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Diane Bjorling

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How IS your Social Reputation?
12/3/2012 4:12:12 PM
We all love hearing good things about our selves and we all love getting badges. A good example of a badge that is wanted by many is the POTW Cup which like an Olympic gold medal hangs under our name in Adland.


There are other kinds of badges though and this one is also are we seen in Google? Does your Google search results show favorably to others searching for you OR is your on line presence being seen in a negative way?

I found an application ( ya I did it again) where you can grade yourself as to what is seen online via Google search of your name and it is called - Google Grader

Google Grader App on Facebook.png

I am happy to report that I got an A+ which says to me, that what I am putting on the net is positive, it is relevant and it is of value.

To go one step further and something to note, one of the questions I was asked was.... my Adland profile and if it was positive, negative or was not me...All in all I am going to say that I have been a positive influence to those who have gotten to know me and that what I put on here is relevant...according to Google that is good!

I challenge each and every one of you to find your grade and if you need to improve then use this free service Brand Yourself to help you find ways and means to improve YOU!

Brand Yourself.png

There are many ways to create a positive online reputation but the one I feel is the best is giving and sharing information that will be relevant to your followers, audience and taking that step to get yourself out there and be known....

Bonus: Google Is The New Resume - Making a Great Online First Impression ( some great tips)
