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Don Weathersbee

285 Posts
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Weaving your web!
2/21/2012 2:03:40 PM

I started Alternative Defense because of the high crime rate. I feel it is personal responsibility to protect yourself. Not everyone wants or is it legal in some states and cities to carry a concealed weapon. So what would be an alternative to carrying such a weapon. That is where Alternative Defense comes in. We carry many different types of products to choose from such as; Personal Alarms, MACE, Pepper Spray, Stun Guns, Animal Repellents, Safety Lights, Knives, Metal Detectors, Diversion Safes, Child Safety Products, Instructional Fighting DVD’s and much more. Please click the link to the right to learn more about Alternative Defense. Alternative Defense Thank You, Don Weathersbee Your friend and Servant!
Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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RE: Weaving your web!
2/21/2012 9:34:19 PM


Lovely sentiments.

Don Weathersbee

285 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Weaving your web!
4/2/2012 9:20:07 PM
Thank you Roger, To your success.

I started Alternative Defense because of the high crime rate. I feel it is personal responsibility to protect yourself. Not everyone wants or is it legal in some states and cities to carry a concealed weapon. So what would be an alternative to carrying such a weapon. That is where Alternative Defense comes in. We carry many different types of products to choose from such as; Personal Alarms, MACE, Pepper Spray, Stun Guns, Animal Repellents, Safety Lights, Knives, Metal Detectors, Diversion Safes, Child Safety Products, Instructional Fighting DVD’s and much more. Please click the link to the right to learn more about Alternative Defense. Alternative Defense Thank You, Don Weathersbee Your friend and Servant!