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Clear Heart Advanced Cardio Therapy
6/21/2011 6:55:57 PM
Dr. Formulated product that can literally help remove 10 years, 20 years, even 40 years of Plaque and Calcium deposits from the Heart and Major Arteries.
Heart Disease is the number 1 killer in America

  • Visit the American Heart Association Website at:
  • NEW Dr. Formulated product that can literally help remove 10 years, 20 years, even 40 years of Plaque and Calcium deposits from the Heart and Major Arteries. Heart Disease is the number 1 killer in America, think what this product can do for your health and your financial future.

    When a doctor administers intravenous EDTA, the procedure is called "Chelation Therapy." The word "chelation" is taken from the Greek word for "claw"-the EDTA grabs and dispatches Poisons from your body like an eagle's claw grabs and dispatches a helpless field mouse.
    In 1955, research conducted at the Providence Hospital in Detroit, Michigan found that EDTA Also helps claw away rogue calcium in your joints, kidneys, the bones of your inner ear, and That glues cholesterol deposits to the inner walls of your arteries In fact, scientific studies
    Have proven that EDTA is up to 82% effective at eliminating rogue calcium from plaque, causing Clogs to soften, let go and be flushed away! Put simply, chelation therapy is widely known to Be a powerful remedy for-and protection against-heart, joint, kidney, and even hearing problems!
    U.S. Medical associations-including the American College for Advancement in Medicine
    (ACAM) are dedicated to training doctors in the use of chelation therapy to improve hardening of The arteries and other chronic degenerative issues As a result, U.S. Doctors enthusiastically Recommend EDTA chelation therapy to their patients And chelation therapy is given to more
    Than 1 million Americans and 3 million patients in Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America Every year.
    A healthier circulatory system Is the secret to a healthier body. As millions of Americans and others around the world continue to use I.V. Chelation therapy
    To remove toxic metals from their bodies and deadly plaque from their circulatory systems, Something else is happening-something truly miraculous:
    As toxins are removed... As circulatory systems are scrubbed clean... And as abundant Supplies of life-giving blood begin surging throughout their bodies... Both patients and Doctors report that scores of dangerous, chronic, painful, and even deadly health problems...
    Simply vanish:
    Blockages in the arteries feeding the heart and brain may be dramatically reduced
    And even eliminated...
    High cholesterol, homocysteine, and blood pressure-key risk factors for heart and
    Brain problems may be reduced to normal levels...
    Irregular heart beats and palpitations can be reduced or eliminated...
    Angina and general chest pains may be eased...
    Edema (swelling of the lower legs and ankles)-a symptom of congestive heart
    Problems-can be alleviated.
    Chronic shortness of breath may be eased or eliminated...
    Cold, numb, and painful extremities can be warmed and soothed...
    Paralysis due to heavy metals toxicity can be improved...
    Infections due to a failing immune system may be less frequent or eliminated...
    Enlarged prostates can shrink...
    Varicose veins can fade or even vanish...
    Insomnia can be replaced by deep, restful sleep..
    Low energy may be replaced by deep wells of new energy...
    Vision problems and "floaters" melt away, eyesight may improve...
    Male impotence can be reversed...
    Sciatica and excruciating back pain may be relieved...
    Sexual sensation can intensify in both men and women...
    Hearing loss due to calcium deposits in the ear can improve.
    Age-related cognitive decline, memory loss, and fading mental powers can
    Be halted or reversed...
    Skin problems and ulcers can be erased...
    And much, much more!
    Remarkable scientific breakthrough:
    The astonishing power Of chelation therapy
    Is now in your hands!
    Until recently, getting the full benefits of chelation therapy was uncomfortable, Time consuming and expensive.
    You had to take time out of your busy day... Drive to the nearest chelation clinic... Plop down into a chair... Get poked with an I.V. Needle... And sit there for up to three
    Long hours while the EDTA was pumped into you.
    When it was over, the nurse would hand you a bill for up to $300-and then tell You that you still had nine more treatments... 27 more hours in the chair... And another
    $2,700-worth of treatments to go. And as if the $3,000 bill for your first set of treatments wasn't enough to break you, you Discovered that you needed to come back in six months for another six treatments, another 18 hours in the chair and another $1,800 invoice!
    The high price and inconvenience of chelation therapy put it out of reach for many Americans.
    But now, those days are gone for good-thanks to AmericanDream Nutrition latest new Oral ChelationT product created exclusively by the doctor that developed Oral Chelation!
    Lives Will be Changed With This
    "Clear Heart" >the perfect gift for somebody you care about
    To learn more visit

    "A Healthy Heart - Your Life Depends On It..."

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    RE: Clear Heart Advanced Cardio Therapy
    6/21/2011 6:57:55 PM

    Thank you for this valuable information and Forum.

    Friendly Yours,


    RE: Clear Heart Advanced Cardio Therapy
    6/21/2011 7:03:38 PM
    Gani, you are very welcome.
    Take Care of Your Health with AmericanDreamNutrition's ***** You can be a Distributor or *****Just for YOU ~ It's your turn for success! Start offering Free Bottles to everyone you know, MAKE IT HAPPEN ~ ***** TalkFusion By Alexa #1 Business Opportunity in the world! TF "The World's 1st & Only INSTANT PAY Global Comp Plan!***** **** ***** I'm looking for people who are ready to make a Lifestyle change! Please contact me for your questions ~ Chris