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Jayson VanBeekom

796 Posts
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Person Of The Week
2 HOT OFFER$: Guaranteed $19,530 and Help with Unlimited $97's:
9/27/2010 10:57:37 PM

2 great rotator offers, these businesses really work:

BIG LIST BIG SALES guarantees you $19,530 and a list of 3,905 people. You get paid instantly by Alertpay when people join. This works, made multiples of what I put into it in a short time. The webmaster Arvell puts everyone in his rotator until we all get 5 signups, and that's on 5 levels so it's a guarantee of $19,530 rolling in and 3,905 people we can send ads to. Lots of $5's.

EZ WEALTH SOLUTION also pays instantly when people join, after you're qualified, and I will help you qualify if you join up to Level 2. (Level 1 is free) I'll put you in my rotator and advertise all over the place until you're qualified on Level 2 so you can rake in unlimited $97's (and $47's from Level 1) and if you want to upgrade after that, that would be an excellent decision. (we're in a huge team here, the head honcho earned $102,000 in his first 7 months, and my mom is also blasting it out of the park with almost $15,000 since July 7th.
