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Trina Sonnenberg

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Feel Good Music
1/12/2010 3:17:19 PM
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg

Just before Christmas, I was desperately in need of some feel-good music. I am not one to listen to Christmas music, and I'm not real into the popular music of today, so I took it upon myself to purchase a Christmas gift for myself. I knew what I needed and went to to get it.

What was it I bought? Well, some may know this about me, but most may not... My all time favorite song is, 'Sugar, Sugar' by, The Archies, circa 1969. As a kid, I never missed a Saturday morning airing of Archies Funhouse.

I did a search for that song on and found a bunch of full albums by The Archies and purchased, 'Absolutely the Best of the Archies'. I can't stop listening to it. It has been just the ticket for my feel-good music needs.

It is like being transported to a time when life was simpler. I turn the volume up as loud as I dare, and dance around, singing all my favorites at the top of my lungs; I am five years old again. It is awesome! It is amazing that I know the words to these songs after all these years.

What's the deal with feel-good music? Well, I was beginning to feel stressed out, like I usually do during the year end holidays. I thought that I'd feel better after decorating for Christmas, but that was actually the source of my mental discomfort. The fact that I was going to be decorating this house for the 12th Christmas was an unhappy reminder that I was still not living in my new house. (Whaaa... I know...) But it was upsetting to me. So, I didn't decorate. I printed a picture of a Christmas tree and tacked it to the living room wall, and then I placed gifts on the floor, under it. My 12 year-old made me an origami flower and asked if I'd put it on the tree, so I got another thumb tack and tacked it to the picture.

I am grateful that my family has a sense of humor. They all thought my decoration was great! My husband's exact response was, "It works for me." The kids got a kick out of it, which was a relief. I still don't know what my mother thought, but perhaps that is for the best.

I've been listening to this CD ever since Christmas morning and I have been feeling fine. I'm writing every day, I am solving the challenges that have been put to me - like my recent computer meltdown, and I have been enjoying every aspect of my life so much more. Life is what you make it, and right now I feel like I am making it the best I know how. I have so much to be grateful for and that's what my feel-good music gave me. It reminded me of just how good my life is. An attitude adjustment was just what I needed to de-stress.

More good news..! We will be moving into our new house very soon. All that needs doing is finish work. It has been a long wait - five years - but it will be worth it. It has been another amazing adventure in the lives of Jeff and Trina. And to think that 30 years ago, when we first met, I had no idea that I would grow up to live in the house that Jeff built. (And, it is the house that Jeff built. With few exceptions, he has taken this house from his mind to paper and into reality single-handedly. My husband is awesome!)

Am I telling you that you should go out an buy an Archies CD? Nope. You can if you want to. I am saying that music is a very effective way to change your mood; therefore, your attitude. If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed by something, anything, listen to some music that you know makes you feel good. You know, something that makes you smile and sets your foot to tapping. Get up and dance! Sing at the top of your lungs. I promise, it will make you feel better.

Copyright © 2010
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the Author:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine - Your Trusted Source for Internet Business and Marketing Information. EST 2001. ISSN# 1555-2276

Author of: My Journey A Lifetime of Verse, ISBN: 978-0-61516405-2

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276