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Terry Gill

51 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Christmas is far from Christian!
12/2/2009 8:09:39 PM

The truth about christmas I'm certain will be shocking to you.

First off, Dec. 25th is not Jesus' birthday, not even close. There are a couple of ways the Bible gives us of determining "close" to when Jesus was born, but the Bible does not tell us the exact day, and for good reason. More on that later. The easiest way to prove that Dec. 25th is not even close is that Jesus was 33 1/2 years old when he died. If you go back six months from then, which on our calendar is around the second week of April and Nissan 14 on the old Jewish calendar, it doesn't take you anywhere near Dec. 25th!

Secondly, have you ever wondered why God doesn't tell us the exact day on which His Son was born? Ever wonder why no Christian in the Bible celebrated Jesus' birth or anyone else's for that matter? Not Jesus, not his parents, not the apostles, no God-fearing person recorded in the Bible ever celebrated a birthday. Why? Because birthday celebrations are of pagan origin, and God warns us not to even touch pagan rituals or customs! There were many celebrations that God mandated in the Bible, and He told the Israelites exactly how and on which exact days to do so! But never birthdays or anything remotely related to paganism.

Third, everything you've been taught about christmas is a lie, and to associate Jesus and his Father with this pagan-rooted celebration and all its lies dishonors them both, not to mention disobeys the admonition not to have anything to do with paganism! Every practice associated with x-mas is pagan-rooted, from the x-mas tree to the tree lights to santa claus to the gift-giving, everything! A small example of the lies of x-mas is the "Three Wise Men" being at Jesus' birth. In truth, they were not. Read the account at Matthew 2:11 and you'll see that Jesus was a small child living in a house when they visited him. Yet what do all the manger scenes of christendom depict and their songs sing about? The "Three Wise Men." Another part of that lie is that nowhere does the Bible mention there were three of them. Once again, in truth, these "three wise men" or also called "three kings" were really pagan-god worshipping astrologers from the orient, both practices of which God condemns! So, do you think it was God that lured these men whose practices He condemns to His Son? Not at all! No, these pagans were unwitting participants in Satan's plot to kill Jesus, and they were lured there by virtue of their condemned practice of astrology, their curiosity being piqued by the bright shining star that moved ahead of them and led them to Israel, being placed there by Satan the Devil, a star that the Bible mentions no one else seeing, yet all of christendom's manger scenes depict it in the sky above and all their x-mas trees are topped by one! These astrologers came from the Orient, a long, long way from Israel, and it took them a very long time to get there by camel or maybe horseback. So, they were nowhere around Jesus' birthplace. Read the entire account in the 2nd chapter of Matthew, and you will discover the truth that exposes some of the lies about christmas that the religions of christendom continue to perpetuate!

2 Cor. 6:17, "'Therefore, get out from among them, and separate yourselves,' says God, 'and quit touching the unclean thing, and I will take you in.'"


P.S. If anyone would like to view a video that explains the lies and paganistic customs of x-mas, send me a message with your email address.

RE: Christmas is far from Christian!
12/2/2009 11:36:18 PM


It has been a long time since we have communicated!

You are right!

The Christmas we are susposed to celebrate today is not mentioned in the scriptures, nor did Jesus ever say remember my birthday! The Christ Mass was started by the Catholic Church to compete with the pagan St. Nickolas day. The church could not stand having their members participating in the holiday, so they began having a Christ Mass on the same date.

Never have I read in the Scriptures that we should go in debt to buy presents for people.

There is nothing wrong with buying presents for people.

You know Easter is held on the pagan day of Istar, and this was also started by the Catholic Church. Again Christ never said to do this.

We as Christians should be greatful for both of these events on a daily basis, not just a couple of times a year.

Now about the wise men, you are right about the time they arived, that is why Herod wanted to slay all of the male boys 2 years and younger. The thing about the Kings of Oreint an all is they determined Herod was of satan and did not report back to him but departed by a different way. Let's take Christ out of the cradle, and off the cross and place him where he actually dwells, and that is at God's right hand to intercede for us.

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Terry Gill

51 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Christmas is far from Christian!
12/3/2009 1:28:43 AM


Thank you very much for corroborating what I'm trying to get across to people!

Regarding the origin of Christmas and the day of Christ’s birth, note the following comments from religious and historical sources:

"Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church."—The Catholic Encyclopedia.

"The first mention of the celebration of Christmas occurred in A.D. 336 in an early Roman calendar."—The World Book Encyclopedia.

