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Part 2 Colors Training
7/21/2017 5:32:14 AM
Hello Friend,

Thank you for your continued participation.

Last time we spoke about the need to understand the people you will encounter in building your home based business. that there are four broad categories of personalities and most are a combination but there is only one dominate type We use colors to make it easier to remember and understand the different personality types.

We started with the yellows or the Phlegmatic and we are going to finish this up by showing you some situations a Yellow Personality may find themselves and how they respond or react.

Before we move on I must apologize. I failed to give you some important information about the Yellow Personality.

If you look at the colors chart from (Here is a downloadable PDF of the Cheat Sheet )

Notice top center the word 'Open' and bottom, 'Self Contained'. center left 'Indirect' and center right 'Direct' yellow is in the upper left quadrant so Yellow is on the Indirect side but in the open portion. So yellow is Open and Indirect.

But What Does hat mean!?? To be open they are warm and show and express their emotions but being indirect they don't give a lot of information when asked a question in other words they are reserved when it come to giving out information especially personal. if you asked if they have a family any children, "Yes I have two. and not much else.
Yellows are the best listeners they are the ones that most people turn to because they know they will be listened to.Yellows will build the largest organizations once they they come to the realization that they can do it.

The love shopping it is an adventure to them even if they have no money. they will buy gifts fro family and friends first before buying for themselves.

If you get an email from them they will write about family, relationships and helping people. yellows are soft spoken and very polite, they will not talk over people and will apologize if they do. they are comfortable with themselves and enjoy life.. there is a lot more but I am going to leave it off there,

Now I want to turn to Yellows on vacation (you will see why this is important a little later on)

Yellows On Vacation

when it comes to vacation, Yellows are very sensible and they don't what to spend a whole lot of money.they will drive an sensible fuel efficient care to leave the smallest carbon footprint. they car They will not sta ad the Ritz Carlton but at the Econolodge.
they love nature and will wear comfortable hiking boots and walk the trails. Yellows love nature, to blaze a trail and hike up the mountain. and along a stream or brook.

Why is it important to know this. in order to IDENTIFY A YELLOW you will ask them four simple questions and one of them relates to what they like to do in their off hours, (weekends, holidays and vacation)

Yellow in the office

They have a big warm smile and like to dress casual. they will have ictures of family, ocean scenes and pictures of animals and their handshake is warm and soft.

What they might say about their job
I love the relationships that I have developed at work
I have made some life long friends
I enjoy working s a team.

Oh That's My Pet

Their pet is likely an orphan they got from the shelter they never train their pets as they must be free souls to roam the world

When Yellows Eat Out and look for entertainment
yellows like to go on picnic at very scenic sites, by a lake or the ocean etc.
when they order they order what you are eating. They eat at a slower, relaxed pace and they always take a doggy bag.

There is tons more but that's it for now. we will come back with more on the yellows later. In part 3 we will cover the Blues (The Sanguine)

Michael Dennis
Happy and Humble

"You do not need to change a thing, 'YOU' are perfect just the way you are. Your Lack Of Success Is Not You Fault" Michael Dlouhy