you get the ebooks.

It only takes 2 amps to produce HHO, about the same amps that your radio takes to operate.

So there's no excuse.

What you can expect Our road tests have achieved 50% increase on a heavy 350 V8 van, 56% on a Ford truck, 107% on a Toyota Corolla, 285% on a Chevy 4WD pickup (this is not a typo). Carter Blankenship III is saving $200-$400 EVERY WEEK on his big rig diesel truck (he constructed a "6-pack" himself from our knowledge, and covered his costs in a couple of days).

So there is hope for the vehicle you drive now gas or diesel.  For truck drivers, this works on big rigs, it's a simple system you can make to save $200 to $400 per week.

If you don't want this system check other systems available, this is a viable solution to getting a lot more MPG. Just type in HHO systems or hydrogen on demand. You will see just how much of a huge underground movement this is.  Americans are resourceful, take advantage of this system.

Plan #2: I have used AMSOIL for over 13-years, it works to get more gas mileage and virtually eliminates wear. You can get a free catalog off my site. 

I have consistently gotten 20% more MPG with AMSOIL, I get 6.4 more mpg on my 2007 Toyota, I change oil and new technolgy nano-fiber oil filter once a year.  I save about $550 in gas, $50 on oil, $35 on oil filters and abotu $100 on labor. That's a total of about $750 a year. Just change to AMSOIL and go.

AMSOIL is a 100% synthetic oil, since 1972.  That's over 35 years continually perfecting a wonderful product.  It handles cold down to -55 F below zero and extreme heat around 500 degrees F. 

Conventional oil begins to thicken at 50 degrees F and can prevent your car from starting in freezing temps. Conventional oil cooks at 220 degrees and becomes unserviceable. Learn more!

I wouldn't be telling you about AMSOIL if it wasn't a the best product in the industry. Amsoil has saved me a lot of money over the past 13 years. 

Plan 3: Become an advocate for saving fuel, by promoting electric cars, electric plug in hybrids, supplemental hygrogen systems, solar, anything that will save fuel and reduce dependency on oil. Write your government representative, fight back!

Plan 4: Find and implement ways to cut fuel costs and improve MPG. Like HHO systems, putting nitrogen (inert gas) in your tires. Low air in tires will cost you 25% in fuel economy. Nitrogen has large molecules, takes a year to leak less than 1-pound of air, is safer in hot and cold driving conditions, doesn't rot rubber like compressed air does, and is dry unlike air.  You save big with Nitrogen.

Fuel up in the cool of the morning, you get more gas.  Fuel up slow, less air in fuel means more gas for your dollar.


They say it's not too late if we take immediate action, right now, not tomorrow.  They point out that acting fast is critical.  I hope you (everyone) will be inspired to become an energy activist.

You can't sit back and expect the scientists, governments, oil companies and politicians to fix this mess.  A quick fix is not possible.  The situation will get worse, it will get critical if WE ALL don't do something fast!

I have given you a starting point, we are at the eleventh hour.  Either you will be a part of the solution or a part of the problem. Don't be like the idiot in the 1-ton dullie that passed me yesterday at 80 mph.  The time to act is now."

Pass this blog on to your friends and family.

A few of the Business opportunities that I'm using now to make money. If you love your dog/cat you want to learn how to read labels. This is the safest dog/cat food on the market and the most nutritional.  Only safe, American products are used, nothing from China, no wheat or corn gluten... learn more.


John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


Ray Combs
Re: Oil Apocalypse By 2012
6/10/2008 8:53:12 AM

Hi Ray,

It's amazing how information can be presented so differently by different organizations. I was just watching a news program where they were discussing oil and whether we were running out of it.

What was said is that there are VAST untapped oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico as well as 1 Trillion barrels of shale oil and another 400 billion barrels of oil in the Northern U.S. BUT Congress will not allow drilling.

Who do we believe? Maybe the Middle East will run out but if the U.S. would get our act together we would not have to import any oil nor would we have to export it.


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Re: Oil Apocalypse By 2012
6/10/2008 12:37:27 PM
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Ray Combs

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Re: Oil Apocalypse By 2012
6/10/2008 4:07:04 PM

I've heard since about 2003 that Saudi Arabian oil production was tailing off and had possibly peaked.  Charts tracking production seem to support that analysis. Yet some say world oil production will peak in 2010, etc..

What most people don't realize is the last half of the oil is the hardest to get out of the ground.  If you have 50% left you only get a percentage of what is left of that oil out easily.  The rest becomes a slow process, the rest is the pits.  

43% of the worlds oil is pumped out of Saudi Arabia, (9.1 million barrels of crude oil per day in April) if their production is now flat or soon flat, how are the oil producing nations going to make up with the world's ever increasing demand? Increased world production can't be done as things stand today.

It really doesn't matter if we have a trillion barrels in the north and four billion barrels in the south.  If the government won't let the oil companies drill for the oil, it might as well not be there at all.

The Saudie's may bring smaller fields into production to keep production at current levels.  But increasing production significantly, even if they wanted too, probably won't happen.  It's a critical issue for the world oil supply.

It takes many years to bring oil fields into production. We need to move now, not after debates and arguments.  The fact is, even if we started right now it's probably too late to prevent a lot of pain. 

That was the theme in the show "Oil Apocalypse."  Act right now or it's too late.  I thend to believe them. 

I think it's up to each of us to drive fuel efficient cars, use every tool at our disposal to get more MPG.  Cut back on driving and really conserve. The consumer can turn things around, the consumer has the power not the government. 

But I'm not suffering from any delusions to think we can all get together to make a difference.  I realise that isn't going to happen. Too may people don't care, won't accept the urgency, maybe we are too spoiled, maybe too lazy to go out of their way to make something work in time. I think that's probably the case.  

Yet if it gets to hurting enough, maybe enough people will work at getting more MPG out of despiration and at least reduce the pain a little.  For me, I'll try anything to get more MPG. While others spend $200 to fill at a tank, at least I will cut that in half or more.

I agree that the estimates are varied, but that doesn't make the problem any less critical.  Even if there is enough oil, yet gas costs so much you can't buy it, the crisis is still here.  OPEC will cut production if prices go down, they got us where they want us!

Good luck to all, Ray 

Take a look at this article:

Fight back!

Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20 

Ray Combs
Re: Oil Apocalypse By 2012
6/10/2008 6:30:33 PM

Hi Ray,

I agree with all you have said 100%. What I was saying is that we, the US has over 1.5 trillion barrels of of untapped oil that we should be extracting WHILE we develop alternative methods for fuel.

The politicians and the behind the scenes power brokers are manipulating the situation. BUT we humans must also curb our addiction to oil.

Have you had the opportunity to use that Water4Gas product you shared with us?

I am checking out the Amsoil links you provided



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