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Bob Shoaf

202 Posts
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How to get anything you want...
5/14/2013 4:52:54 PM
Construct a positive self-talk. Start by saying, "I am....". You have to use emotion. Just saying it will not be effective. Your mind only acts on emotion. For example say, "I am having fun, attracting and sponsoring ______________ into my business, easily and consistently through education and teamwork". Say this self-talk 500 times per day.

Fill in the blank with whatever the top level is in your NWM company. Always use the highest level.

You also need a master mind group. A master mind group of one won't work.

Stop using words like can't and trying. Use words or phrases like I am, attracting, etc.

Doing this self-talk with strong emotion will attract to you whatever you strongly desire.

I hope this helps,
I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart
RE: How to get anything you want...
5/14/2013 7:48:12 PM
Construct a positive self-talk. Start by saying, "I am....". You have to use emotion. Just saying it will not be effective. Your mind only acts on emotion. For example say, "I am having fun, attracting and sponsoring ______________ into my business, easily and consistently through education and teamwork". Say this self-talk 500 times per day.

Fill in the blank with whatever the top level is in your NWM company. Always use the highest level.

You also need a master mind group. A master mind group of one won't work.

Stop using words like can't and trying. Use words or phrases like I am, attracting, etc.

Doing this self-talk with strong emotion will attract to you whatever you strongly desire.

I hope this helps,

Excellent! Welcome to my own little "Master Mind Group"!
It is always good to start improving yourself. How else can you show someone else "the way" if you have not traveled it yourself?

on a personal note: This "emotion" parameter has always been the one to give me the most difficulty. I have been gifted with very powerful emotional responses; both negative and positive. In my youth, I was taught to "suppress" these emotions as a means of control. Sadly this led to even more powerful responses when the dam broke.
As a result of my early training I still try to let logic be the driving force of my responses. But as my wife has taught me, allowing those emotions a safe, sane outlet does wonders for my logical sides clarity.

Once again, Welcome Bob and please keep sharing!
David Weed President,
Bob Shoaf

202 Posts
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RE: How to get anything you want...
5/14/2013 8:59:45 PM
Hi David,

You sure are not alone in having your emotions suppressed when young. A large percentage of the population has had that happen to them.

I agree that emotion is the hardest part. It doesn't come easy. Like many skills, it has to be learned.

People who teach memory skills suggest very crazy mind pictures to help them remember. I guess since we're dealing with the mind that's why emotion plays such a big part.

Sounds like you have overcome the emotionless lessons learned in childhood. lol

The better one can construct a "WHY", why they are creating an income from home, the easier it is to generate the required emotion.

Good to be here and share ideas,

I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart
Neha Ali

1 Posts
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RE: How to get anything you want...
6/21/2013 5:59:52 AM
Hi everyone,
It is really very nice and informative forum thanks for sharing ....
RE: How to get anything you want...
7/16/2013 5:28:49 PM
It's funny how powerful that is. The positive thinking and goal setting. I am learning that its the small stuff, the stuff can not necessarily see that is the most important. Learning to skip the instant gratification and see down the road.

For me it was not till I took personal development full time that it started to change my thinking which gave me new ideas which lead to different results.

We are very powerful and have a very powerful tool (our brain) at our use but first we need to learn how to use it. Success is a skill and all skills are learnable but it takes a little work to achieve it.

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