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Robert Talmadge

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Angels - Close Encounters
12/12/2006 8:48:49 AM

Angels, Close encounters

I remember as a child the world was filled with magic
When imagination was stronger than reality
Transporting to another world was as fast as thought
Instantly transformed into wonder and fantasy.

A new toy would fill me with joy
I could command a world inside my mind
And I was not just a little boy
I could sail the universe - who knows what I could find.

To see the Angels it is a little like that
But it is not the childs imagination
It is in the childs wonder
It is in the facination.

Gather your senses and put them away
You need to find within
The highest aspiration of today
When your thoughts of the world grow dim.

Take my hand and come along with me
The journey will be more than peacful
We will fill our hearts with joy you see
And awaken our minds to the possibility.

By Robert

Here are some more "Angel/Ghost" Pictures:

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Jill Bachman

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Re: Angels - Close Encounters
12/12/2006 12:29:27 PM
Hi Robert,

What a beautiful poem and I can so relate.........I see angel clouds all the time and the child's "wonder" is still alive in me  :-)

Bless you for sharing and Merry Christmas,  Jill

Robert Talmadge

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Re: Angels - Close Encounters
12/12/2006 1:37:13 PM
Hi Jill

Children are able to see things in thier innocence and wonder.
Sure they have a very active imagination, but they have
not yet learned to not believe in things. Some of us have
the ability to "see" things that most people for lack of
belief do not notice.

There is no right or wrong belief, just right and wrong
thinking and perception. I have learned to be tolerant
of others and respect thier choices. One person can
see an angel and another may see something else.
There will be a time that this veil is lifted however,
and all people will be able to see.

The "Amazing Randy" has a check for one million dollars for
anyone who can prove to him that there are things beyond
the senses. He has been proven wrong several times, but
refused to believe the evidence. I woudn't want to give
away that million dollars either.

There is a verse in the Christian Bible that reads:
"Except you become as a child, you cannot see the
kingdom of Heaven."

Thank you for visiting my humble forum.


Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Hafiz Rahman

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Re: Angels - Close Encounters
12/12/2006 2:28:54 PM

Hi Robert,

Your poems are beautiful ! I am sure there are many ardent followers whom just cannot miss your brilliant poetic essays! As one who follows not to miss, I felt maybe I just send some verses that may also help inspire you as a man of philosopy and wisdom !

 "Knowledge has two wings. Conjecture is one wing. Conjecture alone is lacking and cuts short the flight. The one-winged bird continues to struggle, hoping to reach the nest somehow with one wing. And then wisdom shows his shining face. Delivered from conjecture, the bird now spreads both wings (and soars once again)."

-Rumi, "The Life and Thought of Rumi"

warm regards


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Judy Smith

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Re: Angels - Close Encounters
12/12/2006 3:32:53 PM

Hi Robert,

 Your poem is just wonderful!  It has captured the perception of a child so perfectly.  I don't have to work very hard at not letting the child in me fade away.  My Grandchildren keep my imagination pretty active and definitely childlike. 

You stated in your message to Jill that there is no right or wrong belief and only right and wrong thinking and perception.  One thing that children do not learn or believe until they or grown is fear, and without it their minds and imaginations fly freely.  It is only the fears of adulthood that make us loose the child.  The Bible is so right.  The Kingdom of Heaven is right there in front of the child. 

Please keep writing, Robert I love to read your poems and quickly, I will congratulate you once again for your POTW throne this week!  Enjoy!

God Bless!



