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Beth Schmillen

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Fresno KMPH TV news report and video of ufo sighting
7/25/2010 5:03:26 AM

Here is a Video about a recent Sighting

UFO over FRESNO clovis KINGUFOKID videos on channel 26 TV sanger paranormal pt2

Here's the text script of the video from KMPH

UFO's Spotted Over The Valley?

Posted: END WNStoryRelatedBox

UFO's Over The Valley?

By Monty Torres

From the silly, to the sinister and beyond.

Aliens and UFO's have been part of human lore and legend throughout history, but this past weekend those legends came to life for several valley residents and part, they say, of their very real here and now.

"There's been reports left and right coming out of the central San Joaquin Valley," declares Jeffrey Gonzalez.

We introduced you to Gonzalez last Monday. AT&T technician by day, Gonzalez is the founder of the Sanger Paranormal Society and part-time investigator for "MUFON" a civilian UFO research organization on his own time. Gonzalez contacted us about one Clovis family's reported, harrowing experience with what they described as "a cigar-shaped "UFO" last Friday night, July 2nd.

"They saw something that night and it scared them really bad." Badly enough, says Gonzalez, to send the father running out into the night in his underwear to try and get his family to safety.

"He said, Jeff. it wasn't an airplane, it wasn't a helicopter it wasn't making any type of noise it didn't have engines on it nothing and it was headed right for their house."

Meanwhile, someone else posted video to YouTube of what they called a UFO over Fresno from that same night, and Gonzalez himself videotaped mysterious white vans that he says he saw parked at the family's house the next day.

So we set out with Gonzalez Monday to canvas the neighborhood for other possible witnesses... but at the time we could find no one. Since Monday, however, several more reports have filtered in from witnesses who say, they saw something too, Gonzalez says.

"There's a lot of crazy stuff happening here in Fresno."

Gonzalez also says the family we mentioned does not want to talk about their experience to the media, but since airing our report Monday, several people have called the KMPH Fox 26 newsroom saying they too saw something in the sky this past weekend that they cannot explain.

So what we would now like to know is, who else thinks they may have seen something strange or, a "UFO" in the skies over the valley this past weekend?

If you did, let us know.

Log on to our Facebook page or email us at and we will let you know what we hear and how many responses we get.

thanks for reading!
