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Taking responsibility for..
11/3/2008 3:41:26 PM

Taking Responsibility for Your Success

We all need support from other people. Love, encouragement, words of advice and friendship will help you get through the important stages in your life. When people are in your corner, you feel like taking on any challenge. As important as help from others may be, though, it all has to start with you. If you're waiting for someone to solve your problems, or wondering when someone is "going to do something about that," you may be waiting a long time--unless you look to yourself first. Take responsibility for your own situation and think of what concrete steps you'll take today to help it. If you're going to need help, it's only fair that the person with the most at stake (you) is willing to make the most effort. When someone is pulling you out of a hole and has grasped your hand, you still must take the first step to climb out, or you're just going to be hanging there.


PS. This will be my last post for this week.

Leaving for a well deserved vacation.

I wil be back next Tuesday Nov 11th.

Have a great week.


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Re: Taking responsibility for..
11/4/2008 12:49:55 AM

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