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Part 3 Colors Training
9/3/2017 8:26:40 PM
Last time we left the yellows and We are starting n the blue. Blues are formally called the Sanguine and make up 15% of the population. let's look at a definition of the word Sanguine.

adjective: sanguine
optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
"he is sanguine about prospects for the global economy"
synonyms:optimistic, bullish, hopeful, buoyant, positive, confident, cheerful, cheery;
informal, upbeat
~ (google search)

Blues Motto: I Just Want To Have Fun! Fun! Fun!
In the upper right quadrant we find the blues. they are open with their feeling a and direct with information which means they will not only answer your questions, they won't stop answering or stay on that subject.. They will tell you more than you need to or want to hear. They will tell you their life story, if you don't interrupt them. they will tell you they love if they love you and will no hold back on what they feel.

Remember, Most Blues will tell you, "If it's not fun, I am out of there".

The combination of being open and direct is that Blues are confident in what the know. They can walk up to anyone at all and start a conversation, although it may be a one sided conversation if it's a yellow they meet. Remember AS yellow will never speak over you, and will apologize if they do. Blues will never apologize for that, mostly because they are the ones doing all the talking.

Blues hate to shop, they are impulsive and usually regret a purchase, wondering if they paid too much,or could they have gotten it less expensively. the speak fast and energetic. You will have to match blue to keep them interested so yellows and greens will nee to speed up. they hat a lot of details, a lot of facts and figures, they find it boring and they WILL tune you out. they see the big picture quickly and they don't care about what they can find out later if they need it.

Blue In The Office

Blues desk is like a mine field-it is unorganized compared to the other colors, but they know where everything is. Take my advise, don't try to tidy it up or organize it for them. Never touch a blues desk. Even when they speak they can be all over the place devoting time to a variety of subjects. if you let them speak, the end subject can be far off from where it started, and they are the only one speaking

Oh My Pet

BLUES LOVE RISK, that is fun for a blue. Blues like things like snakes, perky dogs that love to play. They love to play Frisbee with their pets and train them to do lots of neat tricks.

Time To Eat

Blues are the last one to order and the last one to finish. they are to busy talking instead of looking at the menu so they order last.

Vacation Time

Blues will love to go snorkeling or scuba diving. they love hiking, wave riding. diving off of high cliffs. they Just Want To Have fun.

In a later post I'll point you to a free interactive resource where you can learn how to attract and sign each of the colors into your business and how to serve them the best mentoring according to their personality types to help them succeed in any legitimate Network Marketing company.

Michael Dennis
Happy and Humble
"You do not need to change a thing, 'YOU' are perfect just the way you are. Your Lack Of Success Is Not You Fault" Michael Dlouhy