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Father's Day Poem ( A Four Year Old View of Dad)
5/28/2012 7:42:17 AM

A 4 Year Old View of Dad

By Dean Beaty 5/24/12

My mommy is a pussy cat.

My daddy’s not quite that.

But someone must protect us all

When evil comes to call.

But daddy’s heart is also soft

And that I’ve proven oft.

Especially when he takes a nap

And I crawl into his lap.

His face rough when he doesn’t shave.

His smile is soft when I behave.

His hand is tough when I am bad

But I’m thankful he’s my dad.

Even when he might feel ill,

He works hard to pay each bill.

His shoulders are broad and very strong

And he tries hard to not do wrong.

It takes a lot to be a dad

When not done well it’s very sad.

But I thank God that mine is great

And of that truth there’s no debate.

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