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Robert Talmadge

2047 Posts
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Person Of The Week
This is Who I am
12/17/2010 2:43:15 AM
This is Who I am

I am in a place you never see

I flow like water in the waves of the sea

If you push out a fist there is nothing to connect

If you hurl insults, I still flow with ease

If you respect and love me, I will bow on bended knee

Whatever your response it is always correct

The sea flows through the toughest stone

It has the peace that passes the intellect

It begs us to know the place we can see

Always what we know as home.


Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
RE: This is Who I am
12/17/2010 4:09:48 PM

Dear Robert, a great poem. Thank you for sharing!

It would be good if we could all feel as water in sea and just take what comes without feeling the pain yet accepting the praise. I know we are expected to ignore and dodge the arrows sent our way but it is sometimes very difficult.

Have a blessed day,


Robert Talmadge

2047 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: This is Who I am
12/18/2010 1:12:57 AM


"Nothing on Earth can resist an absolutely nonresistant person."

Florence Schinn

We all have times when we need to deal with people or circumstances
that we don't like. How we deal with them can make a big difference in our life and our

The worst case is a situation where we can't change either the people or the circumstances. They're out of our control. The normal human response is resistance. We complain, we argue, we curse the bad luck that got us into the mess.

I had a chance to deal with that the other day when, in the middle of a big project, my printer broke. My first reaction was to be like Hamlet and "take arms against a
sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them."

Of course, that didn't work for Hamlet and it didn't work for me. Cursing the printer didn't fix the problem. So I remembered to take my own advice and practice Gratitude principle #2 - nonresistance. Instead of resisting the idea of a broken printer, I decided to look for
the hidden good in the situation.

The result was excellent brand new printer/scanner/fax at a big discount. Three units became one, took up less room, faster printing.

When we argue with a situation that we can't change, we're arguing with reality. How successful are we going to be with that?

Instead, look for the good, for the hidden opportunity, for the lesson.

Words from a friend of mine, Wes Hopper.



Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.