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My Award Winning Positive Huntington's disease Page and Blog
11/3/2008 1:05:11 PM

I am 25, am experiencing Huntington’s disease symptoms.  I am in home care. My family is one of the few in the world who have early onset. I was a Nurse Assistant  before I got sick. I made a positive, comprehensive website. It has a blog, Articles,  care giving tips, research,  ways to fight brain fog, myths, my story, my families’ story, history, ways to have a positive testing experience, and ways to cope. I also put on there the poems I got published in the horizon. I now have my personal support group. I have won more awards in a short period time than any other site, 67. 25  are international Awards. I am on the Top Disability/ Disease Blog List. I also have won the Disability Network Award. 


Tim Southernwood

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Re: My Award Winning Positive Huntington's disease Page and Blog
11/11/2008 1:18:27 PM
Thanks for posting here Heather.
Let me recommend that you also get your blog nominated here at BLOGNETAWARDS in the hopes to get you even more recognition and perhaps another award :-)
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle