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Ray Combs

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Make Free Fuel with 80 year old technology
7/26/2008 6:30:19 AM

It's basic physics, put an electrode into water, add a little baking soda, apply 6 or 12 volts and you have free hydrogen.  It's 80 year old technology it's a high school level science project. Take a moment and see for yourself, it has already been done.

Stan Meyer's dune buggy runs on 100% water Stan Meyer was murdered... he wouldn't sell out to big oil.

In 1935 car (V-8) ran for 2 days without stopping on water (HHO)

How to make your own HHO system and how it works!

I've heard for years about new inventions to get amazing gas mileage or that will eliminate the need for gas to fuel vehicles... Here's the history of how these inventions have been suppressed, from buy off's to murder!

It is still going on, one big oil company recently bought off new battery technology, not heard of again. Watch the movie "Who Killed The Electric Car" available at netflix

Humans are predictable, oil goes down they sit back and start driving more.  Like the man with a leaking roof, it's sunny so he forgets the leak and fails to fix the roof, he gets wet again and again and again.  

You can do something to beat this oil rip off - join me in making free fuel for your vehicle.

There's always a nay-sayer around and most of the time they flap their gums just to hear themselves babble and feel important.



Ray Combs