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Kay Reeve

338 Posts
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Cupboards full of Cleaners
9/16/2009 9:34:00 PM

How many products can one person have in their kitchen cupboards for cleaning?

  • Surface Cleaners
  • Window Cleaners
  • Floor Cleaners

I think that covers most things in my house, they are either a window, floor or a surface.  Walls, furniture, worktops, are all surfaces.

More to the point - How many cleaners do we actually need?

There are products for cleaning the sink, the cooker, the fridge, the cupboards, the taps, the microwave, the oven, and even products that clean the washing machine and dishwasher - which in turn are for cleaning clothes and crockery.

All this cleaning stuff comes in packaging and nine times out of ten it's plastic!  Then when you read what's in them, they are full of a range of chemicals which are labeled toxic, hazardous, flammable and irritant.

Why put yourself to all that trouble when there are products here in the UK that do much of the above and more in one container that has only safe and natural ingredients.

Eco Friendly Cleaning Products are about more than just the environment.  

They are about protecting you, your home, your family and your budget.

Imagine going to a cupboard that has only a select few cleaning products that you can grab conveniently in a hurry and don't have to worry about damaging your surfaces by using the wrong ones.

Imagine having so few cleaning products you can actually find the ones you want in your cupboard because they are not hidden behind a host of horrid hazardous bottles and spray.

Imagine products that are so pleasant and safe to use they make housework, simplicity.

I know exactly what's in my cupboards - Do you?

Green East makes eco friendly shopping easy and informative.


Nick Sym

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RE: Cupboards full of Cleaners
9/17/2009 5:25:50 AM

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Kay Reeve

338 Posts
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RE: Cupboards full of Cleaners
9/22/2009 4:51:39 PM

Hi Nick,

How sweet and how appropriate.  These beautiful creatures are only part of the reason we need to change our ways and clean up our buying habits and clean up the environment.

Polar bears are powerful swimmers and can swim for many miles to find food and land but with the rise in global warming, the melting of the ice caps and the greater distances they are having to swim between ice and land, polar bears are more often found having drowned from exhaustion, being unable to find places to rest.

Also, more and more polar bears are arriving in Canada and scavaging amongs urban areas, posing threat and death to humans, where normally they would survive happily in the wild, prefering to avoid human inhabited areas.

Although I would never wish to encounter a polar bear in real life, I would not wish the future upon them that the current climate change promises.
