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Charity Fraud.
12/31/2005 1:10:45 AM
Hello to all my friends here at Adlandpro. After a rather worrying period of exhaustion & illness, I'm almost back to health & able to post some more tips to keep you all safe & secure. Todays tip is not so much a personal safety & security tip, more a finacial tip. Which at this time of year, you are more likely to fall for, than at any other time. Except in times of natural or Man-made disasters. CHARITY FRAUD Charity fraud does a lot of harm. The con artist takes advantage of people's good will and takes their cash - money that was meant for people in need. You can make sure that any money you give, gets into the right hands. Just remember these tips when somebody asks you for a donation. 1, Ask for identification- the organization AND the solicitor. Find out what the purpose of the charity is and how the funds are used.
2, Ask if contributions are tax deductible.
3, If your not satisfied with any answers given - don't give.
4, Check out the ones you have never heard of before, or others whose names are similar to a well-known charity.
5, Don't fall for high-pressure tactics. If solicitors won't take no for an answer, tell them NO anyway; BUT DON'T GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY!
6, Be suspicious of charities that only accept cash.
7, Always send a cheque made out to the charity and not to the individual requesting the donation.

THE PIGEON DROP A person approaches you and says that he just found a large amount of money. What should he do with it? Maybe his 'Boss" can suggest something. He then leaves to check with his 'Boss' and comes back a few minutes later. His 'Boss' said to divide the money, but first, each of you must put up some 'good faith money'. Once you hand over your share, you'll never see it, or the con artist again. THE BANK EXAMINER A con artist will contact you and tell you he is a bank official or police officer and that he needs your help to catch a dishonest bank teller. All you have to do, is withdraw your savings and give the money to him, so he can check the serial numbers. if you DO, you've been 'stung'. A real bank official would NEVER ask you to withdraw your money! Is it hard to belive that people fall for these tricks? Con artist can be the greatest actors you'll ever meet. The pigeon drop and bank examiner scams are the two of the most succesful con games around. Don't be fooled. CALL THEIR BLUFF BEFORE IT"S TO LATE. Have a safe, whats left of this old year. Pam & myself wish each and everyone one of you and your familys a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New year. May 2006 be the year all of your dreams come true. Be safe, be careful, be security concious! Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Paul Davey

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Re: Charity Fraud.
12/31/2005 1:16:14 AM
Hi Anthony, your words of wisdom are always welcome. wishing you and yours a great new year. Paul aka soldier blue
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Misty Hickox

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Re: Charity Fraud.
12/31/2005 1:17:15 AM
Thank You so much Anthony. Glad you are back and feeling better. Of course we all miss your security advice. I have found your forims to be very useful. Thanks again
Re: Charity Fraud.
12/31/2005 1:18:40 AM
Hi Paul. Thank you, & a Happy New Year to you & yours & everyone you know on your lovely Channel Isle. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Charity Fraud.
12/31/2005 1:21:25 AM
Hi Misty, I'm back & better than I have been for sometime, still not 100% but in the mid 80's. Glad you find my forums usefull. Will be able to get back into sharing more with all my friends in 2006. Your security friend in Las Vegas.