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Don Weathersbee

285 Posts
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Positive self-talk
4/23/2011 5:24:03 AM
Positive self-talk

If you want to help stop the chatter in your mind and get rid of the negativity in your life. Write down a positive self-talk. If you listen to other people, friends, family etc.. and it is all negative, it will just pull you down. Myself I just don't listen to the news anymore and if someone in my family or a friend starts to talk negative, I just walk away or block out what they are saying. I don't need that in my life. I am working to grow a business and the negative talking will let self-doubt creep in. I am going to be successful!

One of the self-talks I use everyday is this;

I am having fun working from home
building a successful business
through education and team work.

I say this everyday at least 100 times out loud to myself. It makes me feel better and it keeps me focused. This is exactly what I am going to do. Build a successful business. It takes education (self-development)and it takes a team.

So write down your self-talk and say it everyday. It has done wonders for me and it keeps the negative thoughts from entering my mind.

To YOUR success,

Don Weathersbee
Better Web Builder
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