"The observance of Christmas is not of divine appointment, nor is it of N[ew] T[estament] origin. The day of Christ’s birth cannot be ascertained from the N. T., or, indeed, from any other source. The fathers of the first three centuries do not speak of any special observance of the nativity."—Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, by McClintock and Strong.

"Inexplicable though it seems, the date of Christ’s birth is not known. The Gospels indicate neither the day nor the month."—New Catholic Encyclopedia.

If Christmas were important for Christians, would not Jesus or his disciples have mentioned it? Also, the Bible tells us: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial . . . that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) If Christmas were of divine origin, would not God have inspired the Bible writers to say something about it so that Christians could be "completely equipped for every good work"?

The Bible ignores Christmas because it is not a Christian doctrine or practice. It is not of divine origin. As the Sri Lankan Daily News observed: "It is quite significant to note that nowhere in the New Testament was a special day called Christmas set apart to celebrate the birth of Christ. . . . Christmas is of human origin. Christmas is not a part of the Bible."

Where Did It Originate?

Where, then, did Christmas originate? On this, there is general agreement. U.S. Catholic states: "It is impossible to separate Christmas from its pagan origins." It adds: "The Romans’ favorite festival was Saturnalia, which began on December 17 and ended with the ‘birthday of the unconquered sun’ (Natalis solis invicti) on December 25. Somewhere in the second quarter of the fourth century, savvy officials of the church of Rome decided December 25 would make a dandy day to celebrate the birthday of the ‘sun of righteousness.’ Christmas was born."

The pagan celebration of Saturnalia took place at the winter solstice. The word "solstice" comes from two Latin words: sol (the name of a sun god) and sistere (to stop). The winter solstice is the time when the daylight hours stop getting shorter and instead begin to get longer. According to the ancient Julian calendar, the day of the winter solstice was December 25.

Thus, The World Book Encyclopedia states: "This celebration [Christmas] was probably influenced by pagan (unchristian) festivals held at that time. The ancient Romans held year-end celebrations to honor Saturn, their harvest god; and Mithras [the sun god]." The New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "On Dec. 25, 274, [Roman emperor] Aurelian had proclaimed the sun-god [Mithras] principal patron of the empire . . . Christmas originated at a time when the cult of the sun was particularly strong at Rome." The book Celebrations states: "The clergy eventually brought the . . . world of the Saturnalia into the Church itself." And the Encyclopædia Britannica notes that December 25 was regarded "as the birth date of the . . . [sun] god Mithra."

Most of the customs associated with Christmas—the yule log, mistletoe, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, lavish gift giving, revelries—are also rooted in paganism. They have nothing to do with Christ. As James Hastings states in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics: "Most of the Christmas customs now prevailing . . . are not genuine Christian customs, but heathen customs which have been absorbed or tolerated by the Church. . . . The Saturnalia in Rome provided the model for most of the merry customs of the Christmas time. This old Roman feast was celebrated on 17-24 December."

So when at times we hear people say: ‘Let’s get back to the true meaning of Christmas’ or, ‘Put Christ back into Christmas,’ keep in mind that the original meaning of Christmas is a pagan celebration of nature, and that Christ never was in Christmas. And when some denounce the commercializing of Christmas, keep in mind that the feasting and gift giving of the Saturnalia celebration meant business for merchants. So for thousands of years, the winter solstice has been commercialized.

In 1643, England’s Parliament even outlawed Christmas because of its pagan background, but later it was restored. In 1659, it was also outlawed in Massachusetts, but there too it was later restored. And U.S. Catholic reports: "Because Christians in the U.S. . . . associated Christmas with pagan customs, they didn’t celebrate Christmas in a big way until the mid-19th century."

Dishonors God and Christ

Hence, those who celebrate Christmas do not honor God or Christ, but honor pagan celebrations and pagan gods. And by fostering such myths as Santa Claus, they promote falsehoods. That does not honor Jesus, who taught that God must be worshiped with truth. (John 4:23, 24) Said Jesus: "If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31, 32)

God’s Word also states: "What fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Belial [Satan]? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever?" The answer to those questions is that faithful Christians have nothing to do with such things; otherwise they lose God’s favor. Therefore, God’s Word counsels: "‘Get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’; ‘and I will take you in.’ . . ‘And you will be sons and daughters to me.’" (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

Real love for God has helped people break free from ungodly activities such as celebrating Christmas even though this does have an emotional appeal. They do not feel deprived by rejecting a practice that dishonors God and Christ, that in fact honors false gods. They recognize Christmas for what it is, a pagan holiday masquerading as Christian, and they shun it.

