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If You have ANYTHING Be Thankful
1/2/2010 4:50:53 PM

[quote]If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead. YOU are richer than 75% of this world. If you can attend a church meeting without fear of arrest, torture, death. YOU are more blessed than 3 billion in the world. If you woke up this morning with health not illness. YOU are more blessed than millions who will not survive this week. Seasons Greetings! [end quote] Nikki Abney

Nikki is the 1st invitation I accepted in 2010, I appreciate her season greetings so much, I am sharing via this forum.

Thank You Nikki



RE: If You have ANYTHING Be Thankful
1/3/2010 7:17:28 PM

Thank you for sharing being thankful. I truely believe if people just stepped back and realized everything they have to be thankful for the world would be a much better place. I wish you a wonderful New Year!

Barbara Harnsberger

To Your Success, Barbara Harnsberger
RE: If You have ANYTHING Be Thankful
6/11/2015 8:02:04 PM
The Steve Harvey show introduced one of two founders of "Miss Jessie's" hair care products. One of the two founder's is now deceased. The surviving founder has grown the business into a multi-million dollar company without the assistance of banks nor venture capital. "Jessie Branch was an outstanding woman that made others believe they were worthy. She encouraged her loved ones to do their best and follow their dreams. In 2004 Titi and Miko Branch would create and name their salon and natural hair product line after their beloved grandmother Miss Jessie." I am saving the link to their website in this post for I am definitely planning on trying their natural hair care products.
RE: If You have ANYTHING Be Thankful
6/11/2015 8:07:27 PM
I could delete "unknown" but I will not. All are welcome to SPAM, promote, announce, ... as much as you like via posting your referral links and or published web site URLs to my the box on my published site ~ Jaz Network Cash. No sign-up nor logging in is required.
RE: If You have ANYTHING Be Thankful
6/11/2015 8:20:12 PM

2010 was a good year for me; my baby boy graduated from high school; I survived thyroid surgery [only a third of the thyroid was removed, it was a goiter ~ non cancerous] ... I still had medical challenges ... another surgery in 2013 has blessed me with major digestive suffering relief.


[quote]If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead. YOU are richer than 75% of this world. If you can attend a church meeting without fear of arrest, torture, death. YOU are more blessed than 3 billion in the world. If you woke up this morning with health not illness. YOU are more blessed than millions who will not survive this week. Seasons Greetings! [end quote] Nikki Abney

Nikki is the 1st invitation I accepted in 2010, I appreciate her season greetings so much, I am sharing via this forum.

Thank You Nikki


