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Surely nothing’s that bad?
4/8/2012 9:47:21 PM

Hello Dear Friends,

Here is some Forgiveness Poetry from one of our Friend... Roger Macdivitt


Surely nothing’s that bad?

© RMacdivitt 2012

What do you think is the worst thing that you ever did?

Was it last week or last year, or when you were a kid?

Enough to shake an empire or enough to rattle Rome?

Was it far away, or when you were close to home?



I’m sure that you remember quite enough to make you wince?

Was it when you were frightened and have you been so ever . since?

Or were you telling lies in an effort to convince?

Has your conscience often told you or sometimes given hints?



Can you now forgive yourself fully and make the matter closed?

Can you get on with living life the way that God proposed?

Or does your misdemeanour chain you to over-penitent ways?

For your own sake forgive yourself and the rewards will amaze


Thank You Roger!

Love & Blessings,


"Forgiveness is not forgetting an injustice done; it is the Understanding that allows us to set aside the Emotional Impact of that injustice pertaining to ourselves. When We no longer hold those Emotions, and have Understanding for the Person, We have Forgiven them. ~ MoonSinger