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Diane Bjorling

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Forums are not dead!
2/18/2016 9:12:40 PM

Forums are not dead- but they are misunderstood

With the the proliferation of social media sites, many people tend to stay away from forums as old school, useless or not needed and many people will have you believing that forums are dead..but that really is not the case!

Here are some core strengths to forums

1.Forums are the best medium for many people to carry on discussions around a subject of mutual interest. These topics are usually niche interests, but the accessibility to these topics has resulted in more people learning about these topics and that in turn keeps driving unique users to forum based properties.

2. Forums are where you go to learn about a topic in its entirety. On a forum you can ask and answer questions but you can also share content whether it is something you have found, or something you have created.
3. There are many specific sites that will allow you to pose questions and and anwers or share user generated content but forums give you a comprehensive ability to do both in a way that is not limited by social or follower dynamics.

4. When you think about it there are two types of people on the internet - those who simply consume information and those who both create and consume it. Forums allow for both types of people.

The fact is forums have had to evolve to keep up with the "Jones"..but are they dead... NOPE!
