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David Rowland

194 Posts
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My garden pictures
4/12/2013 6:12:22 PM
I thought I would share some pictures of my garden with ya'll.

Garden pics 001.jpgGarden pics 002.jpgGarden pics 006.jpg
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry
RE: My garden pictures
4/12/2013 6:35:58 PM
Hi David, I think you may have just given me a solution to a problem I was thinking about. I have a small yard but have been thinking about growing some salad greens, tomatoes, peppers and so in containers on my patio but was wondering how I could keep them from dying from thirst from the hot Florida sun when I am traveling for a week or so. From what I see here I could probably set the pots in a larger container and pour water around them to keep them moist while I am gone. What do you think?
May I ask you another question? Would you consider posting all your gardening tips and etc in one thread? It would make it so much easier for people to find if they only had one place to go to. Just my opinion. :)
PS: My oldest brother lives in Kingston, just a hop and skip from Harriman. You two should get acquainted sometime. :)

I thought I would share some pictures of my garden with ya'll.

Garden pics 001.jpgGarden pics 002.jpgGarden pics 006.jpg
David Rowland

194 Posts
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RE: My garden pictures
4/12/2013 6:45:57 PM
Hi Mary,

I posted different threads because there is a LOT of information available, and if I do it all in one post, then people won't read the entire thing, or they'll get burned out on the information or can't find what they are looking for.

Now, as for being gone a week, your idea would work, but there are a couple of ways you could do this.

Get some plastic 2 liter bottles, like soda comes in. Poke some very small holes in them, with something about the size of a needle. Bury that bottle a bit into the soil of the container, plant plants around it, and when you are ready to leave, fill that bottle with water. Make sure you have holes all the way around the bottle, or only the plants on the side with the holes will get the water.

Another way, find someone who makes pottery. Get them to make you some clay jars, large enough to hold up to a couple of gallons of water. Put those in the soil and plant around them. Then, when you get ready to leave, fill them with water. The water should seep out of the un-fired clay into the soil.

I would also suggest that you test these 2 methods while you are at home, to make sure that they work properly. Either one should make your soil damp for the duration your gone.

Another way would be to plant your plants in a homemade self watering pot using the 2 liter bottles for soda. Lydia posted how to do so in her forum I believe, with pictures to explain it better. I don't remember the name of her forum though.
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry
Lydia Fokina

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RE: My garden pictures
4/12/2013 6:46:58 PM

Hi David!

That it grows? Beans?

David Rowland

194 Posts
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RE: My garden pictures
4/12/2013 6:51:43 PM
Hi Lydia,

No, that is a bell pepper coming up. I haven't posted all of my pictures yet. I'll be adding more later. The beans are planted directly into the garden, so they haven't come up yet.
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry