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Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
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Occupy The Internet
5/23/2016 2:13:02 AM
We want Totally Free Global Internet, by the people-for the people.
The Internet was made by people - for people. So it should be owned and controlled by people.

You can help just by joining this program. For joining you will receive 5 shares of CommHubb Stock and profit sharing. Getting more Shares, is getting more people to sign up.

See for yourself and read more here:

Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Occupy The Internet
5/25/2016 5:47:33 AM
We want Totally Free Global Internet, by the people-for the people.
The Internet was made by people - for people. So it should be owned and controlled by people.

You can help just by joining this program. For joining you will receive 5 shares of CommHubb Stock and profit sharing. Getting more Shares, is getting more people to sign up.

See for yourself and read more here:

Thanks for posting this ad Myrna! It is taking me a while to get to it and the other ads you posted because of some script issues that were slowing down my computer. Not sure what was happening there but seems to be OK right now. We just paid this one forward to 3007 of our randomly selected friends in HotSpotMailer
Join HSM Now
This is one of our favorite mailers. We will tell you more about it in a few minutes but first here is the message we sent:
Subj: Help Myrna Ferguson to Keep The Internet FREE for all of us!!!
Hi HSM Friends,

Our good friend Myrna Ferguson is helping everyone to keep the Internet Free! You too can help and benefit. Check her ad about it out in the Adlandpro "Having Success Pay It Forward!' forum that you go to for credits.

We are paying Myrna's ad forward here in HSM and all over the Internet. We at least guarantee 150 unique visits to all ads in that forum. Be one of the 1st to get involved and help Myrna help you and all of us to keep the Internet free as it was intended to be.

You don't have to be a member of Adlandpro to get involved but it would be in your best interest to join.

Go to this URL to join Adlandpro:

Watch the movie and click on the ** Register here **

If you are a member, you too can get your ads paid forward.

Now let's go to the forum and save the Internet for all of us!

Ken Wolff
Now for more information and links to join HotSpotMailer!

Get Unlimited Email Ads & Unlimited Bucks

Tired of being about to email your ads
once a week or once a day?

Well look no more as the *HotSpotMailer* has
just opened its doors. Find the hotspots and
get even more people to email - easy.

*Email as often as you want.

*Unlimited Email Advertising & Unlimited Earnings.

*All the extra's are dirt cheap too!

Click here for Details and to join!

*Don't hesitant and give it a try!


Ken Wolff

join HSM

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team