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How To Promote Your Business *** TIP #2 ***
9/24/2013 12:24:21 AM
Hello There,

Here's Tip #2 : Updating Your Website's Content ...

It's not just a matter of updating your site that is important. It matters that you update your site with relevant content that will either :

Engage your site guests to act in a certain way; either send you an email, call your hotline, purchase your ebook or whatever the case maybe.

Just adding any old content to your site will not freshen it up. Just adding any old content could very well have the opposite affect that you're going after.

Here are a few things you can do to find content either to share or build on :

1) Search YouTube for videos that either illustrate your business' , products or services purpose.

Why reinvent content when you can potentially link to 1 of hundreds of thousands of videos out there that speak to your relevancy.

2) Search Social Media website's for what's trending and connect relevancy dots from them back to you.

3) UmMmMm! Hello!!! There are hundreds of thousands of Bloggers in this world. Cite them... give them credit... heck you can even link back to them at the end of your site post, but do know that this is another opportunity for you to NOT recreate what has already been created!!!

Oh! I am not saying PLAGIARIZER! I am saying give credit and use them and their content to drive home a point to your site guests.

4) Wikipedia is your friend... when all else fails, use this site as a source of clarification, explanation and or illustration. Please note that NOT everything on Wikipedia should be taken as the gospel truth, so use your better judgment when citing or using content from this site to balance your credibility on.

5) Purchasing Content : There's a cool site called tradebit where you can find almost any and everything to sell, share and use to better yourself/site/service/product.

One of the things you can purchase is PLR and MLR material that speaks to what you have going on.

Please note that these sites may be a little fuzzy on relevancy because at the end of the day, these people are trying to earn an online living as well. So you're going to want to ask questions and really gleam the products prior to purchasing because you won't be able to find out the creation date until after you've purchased.

Some items are as cheap as $0.99. Others are can be pretty expensive. However, just like the grocery store, you're going to want to price compare because someone maybe selling the same item for a milli-fraction of what others are.

I hope you find today's tips useful... See you around (especially next Monday for another Promotion Tip) ...

Best Regards,
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