RE: Christmas is far from Christian!
12/3/2009 4:56:58 PM


Like proclaiming the Gospel, we are probably beating a dead horse. Not because we are presenting the Truth, but due to the fact people will continue to believe the lie instead of seeking the Truth.

It is my personal belief that we are in the days of Romans 1: 16-32 and the time is very short.

I look for something to happen between 2012 and 2018. And I am ready for it to happen!

I notice that this exchange has not created a great intrest. probably due to the ostrich effect.

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Terry Gill

51 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Christmas is far from Christian!
12/3/2009 6:31:39 PM


Like proclaiming the Gospel, we are probably beating a dead horse. Not because we are presenting the Truth, but due to the fact people will continue to believe the lie instead of seeking the Truth.

It is my personal belief that we are in the days of Romans 1: 16-32 and the time is very short.

I look for something to happen between 2012 and 2018. And I am ready for it to happen!

I notice that this exchange has not created a great intrest. probably due to the ostrich effect.

Yes, James, once again, you hit the nail (truth) right on the head! Isn't it sad that all religions agree that we are living in the last days, yet few people will listen and pay attention and make the necessary changes to survive the eternal destruction that's soon to come! The problem is their heart condition, not being rightly disposed for truth, and until their hearts are right, not you nor I nor Jesus Christ himself if he appeared to them and told them these things would change them. After all, we know that many, many thousands were actual eyewitnesses to Jesus' miracles yet Satan was able to blind them so that they denied the Son of God! I know that if I had been there and seen Jesus instantly cure a leper, a blind man, or bring a dead person back to life, that would have been more than sufficient for me!

I believe the following verses of your scriptures cited at Romans chapter 1 say it all:

24Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; 27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. 28 And just as they did not approve of holding God in accurate knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting, 29 filled as they were with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malicious disposition, being whisperers, 30backbiters, haters of God, insolent, haughty, self-assuming, inventors of injurious things, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, false to agreements, having no natural affection, merciless. 32Although these know full well the righteous decree of God, that those practicing such things are deserving of death, they not only keep on doing them but also consent with those practicing them.

1 Timothy 3: 1-5 says it best:

But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. 6For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, 7always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

On the subject of "an accurate knowledge of truth," just as my original forum brought out that Jesus did not die on a cross and that it is also a pagan symbol that all Christians should shun, if a person will simply ponder and reason on the following few Bible verses, they will realize that all the major teachings of christendom are non-scriptural, like immortal soul and that the good go to heaven when they die, and the God-slandering and dishonoring teaching of eternal torture in hellfire for the wicked.

Eze. 18: 4 & 20, "The soul that is sinning, it itself will die."

Ecc. 9: 5, 6 & 10, regarding the condition of the dead, "They are conscious of nothing at all."

Ps. 37:29, "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it."

Matt. 5:5, "Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth."

Romans 6:7, "For he who had died has been acquitted from his sin."

Romans 6:23, "For the wages sin pays is death."

So, as we see from these last two scriptures, the penalty for sinning is simply death, which we all inherited from Adam, thus we all die, but, according to the following promises in Jesus' own words, and in accord with the above verses and God's original purpose for man, i.e., that he live forever on a paradise earth, which has not changed and absolutely has to come true, those not of the anointed class, the 144,000 "little flock" (Luke 12:32), which make up the "other sheep" (John 10:16), will receive a physical resurrection back to earth, with a chance of everlasting life there.

John 5: 28 & 29, "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment."

John 6:40, "For this is the will of my Father, that everyone that beholds the Son and exercises faith in him should have everlasting life, and I will resurrect him at the last day." This "last day" is actually the 1000-year Millennial Reign of Jesus after Armaggedon, and notice that we must "exercise" faith, not simply "have" faith or believe in Jesus Christ, for even Satan and his demons believe in Jesus Christ. "Exercise" denotes taking action, and that action includes obeying Jesus' commandment to go and teach and preach the good news (Matt. 24:14, Matt. 28:19 & 20)

John 6:44, "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him; and I will resurrect him in the last day." Jehovah, which is God's personal holy name that He expects us to use and praise and glorify (Read the Book of Psalms and especially Ps. 83:18, Malachi 3:16 and Hebrews 6:10), will only draw people to His Son and His earthly organization of true followers once their hearts are rightly disposed!

John 6:54, "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day."
