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Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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It's Never Too Late to Give Back
9/27/2005 8:55:32 PM
It is said that Andrew Carnegie in his younger years made a pact with his Creator that he would spend the first half of his life making money, and the second half giving it away. Our public library system had its birth in Mr. Carnegie's fulfillment of that pact, as he gave his entire fortune to a trust for the building of libraries. I've read that story in many of my favorite books, because it is one of the dramatic examples of the very wealthy giving back to bless the world with the abundance they themselves were blessed with. Of course there are many others. In their books The One Minute Millionaire and Cracking the Millionaire Code, Robert G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen talk about Enlightened Millionaires. The concept isn't new, but the phrase is easy to relate to. It appealed to me because until it caught my imagination, I had some vague notion that "when" I had achieved sufficient wealth, I would use a portion of it to help others. The authors were very effective in raising my belief level about being able to give such a magnificent gift. Reading and pondering these books, as well as Jack Canfield's The Success Principles, I have come to believe that there is some law of the Universe that encourages and supports giving now, not "when"; but, better late than never! I'm sure some of you believe in and practice the concept of tithing. Others give to charity, either on a regular or occasional basis. I'm not going to publicly name or enumerate my giving, nor ask you to. I would like to hear your thoughts on this subject. You see, I have a theory that there is a trend of raised conciousness of this and other, call it spiritual, matters. Let's just say I'm testing my theory. Occasionally, I may post a cause I believe in, especially if it is one for which a fellow Adland member has offered support. (I've seen a generous spirit here already.) If it appeals to you, please also add your support. If not, don't. You may find that some of those causes coincide with my offers (like this one). I hope that won't offend you. If you choose to join an opportunity, some of my profit will find its way to charity; but I won't manipulate you to join for that reason. No guilt allowed, and no judgements, either. This is not a forum to exhort my fellow community members to give, but rather a place for like-minded people to share their thoughts and ideas on giving back. If you don't want to share, that's ok, too. You are welcome to read. Thanks for visiting. Cheri -------------------------------------------- Cheri Merz is a real estate broker and home-based business entrepreneur. She also publishes a web-based ezine that explores the pathways to success at any age. Visit Never2Late4Success for more articles, stories and celebrations of subscribers' success. These are some of my favorite success books. Please also visit My Offers.
Marsha Mckinney

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Re: It's Never Too Late to Give Back
9/27/2005 9:37:52 PM
I am busy reading here Cheri, lol. But that was the first thing my father taught me at a young age. If you have a piece of bread, you give half of it to someone who needs it. Blessings to you, Marsha Mckinney, FGG Dream Team-Texas
Greetings from your Texas friend! God's blessings to each of you, always,
Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Re: It's Never Too Late to Give Back
10/4/2005 9:29:33 PM
Friends, I want to share with you something that is both totally amazing and totally to be expected. Huh? Let me explain... In my readings, I have become aware of a recurring theme that some call the Law of Attraction. It is best summed up in the words of Christ as quoted in Luke 6:45: "Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." The literal truth of this Law was brought home to me yesterday. First let me say that the plight of the hurricane victims was made very personal to my husband and me by the fact that we had planned a vacation to New Orleans to have begun this Thursday. Our lodging was paid for (to an individual who owned the condo we had reserved), the flight was paid for, everything was set. And then Katrina. Thoughts of the vacation and the money intruded on our worry and anguish over those who waited so long for rescue, and we fought them down, feeling selfish and unworthy. When the dust settled, (or should I say the water), we were fortunate to be given a full refund of all our lodging money. In gratitude, and still feeling guilty about thinking of ourselves, we determined to send half of those funds to the relief effort. For us it was a substantial amount, but it made us feel better about ourselves. Nevertheless, what happened yesterday made me realize that the amount didn't matter, only the fact that we made the decision to give back and took action on the decision. Yesterday, I discovered that our mortgage company had inadvertently paid two different insurance companies for our homeowners coverage last year. We are due a refund of almost exactly the amount we had donated to Katrina relief efforts! " your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." Universal laws are funny...they work whether you know them and believe them in your heart or not. You can say you don't believe in gravity, but you won't float off the earth. As I look at the evidence, I have a conviction that giving back is an absolutely necessary component of achieving financial freedom. Maybe the fact that we have always "come from lack" (as my business partner puts it) explains why we have striven for years without achieving our highest goals. Further evidence, and the wisdom of the greatest minds in history, indicates that the giving comes before the receiving, and that it cannot be done in expectation of the return, but must come from the heart. I find that requires practice. The more I think about the good fortune that has been mine just as the result of having been born in this era and in this country, the more I wonder if I haven't benefited from a relaxation of the rules. I think maybe I received long before I was ready to give. OK, I don't have to be hit over the head with a hammer to get my attention...or maybe that's what just happened. What do you think? Cheri -------------------------------------------- Cheri Merz is a real estate broker and home-based business entrepreneur. She also publishes a web-based ezine that explores the pathways to success at any age. Visit Never2Late4Success for more articles, stories and celebrations of subscribers' success. These are some of my favorite success books. Please also visit My Offers.
Re: It's Never Too Late to Give Back
10/5/2005 11:47:38 AM
((((Cheri)))) My Special Friend!! 2 points and a HIGH 5 on this one. When you all share what we got, we can all have atleast something of this crazy world. I know God did not mean to make it that way, but I guess we humans had a BIG hand in that for sure. Thank you for the invite and the info to really look at. This time the needs of the one out weigh the needs of the few or the many. Thanks again and again have a awesome trip!! PRAYER already going up for you and the main man in your life :o) God bless you and he has, too, Doc..Romans 8:28><>:o)
Carol Salisbury

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Re: It's Never Too Late to Give Back
10/5/2005 5:51:32 PM
Hear, hear, Cheri! This is a wonderful forum you've started here. I totally believe in the Law of Attraction and was taught it was always better to give than to receive! Thanks again! Blessings!