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25% Referral Bonus For Affiliates
9/27/2013 6:25:25 PM
The concept is very simple and straightforward. If an Affiliate refers someone who purchases the prints, the Affiliate would receive a 25% Referral Bonus of $12.50 within a few days. It is a wonderful win win situation that economically supports both the movement and the Affiliates. There are no referral targets that Affiliates are obligated to reach and therefore no pressure on them to refer print buyers. Our primary goals are to empower others first by sharing our message of attaining inner peace in order to achieve social peace and to promote the positive principles for life through inspirational art. Even if you only referred one person, that would still make a difference and help in the advancement of our movement. ****Please note**** This is NOT a multi-level marketing operation. There is one rule for everyone. Refer someone who purchases a print and receive a 25 % Referral Bonus of $12.50... THAT'S IT! The Global Gallery will provide an additional financial blessing to reward Affiliates who target groups and organizations that need to raise funds. This would be when the fundraising groups become Affiliates.