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Ray Combs

30 Posts
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Valid Solutions To The Fuel Crisis
6/29/2008 6:33:15 AM

The government pushed hydrogen fuel cell technology because they wanted us to be dependent on fueling stations like we are gas stations. Anything to cost us money, for the economy of course. 

Because developing super efficient cars, hydrogen on demand systems and/or batteries and making an electric car that charges in minutes off your own solar system would in their minds destroy the economy. The same goes for HHO systems that run a car with 100% hydrogen on demand (no fuel cells).

Below I have listed some remarkable information about electric cars, hydrogen on demand systems, plug in hybrids and valid solutions to the oil crisis. run your car on water (supplemental hydrogen on demand). Double your gas mileage. Also More MPG, use 80% less oil. A company called ZENN Motors out of Toronto, Canada bought the rights to new technology and is close to using it in their electric cars.  They will have a 250 mile range on a 5 minute charge G.H. Garrett's water car ran on water for two days without stopping.  Water Succeeds Gasoline As New Invention Is Perfected, Garrett's Stanley Meyer in 1998 developed a dune buggy that ran on 100% Water (HHO) and was murdered.

 Water Succeeds Gasoline As New Invention Is Perfected (Dec, 1935) There's a diesel built already and on the market that gets 150 mpg.  150 mpg car 150 mpg car, might get another 20% with AMSOIL...

This car could be on the market in a couple years! 200 miles per gallon! Inventors Lives Threatened - someone with lots of money doesn't want cheap or free energy anywhere!

Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind [Romans 1:24-32] A depraved mind defined; a mind that cannot make a rational decision even when it is their best interest. Sounds very much like the governments of the world.

Ray Combs
Ray Combs

30 Posts
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Re: Valid Solutions To The Fuel Crisis
7/25/2008 7:48:12 AM

According to recent polls we have the worst U.S. congress in the history of this country.  It's pretty obvious they can't make a rational decision. 

This week Democrats met to discuss raising the federal fuel tax by 10 centsAnd they intend to raise the fuel tax by 40 cents.

If that isn't irrational I don't know what is.  A 40 cent increase would shut a significant portion of the trucking industry down.  It would certainly keep me at home more than I am now.

My family has cut driving over 50%. 

So what's next? If the crazies in the middle east flare up or Iran is attached for their stupidity, you will see oil double, even triple.

The only solution I see is to get off oil period for transportation.  But if you, yes you, don't write your government reps and do all you can to cut fuel usage regardless what those idiots in government do, we loose.

Demand more research for electric cars, HHO and hydrogen on demad systems.  Water cars, they exist but will they be bought our or even murdered to keep it off the market?

other ways to cut fuel costs:

1) Put Nitrogen in your tires instead of air you loose 25% of your fuel mileage with low tires!

2) Use synthetic oil instead of conventional oil; get better fuel mileage use 80% less oil.  Once case of AMSOIL and two new technology nano fiber filters will take care of the average car for two years. I get 20% more mpg with AMSOIL. 

3) Fuel up in the morning when it is cooler, you will get more fuel for your money.

4) Fuel up slow to avoid getting more air bubbles in the fuel.

5) Avoid rapid acceleration and rapid stopping.

6) Drive at a constant speed, avoid darting around, passing, accelerating to get by the 700 cars in front of your car.  Settle back and enjoy the drive.

7) Shut off your engine when waiting for your better half to get out of the bank, store etc..  You are loosing significant gas mileage at idle.

8) Consolidate all your shopping, banking, errands into one trip.

9) Keep your car tuned up, change the air filter (AMSOIL's nano fiber air filter save you fuel and it's reusable to 100,000 miles and change spark plugs on time. A dirty air filter can cost you 15 to 20 cents a gallon.

10) Stay at the speed limits, the faster you go the more gas you use. Besides it's the law!

11) The more weight you have in your vehicle the less gas mileage you get... lighten the load and improve fuel mileage.

12) Shop around, keep your eye open as you go to work, church or to the store. Or check for the best gas prices in your area on your computer.  You can save as much as 20 cents a gallon if you shop around.

13) Beware of using credit cards to purchase gas, some stations charge you way more and you often don't even realize it.

More later  


Ray Combs
Re: Valid Solutions To The Fuel Crisis
7/26/2008 11:36:24 AM
You might be interested in the following information:

   1) Federal gasoline tax totaled 200 MILLION dollars a day, in 1996.   
   2) With all the talk about "global warming", there is an inventor who made something to "eat carbon".  NO ONE from all these environmental groups are interested.  The owner is having a hard time getting funding...this was on Glenn Beck the other night.  You know about the "Carbon Tax"?
   3) Another author wrote about a great way to make your own alcohol based fuel: Alcohol It's a Gas
   4) This site has 105 ways to cut fuel consumption:
          105 hypermiling/ecodriving tips
  5) The United States is under a systimatic attack from Wall Street and the banks controlled by the Federal Reserve System that destroys any new businesses that wish to take us OFF oil by off-shore funds and naked short selling:
     The Greatest Crime in History

We can keep putting up with this crap, or we can JOIN forces and do something:  Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty