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Part 1 Colors Training
7/19/2017 8:06:03 PM
What Color Are You

What do the colors, yellow, blue, green and red, have to do with your success in Network Marketing? A lot more than you realize I assure you. Now the reason colors are used is it's easier than trying to remember the names of the personalitiy types these colors represent. These are powerfu networking secrets SO let's get started.

First of all, Network marketing is not a sales or a recruiting business. Why? Friedm 92% of the population is sales resistant. They don't like being sold, they don't like to sell and they can't stand pushy aggressive sales people. they say they don't like to recruit, even though they have been doing both most of their lives.

However we are taught to Sell! Sell! Sell! and to Recruit! Recruit! Recruit! In this industry we are taught to try to turn people into the people they can't stand, to do something they do not like doing and to do it to people who have being sold. We call it "trying to turn Ballerinas into Capenters".

Now I said that people have sold and rect=ruited most of their lives. We sell ourselves to out employers, our girl or boy friend hopeful, and on and on. they have recruited even before they were able to speak. When they cried, they recruited a mother, father or care giver to feed them change them and hold them. As toddlers they recruit parents to buy them toys. into the teen years they recruit other kids as friends, tto hang out and to do any number of things. as adults we recruit freinds to go to the movies and to concerts and on and on.

Many yearsa ago someone came up withte name of four distict personality types,
  • Phlagmatic
  • Sanguine
  • Melancholy
  • Choloric
These are intimidating names to remember. so we have simplified it so it's easy for everyone to recognize and understand each of the personalities.

The Phlagmatics are the Yellows, they make up 35% of the population.
The Sanguine are the Blues they make up 15% of the population
The Meleoncoly are the Greens and they make up 35% of the population
The Choloic are the Reds and they make up 15% of the population.

As we go through these you will begn to recognize which color you might be. Now many people are a variety of mixtures of all four colors, and some are just one color.

Now I am sure, by now you are asking yourself, why do I need to know any of this? Aren't people just people? The reason we need to know this is that each personality type you meet has their own sub-language which they will most closely relate to. Knowing how to speak to them in theri color language build rapport, trust and lowers the tension level when meeting people.

In addition, Knowing the personality color will tell you their strengths and weakness, thei like and dislikes and gives yu=ou a greater advantage in knowing how to mentor them and and encourage them. in addition tthis you will know if the compensation plan you are working with will lead to their success or failure. If they are successful they wil remain with you for a lifetime. If they fail yu may not be able to win them back if they decide to part company.

Here is a Cheat Sheet For you.

First let's talk about them Yellows

The Yellows make up 35% of the population and their motto is "Let's Be Friends"
What type of occupation will you most likely find them in.:
  • Teacher
  • Nurse
  • Counselor,
  • Theripist
  • etc
Any occcupation where they give back to others
Their voice is soft and Gentle
they dress very comfortable Sandals, Tee or losse fitting shirt or blouse, and jeans. They are laid back people who walk at a slow relaxed pace. Their voice is soft and gentlw

SO what are the strengtho of the yello? they are
  • dependable
  • best listener
  • easy to get along with
  • natrul bor nurterer
  • team players
  • patient
  • supportive
  • nurturing creative and logical
What are the weaknesses of the Yellow
  • they are overly sensative
  • They take things very personally
  • they are followers
  • not goal oriented
  • they buy and agree with other people's excuses
  • Not goal oriented
what are their likes
  • family
  • teamwork
  • relationships
  • helping otheres
what are their dis likes,
they don't like bullies or animal cruelty, the do not like sudden change, pushy people or conflict

I know some of you recognize that you might fall intol this catogory in some degree bot don't come to the conlclusion yeat. "hear the conclusion t o the whole matter. In the next part I am going to share some more about the yellows. How to mentor them, how to recog nize them on the phone and in a letter or online post.

Michael Dennis
Happy Humble Mentor

"You do not need to change a thing, 'YOU' are perfect just the way you are. Your Lack Of Success Is Not You Fault" Michael Dlouhy