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12/5/2011 12:54:17 AM
Hey all ~

I ran in to this new program that is designed to use Twitter to send out emails/messages and just thought I would share with all of you. It neat, it's easy, and it's a FREE way to advertise your website/business.

I totally checked out this new program I ran in to (at TopSurfer of all places) over the last week or so. It's actually a pretty cool little concept. You sign up for an account and you get the first 200 twitter recipients (every single week) for FREE.

If you want to, you can "get points" by reading other member emails (which you use to send out to additional emails to more recipients). Kinda of like a traffic exchange but not because it integrates twitter tweets and facebook liking into the "get points" systems.

You don't have to tweet, you don't have to like, and you don't have to read emails to get points, because you get 200 free ones every single week. THIS IS the incentive for others though to send out your messages.

This program is unique because it uses the twitter social media platform to compound your messages. (i.e. 200 freebies tweet to 50 followers who tweet to another 50 followers = 500,000 people who received your message and that is just to the 3rd POWER! Tweets keep going and going and going). Then add Facebook "liking" - get the picture?

I tried it out, it's actually really easy. You set up an email that they forward. You can change it as often as you like. Then you choose how many to send to (your free ones + how ever many you have extras you have earned - if you so choose to participate).

You can also buy more "people" to message - I haven't done this yet because I like to try out the FREE option first.

You can also make a 50% commission on upgrades - which is AWESOME.

This company just opened up in October this year. I have looked around but haven't found ANYTHING ELSE OUT THERE like it. It's quite revolutionary. Anyone who is going to jump on the train should do quickly in order to use this new marketing medium to infiltrate the market BEFORE competitors. (That's what I think anyways!) Also, who knows how long it will be FREE? I am sure once they have a big enough audience they will start to charge...

About 9 pm last night I pitted it against the Chris Farrell ebook and video course freebies that I have been working on giving away and it is already generating double the interest of BOTH of them COMBINED! Which to me says A LOT.

Anyways, just thought I'd put it out there. It's a new advertising program that is easy and free and is generating quite a bit of interest.

If anyone else has tried it, or has used Twitter to promote their business/website, please comment/leave feedback.

Thank you!

FREE eBook "Create Your First Website By 3:45 This Afternoon" Misty's Blog Unleash the POWER of TWITTER MARKETING!