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Diane Bjorling

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Fall in love with Email using TinyLetter
7/21/2014 5:35:44 AM
I came across this tool earlier today while I was researching something else ( doesn't that figure?)

Now I know that email newsletters are important to any serious internet marketer, but I also know that most applications are either too expensive,they are too complicated to use or people are just too busy to play around creating a good news letter for subsribers.

Enter TinyLetter!

TinyLetter is owned by the very popular MailChimp, but unlike MailChimp, this service is FREE!...sorry for shouting but to me that is a huge factor when finding tools that will be useful and have quality!

There are three features that you should consider if you are going to give TinyLetter a try:

1 This service will track open and clicks that's all!

2. You are limited to the amount of subscribers you can send to...are you ready for it - 3,000 people and personally I think that is pretty darn good!

3. A unique feature that I have not seen to date and that is ..managing replies. when a reader replies to a newsletter, in addition to getting it by email, you will also get it in a handy section inside TinyLetter where you can see all the replies to any given newsletter, and send replies back, too.)

This is not a fancy service, there are no design templates, but it allows for rich text and putting in images.

For people who are new to marketing and email news letters, this is the perfect answer to get you started and for those of you who are seasoned..well it never hurts to try something new!

If you do give it a try, be sure to come back and let us all know how it is working for you