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David Rowland

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Herbs and their uses
5/9/2013 3:34:25 PM

Lemon balm has many uses, although most people only think of using it for tea, used for relief from chronic bronchial catarrh, colds and headaches.

However, lemon balm is also good for use in potpourri, nosegays, and pillows.

Add the juice from crushed leaves to furniture polish.

Finely chop fresh leaves into salads, homemade mayonnaise, sauerkraut, poultry, pork, pickled herrings, and white sauce for fish.

You can add the leaves to fruit salads, fruit drinks, jellies, custards, and wine cups.

You can add it to blended vinegars.

Spread lemon balm over chicken before cooking.

Lemon balm can be added to soups, grilled or baked fish, chicken, lamb, casseroles, asparagus, mushrooms, salads, fruit salads, vinegars, sweet jellies and wine punches.
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry
David Rowland

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RE: Herbs and their uses
5/9/2013 4:15:12 PM

Most people know that onions and garlic are good for you, but do you know all of the health benefits?

Here are a few:

The stronger the smell, the more beneficial it is.
Chinese chives have a garlic flavor.
The flower of chives can be eaten raw in salads.
The leaf, the long green part, of onions and chives, can be eaten in just about anything. Many folks mistakenly believe that the green leaf of onions cannot be eaten.
To reconstitute chives, moisten with salad dressing or lemon juice.
All alliums contain iron and vitamins.
Chives help stimulate the appetite and help digestion.
Garlic can help cleanse your blood and clear coughs and congestion. Take as a precaution against colds.
Alliums also help with colds, coughs, high blood pressure, blood sugar, blood circulation, digestion, healthy appetite, toothaches, headaches, and much, much more, depending on who you talk to.
Everyone agrees however, that alliums are very beneficial to everyone.

You can also grow Chives as a deterrent in the garden for aphids, apple scale, and mildew.
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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Herbs and their uses
5/9/2013 5:01:57 PM
Hi David,

This is a great forum and a much needed subject. I don't think a lot of people know just how important herbs are.

Lemon Balm

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Herbs and their uses
5/9/2013 5:47:59 PM

Well, As a pro gardener I still need to learn. I have a lot of this herb in gardens where I work and only knew about using it in drinks.

Great write on opnions. My only contribution is this.

NEVER use an onion that has been peeled or cut for longer than a couple of hours. They are very harmful if not used within a short time.


David Rowland

194 Posts
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RE: Herbs and their uses
5/9/2013 6:21:54 PM
Hi Roger,

I will have to disagree about the cut or peeled onions being harmful after a couple of hours. We have cut and peeled onions and left them out for several hours, with no harmful effects.

Whether the onions are harmful after cutting them is going to depend on a lot of things, such as the room temperature, and the environment where you cut it. If there are a lot of other foods out at the same time, especially raw meat, then yes, that can contaminate the onions.

And of course if someone sick is around the cut onions that could contaminate them also.

I am NOT endorsing cutting onions and just leaving them out. Always err on the side of caution. Cut them, and either use them immediately, or refrigerate them in a closed container. Better to be safe than to get that one instance where they do get contaminated.
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry