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Get Paid To Play the Lottery From anywhere in the World, Even Without Winning!
6/2/2011 4:29:56 PM
Lotto Magic
Member of the greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce
Since 1996

"This is the only opportunity that you can join this month...then do nothing at all...and you could be a millionaire next month!"

Lotto Magic is the most amazing club in America today!

You can play the Florida lottery from anywhere in the world!

Suppose you were to refer just five people to Lotto Magic, walk away, and do nothing more, ever again. Now suppose those five did the same, and this kept continuing. Everyone will have the motivation to do it, since by referring five, you are going to be playing on their tickets. Should any of them win, you get to keep 10%.

Now, if the original five refer five, you will be playing on 25 more tickets When those 25 refer five, you will be playing on 125 more tickets and when those 125 refer five, you will be playing on 625 more tickets, and finally, when those 625 refer five, 3,125 tickets will be added to your pool. You will be Playing on at least 31,240 Lottery Tickets Each Month!

Now, imagine what would happen if you didn't stop with five. Let's say you had a system that could consistently bring in 10 people a month, and everyone was using it?

Now can you see why I fell in love with this program?

Can you see why I would just absolutely love it if you hit a Power ball jackpot and got to take home $50 million dollar?

Can you see why I want you to find five people (and will show you the secrets on finding many more than that consistently every month) and make $15,850 per month?


The commission on Power Captain you personally enroll (provided you are a Power Captain is $50 each and your membership fee is $100. So still, by enrolling two Power Captains, your membership fees are also offset by commissions.

You will receive 50% of your ticket winnings in both the Florida LOTTO and the Power ball lottery plus 10% of the ticket winnings of 5 levels of club Captains below you! Plus you will earn up to $4.00 per month from each club Captain on those 5 levels -- PLUS up to a $46.00 per month bonus if you personally referred them.

In addition, you earn up to $10.00 per month from your club Player referrals (and 10% of all their ticket winnings) and you earn up to $2.00 per month from all club Players that your personally sponsored club Captains refer (and 10% of their ticket winnings)!!

It doesn't make sense to join at any other level but that's entirely up to you.

We'll prove it to you by sending you our FREE report.
Call toll-free 24 hours a day:
1-877-526-6957 ID#D9936

Francisco Dejesus Rivera


To re move your account just simply login and do so in the members area.

Sent on 06-02-2011 - from fdrivera -
Thank you for reading...
Francisco Dejesus Rivera
España 511 sent from San Juan, PR 00917
