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Globalization Now Attainable Through Face Book Page Video Marketing.
2/25/2011 9:40:02 PM


There is an emerging Face Book Business technology that is going to help many businesses and people with aspiring talent. Biz page pro is a video application for the Face Book Business and fan pages that will allow people to connect with their potential clients, customers and fans on a more personal level. I see it as a Tool for all businesses to feature "who they are" to the massive audience that is Face Book. By having this type of technology employed a Business Owner or talented artist will have the power of globalization right on their face Book welcome page.

For example let's say that a person from a different country is Looking for a certain quality in a product, service or Talent that is unique to you. All you have to do is make a video or power point slide show with a voice over of the product service or talent that you have and add it to your application and advertise your Face Book URL on the many business pages that will allow you to promote your business. (This is a procedure that we teach you how to do for free) This person may then be able to find you and get a better Idea of not only the products and services that you have available, but also the type of person that you are.

Essentially you are branding yourself globally in a very professional way. With 850,000,000 users on Face Book and increasing exponentially by the day, this social networking site has become a place where people are starting to look for ways to promote their businesses and find businesses. You can learn more about this technology at

"The Business Acceleration Group" we provide free consultation to all businesses looking to gain more exposure through social media marketing.