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Lawrence Bergfeld

381 Posts
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How Strong Is Your Burning Desire?
6/17/2014 10:41:33 AM
Tuula Rands writes in her lesson plan on a burning desire and I must say that if we are not excited and passionate about our business then lets face facts and ask for the exit sign!

Click here for the rest of the story.


Lawrence Bergfeld
PS: Be A Mentor With A Servants Heart Lawrence Bergfeld 917-399-6207
Sandra Cromwell

1170 Posts
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RE: How Strong Is Your Burning Desire?
6/17/2014 2:42:33 PM
Tuula is a great inspiration. She proves, with her contributions, that even though we may struggle with success, it doesn't mean we are failing. We all struggle, and as Tuula says, all we have to do is focus on our Desire and Persevere. Don't give up, keep moving forward, do at least one thing that brings you closer to your goal and you ARE successful. Only quitters fail.
To Your Success
Sandra Cromwell
Mentor with a Servant's Heart
All the tools you need for success are within you.
Lawrence Bergfeld

381 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: How Strong Is Your Burning Desire?
6/17/2014 10:19:23 PM
That is so true Sandra, lets just stay focused and do whatever it takes to accomplish our goals. That way the distractions will mean less and less to us!

Lawrence Bergfeld
PS: Be A Mentor With A Servants Heart Lawrence Bergfeld 917-399-6207