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Joe Buccheri & TGAMM FM Get Negative Feed Back Over Talk Show
2/3/2010 9:10:03 AM

We had hundreds of negative email and phone calls yesterday about our talk show segments featuring Tony Robbins. It had nothing to do with Mr Robbins, or the subject matter, rather, it was a directive to " stick to the music, we love TGAMM as it is !"

Many of our listeners were taken aback that we even considered straying from our " all request music format " and commercial free radio, and stopped the music format for those two, one hour segments.

" Please, no more talk shows Joe, give us back our music ! "

It seems that our base of loyal listeners have taken the stand that TGAMM FM, The Great American Music Machine, would best serve the global masses by continuing what we have accomplished for the past four years and provide them all request radio.

Thank you for tuning in and thank you for being so pro-active over that which impacts your online entertainment value.

Your voice has been heard... and we listened.

Back to the music !
