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Nick Grimshawe

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Person Of The Week
Magical Moment and the Suet Feeder
6/6/2010 10:49:40 PM

Here is this week's selection from the pages of Beautiful Summer Morning newsletter. You can Suscribe for free Here: Beautiful Summer Morning Newsletter

Breakfast is always out on the deck during the warmer months. I have a lovely deck set that I received for a great price from a neighbour. This year I moved it around to get a better view of the garden when you sit there. Felix our German Short Hair pointer immediately loved the new location and claimed the love seat as his own personal throne. He loves it because he can rest his head on the wide arm rest and catch a little nap time.

Just by co-incidence the suet feeder hangs about two feet above his head.

I started noticing yesterday that the birds have adopted Felix and take very little notice of him or of Emma who likes to lay on the floor right beside Felix.

This morning as I ate my porridge a little chickadee swooped down for the suet feeder and almost landed on Felix who opened one eye and then went back to napping. The chickadee puttered around without any regard for the dogs. Later Blue Jay intent on breakfast landed only inches from Emma and started to gobble down suet that had fallen to the ground close to Emma. I also noticed we were visited by two Hairy Woodpeckers who must have been around before because they also exhibited a casual disregard for the dogs, even though Felix is suppose to be a bird dog.

I thoroughly enjoyed this little scene as I ate my breakfast, quite uplifted by the sight of this peaceful co-existence.

It's all part of the magic of course, that greets our every day.

Call upon the Goddess and God to protect you and teach you the secrets of magic. Ask stones and plants to reveal their powers - and listen.

Source Scott Cunningham

Let me know about the magic that finds you today. . I'd love to hear your experience.

With Love

Nick Grimshawe

The SunShine Guy

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Nick Grimshawe

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Person Of The Week
The Parable of the Twelve Missing Smokies
7/4/2010 6:51:14 PM

Hi folks here is the selection from this week's Newsletter. Don't forget to subscribe at

A Lesson on Abundance

Last night Felix ate our supper. He quietly consumed all twelve smokies while we busily did other tasks.The smokies where in a glass Pyrex baking dish on the counter waiting to go into the oven. He managed to get at all twelve with out knocking the glass pan on the floor and alerting the household to mischief.
Our abundant dinner suddenly took on the aura of scarcity while Felix felt good about manifesting twelve lovely, plump smokies.
Now I have to admit that this is all my fault.
You see I have been thinking allot about abundance. I even asked for help....which probably explains our empty roasting dish. Sometimes when you ask...the answers arrive in unexpected ways. Just a heads up...because I told you to ask.
So lets take a look at this.
To Felix the universe is an abundant place. He has complete certainty on this. Food miraculously arrives in his food bowl everyday. If for some reason the food doesn't manifest on time he simply lies down next to his bowl and waits. Sooner or later his bowl gets filled. He never worries that the food might not appear. He doesn't think from a fear of scarcity...why should he...abundance abounds. He trusts in abundance without any reservations or doubt.
So when a gift of abundance is unexpectedly put before him (12 smokies for example) he has no hang ups about receiving it. One should always receive abundance that's the way of the universe. He doesn't stop to ponder whether he should receive it... or worry whether he is worthy of abundance or all those other human calculations (are there strings attached?) that clutter up our field and make it almost impossible for abundance to grace our table.
While I was temporarily annoyed, especially about having to traipse out to the grocery store and 8 PM to get some more smokies I never said a word to Felix because deep down I knew there was a reason for this.
It was on my drive down to the grocery store to resolve our temporary issue of scarcity(scarcity seems to be a sort of localized affect [there is more to ponder there] isn't it? In our kitchen there were no longer any smokies (a lack) while a short trip to the store returned our abundance to us. I never for a moment doubted that I could get more smokies (abundance thinking).
So maybe abundance is: Never having a doubt that it (what ever it happens to be at the moment) will be there. That's sort of the way Felix looks at it.
Much later than we expected we sat down to dinner and ate our again no Smokies...but now we didn't feel we had a scarcity (no smokies). It's just that we've transformed our abundance. Our abundance is now in our tummies, and much the same for our rather stuffed Felix.
Felix doesn't sweat abundance and things just show up for him.
We humans sweat abundance (just google the word abundance for proof), we worry about it, try to define it, wring our hands about it, worry about being more abundant or not.
Felix with out the aid of language or higher intelligence, seems to understand abundance better that I.
Now that is really annoying.
Felix lifts his sleepy head and shakes it, "humans", he seems to say, "just don't get the simple things." He follows that with a huge yawn and back to sleep. Why not...he has total certainty on abundance!
With Love
Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Person Of The Week
The Rules for Being Human
8/13/2010 7:40:58 PM
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Monday August 9 2010 ISSUE Number 961
In This Issue
Photo of the Week
Rules for Being Human
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Photo of the Week
Chipmunk with Peanuts
Abundance to a Chipmunk: Photo courtesy of John Heydon
Dear Nick,
Good morning, and welcome to a new week. I hope this finds you prospering.
Just a little update before I move on to our story today. My mini book project continues to move forward. Today I am applying for my ISBN number and submitting the book for cover design. Wow! As soon as I get a proof I will see if I can upload an image for you to see.
Please read the instruction below and send me an email if you have any relevant instruction to add. I am sure you can come up with at least one.
Rules for Being Human
1. Your will receive a body. You may like it, or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.

2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full time informal school called life. Each day in this school you have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think they are irrelevant and stupid.

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error and experimentation. The failedexperiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately works.

4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go to the next lesson. Periodically, the lesson will be re- presented to see if you still remember it.

5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learnt. If no lessons is being presented, it is likely that you are no longer alive.

6. There is no better than here. When your there has become a here, you will simply acquire another there. That will again look better than here.

7. Others are simply mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you make of them is up to you; the choice is yours.

9. Your answers lie inside you. The answers to life's questions lie inside you. All you have to do is look, listen and trust.

10. You will forget all this. That fact is itself a lesson.

I am not sure who to creadit as souce for this item so if anyone knows please let me know.
I thought I would add:
11. Just when you think you have it all mastered: you don't.
Anyone else like to try for one?
You are awesome!
With Love
Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at